Burdock Herbal Formulas
Burdock is widely used in traditional herbal medicine for a number of health concerns including cancers, skin disorders, anaemia, blood cleansing, abscesses and digestive disorders. It is used on its own or sometimes in combination with other herbs.
Burdock tends to grow in wastelands and abandoned areas where there is some exposure to the sun. It is usually in bloom from June to October. To learn more about burdock check the burdock profile page.
Below are a list of burdock herbal recipes traditionally used for health conditions including those mentioned above.
Simple Powerful Burdock Formula
4 ounces dried cut Burdock root
3 pints distilled water
Direction: Put 4 ounces of the dried cut root into 3 pints of distilled water. Boil for 30 minutes slowly. Strain, cool and keep in a cool place.
Dose: A wine glass full 3 or 4 times a day (adults). For children, less according to age.
If you wish to keep this decoction for longer periods (more than 3 days) boil down to 1 pint and add 8 ounces of glycerine when it is cold. Shake well together.
Note: If glycerine is added, an equal quantity of water should be added to each dose when taken. The dose is from one to two tablespoonfuls.
Purpose: For syphilis, scrofula, skin diseases, furunculosis, tumours, abscesses, acne, and a general cachectic condition of the system.
Source: Dr. Edward Shook’s Famous Course in Herbology
Ojibwa (Ojibway) Tea / Essiac Tea
The history behind the Objibwa tea is that in 1922, Canadian Nurse Rene Caisse got the formula from a patient who was healed of breast cancer by an Ojibwa medicine man. Caisse later used the tea to heal her own aunt, and subsequently began treating her patients with it (it was called ‘Essiac’ tea Rene’s surname spelt backwards). A friend of Rene, Mary McPherson, later signed an affidavit with information of the formula.
The standard four-herb recipe
1 ounce sifted Turkey Rhubarb root powder
6 1/2 cup cut Burdock root
4 ounces Slippery Elm bark
16 ounces Sheep Sorrel herb
Direction: 1. Mix all herbs together and store in a dry, dark place for subsequent uses.
2. Measure 1 ounce of herbal mixture for every 32 ounces of water.
3. Add herbal mixture and water in a stainless steel pot, cover pot and boil on medium to high heat for 10 minutes.
4. Turn off the stove, leave the pot covered overnight.
5. In the morning, reheat the mixture (do not boil).
6. Let the mixture settle for a few minutes, then strain into sterilised glass jars and let it cool and then cover.
7. Place the mixture in a cool dark place until its first use.
8. Refrigerate after first use.
Dose: Pour ¼ cup tea (one serving) into a cup and add hot water according to your taste (about ¼ to ½ cup of hot water). Do not microwave the tea. Drink the tea on an empty stomach about one half hour before eating.
Results can be seen within 4 – 12 weeks.

Source: http://www.spiritofhealthkc.com/ / https://www.sgn80.com/ / https://www.healthfreedom.info/
Burdock Skin Tonic
2 parts Burdock root
1 part Red Clover blossom
1 part Violet leaves
Direction: 1. Simmer the burdock for 10 to 15 minutes. Turn off stove and add red clover blossom and violet leaves to the pot. Cover and let infuse.
Dose: 1 cup three times daily.
Purpose: For long-term treatment of acne, eczema, atopic skin, or psoriasis.
Rejuvenating Female Tonic
1/2 part Borage leaf (maintains adrenal health)
1/2 part Lemon Balm leaf (lifts spirits)
2 parts fresh Raspberry leaf (strengthens female reproductive system)
1 part Violet blossom and leaf (tonic to whole system)
1 part Burdock root (promotes liver function)
1 part Plantain leaf (nourishing and soothing to internal membranes)
Purpose: This tonic helps maintain and build the body’s strength before and after pregnancy, during nursing, through menopause, and after a miscarriage or abortion; it also eases chronic menstrual cramping.
Source: The Herbal Home Remedy Book: Simple Recipes for Tinctures, Teas, Salves, Tonics, and Syrups, Joyce A. Wardwell
Blood Tonic 1
1/2 ounce Blue Flag root
1/2 ounce Burdock root
1/2 ounce Red Clover blossom
1/2 ounce Yellowdock root
3/4 ounce Sarsaparilla root
1/8 ounce Ginger root
Direction: Boil in 3 pints of water, simmering down to 2 pints.
Dose: 3 tablespoons, 3 times daily.
Source: Herbal Manual by Harold Ward – Page 107 (The Southwest School of Botanical Medicine http://www.swsbm.com)
Burdock Leaf Poultice
Fresh Burdock leaves
Direction: Mash or crush the fresh leaves. Apply to sores, cuts, and bruises. Secure with bandage. Change as necessary.
Source: A Manual of Cherokee Herbal Remedies: History, Information, Identification, Medicinal Healing by Schafer, Patricia D.
Blood Tonic 2
1/2 ounce Red Clover blossom
1/2 ounce Burdock root
1/4 ounce Violet herb
1/4 ounce Dandelion leaves
Direction: Boil burdock root for 15 minutes, turn off stove and add red clover, violet and dandelion to the pot. Cover and let infuse until cool.
Dose: 1 cup 3 times daily.
Purpose: Used for cancer and tumours, to help reduce the serious side effects from radiation and chemotherapy treatments.
Herbs mentioned in this article along with their latin names:
Blue Flag = Iris Versicolor
Borage = Borago officinalis
Burdock = Arctium lappa
Dandelion = Taraxacum officinale
Ginger = Zingiber officinale
Lemon Balm = Melissa officinalis
Plantain = Plantago major
Red Clover = Trifolium pratense
Rhubarb = Rheum palmatum
Sarsaparilla = Smilax ornata, Smilax officinalis
Sheep Sorrel = Rumex acetosella
Slippery Elm = Ulmus rubra
Violet = Viola odorata
Yellowdock = Rumex crispus
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