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Julian Gooden


Herbal Materia Medica

Herbal Materia Medica, Fifth edition by Michael Moore Outlines of over 500 major botanical medicines, with the preferred forms and methods of their preparations, strengths, solutions, the most common adult dosages environmental status, and potential dangers.

chaparro amargo

Chaparro Amargosa

Overview Scientific name: Castela texana Botanical Family: Simaroubaceae Common Names: Bitter Chaparro, Bitter Chaparro, Tight Chaparro, Corona de Cristo, Amargosa, Bisbirinda, Bisvirinda, Quasia, Bitter Stick, Dog Grass, Quassia Common Names in English: Allthorn castela, Bitter bark, Crown-of thorns, Crucifixion thorn,… Read More »Chaparro Amargosa

Measurement of Endocrine Disrupting and Asthma-associated Chemicals in Hair Products

African women worldwide spend millions of dollars every year on various hair care products. Unfortunately, many of the products we use contain harmful chemicals that are linked to serious health conditions such as cancer, reproductive impairment, heart and mental problems… Read More »Measurement of Endocrine Disrupting and Asthma-associated Chemicals in Hair Products



Scientific name: Peumus boldus Part used: Leaves Habitat: Grows in Central Chile Constituents Alkaloids (narcotic alkaloid called boldoglucin), flavonoids, volatile oils, other constituents such as coumarin, resin and tannin. Action Cholagogue, liver tonic, diuretic, urinary antiseptic, laxative (mild), choleretic, anti-obesity,… Read More »Boldo

hepatitis c

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is primarily spread by contact with blood. In the past it was transmitted by blood transfusions, but that is rare today because our blood supply is screened for the virus antibodies. Today it is spread by sharing needles,… Read More »Hepatitis C