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Medicinal Plants of Southern Ecuador

Ageratum conyzoides
Medicinal Plants of Southern Ecuador

The below table outlines traditional use of medicinal plants in Loja province, Southern Ecuador.

Two hundred fifteen plant species were collected, identified and their vernacular names and traditional uses recorded. The information was accumulated from local healers, market vendors and members of the public.

Most plant species registered are only used medicinally, and only a few species have any other use (construction, fodder, food). The highest number of species is used for the treatment of “magical” (psychosomatic) ailments (39 species), followed by respiratory disorders (34), problems of the urinary tract (28), Fever/Malaria (25), Rheumatism (23) and nervous system problems (20).

Table: Medicinal plant species of Southern Ecuador: Scientific and vernacular names, uses and preparation.

FamilySpeciesIndigenous namePlant part usedAdmin.PreparationUseColl. #
ACANTHACEAEJusticia sp.Hierba de la JusticiaWhole plant, freshOralCooked with sugar.Heart, Pneumonia, Anxiety, Psychological tension, Fright /
Susto, Freight in children / Espanto
ACANTHACEAESanchezia oxysepala Mildbr.Cimora ToroFlowers and small Leaves,
OralPut Flowers into flask with alcohol.Against sorcery and for dreams, for good luckBejar76
ACTINIDIACEAESaurauia spp.Hierba del OsoLeaves, freshTopicalApplied to the affected area.RheumatismBejar152
ADIANTACEAEAdiantum concinnum Wild. ex H.B.K.CucharilloWhole plant, freshOralCooked with sugar.DiabetesBejar92
AGAVACEAEAgave americana L.Cabuyo, Penca de CaballoLeaves, freshTopicalParboiled.Depression, Curse someone, Defend against sorcerers during
Bejar48, 236
AMARANTHACEAEAerva lanata (L.) Jus.EscancelFlowers, freshTopicalFresh or cooked with Flor de Malva tea and Aloe juice, rubbed.Infection, Depression, Liver, HeadacheBejar128
AMARANTHACEAEAlternanthera porrigens (Jacquin) KuntzeMoradillaWhole plant, freshOralCooked with sugar, Malva Olorosa, Toronjil.Kidneys, LungsBejar200
AMARANTHACEAEAmaranthus cruentus L.SangoracheWhole plant, freshOralHorchata with Aguardiente (Sugarcane spirit).Headache, Fever, Gangrene, Specific female illnessesCORD18
AMARANTHACEAEAmaranthus hybridus L.BledoWhole plant, freshOralHorchata, 1/2 Tsp in 1L Horchata.General pain, Heat in the breastCORD8
AMARANTHACEAEAmaranthus retroflexus L.Bledo Serrano, Cancel SerranoWhole plant, freshOralHorchata, 1/2 Tbsp in 1L of water for horchata.Flu, Headache, FeverCORD37
AMARANTHACEAEAmaranthus spinosus L.BledoWhole plant, freshOralBoiled and eaten as soup.FoodBejar44
AMARANTHACEAEAmaranthus sp.LancetillaWhole plant, freshOralHorchata, take 1/2 Tbsp for 1 liter of water.Flu, Insect bitesCORD14
AMARANTHACEAEIresine diffusa H.B.K. ex Willd.SangrinariaWhole plant, freshOralHorchata, 1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata.Vaginal discharge with bloodCORD43
ANACARDIACEAESchinus molle L.MolleLeaves and Seeds, freshTopical, OralRheumatism, SpiceBejar196
ANNONACEAEAnnona cherimola MillerCherimoyaSeedsOralBoiled.Cold, during childbirthBejar110
APIACEAEApium graveolens L.Apio NegroWhole plant, freshOralBoiled, taken with sugar for 15 days.To reduce swellingsBejar36
APIACEAECicuta virosa L.CicutaWhole plant, freshTopicalBoiled with Chila Chilo, Cordoncillo, as Poultice, washing of wounds.Wounds of animalsBejar74
APIACEAECoriandrum sativum L.Culantro, CilantroWhole plant, fresh or driedOral1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata.Sleeping aid, SpiceCORD62
APIACEAECyclospermum leptophyllum (Pers.) EichlerCuminilloWhole plant, freshOralCooked with Malva Olorosa and sugar.Diarrhea, StomachBejar82
APIACEAEDaucus montanus H. & B. ex Spreng.CulantrilloWhole plant, freshOral1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata.Stomachache, GasCORD45
APIACEAEEryngium foetidum L.CulantrilloWhole plant, freshOralBoiled with Cola de Caballo, Matico (Leaves), Cadillo, Caña Agria, and Trensilla.KidneysBejar92
APIACEAEFoeniculum vulgare P. MillerHinojoWhole plant, freshOralBoiled with sugar and Aguardiente.Infections, Women after childbirthBejar164
APIACEAEPetroselinum crispum (Miller) A.W. HillPerejilLeaves, freshOral and TopicalParboiled with meat to eat. with salt to make a poultice.Infections, Nose bleeds, To forget love or trauma, SpiceBejar240
APIACEAEPimpinella anisum L.AnisWhole plant, fresh or driedOralCooked as tea.Colds, ChillsBejar34
APOCYNACEAEPlumeria rubra L.SucheLatexTopicalApplied to the affected area with unwashed lamb's wool. patient must not eat oils or lard.
Administer for 15 days.
APOCYNACEAEThevetia peruviana (Pers.) Schum.CamalongaBark and seeds, freshOralDecoction of the Bark or seed.Fever, Heart, Against Evil Eye/Mal OjoBejar54
AQUIFOLIACEAEIlex guayusa LoesGuayusaWhole plant, freshOralCooked, drunk with Lemon and Orange.Sorcery, Diuretic, AnemiaBejar144
ARECACEAEBactris spp.ChontaWoodCeremonial staffs, Construction of houses and roofsBejar114
ASCLEPIADACEAEMarsdenia cundurango Rchb.f.CondorangoStems and Bark, fresh or driedOralSoaked in Cane alcohol.KidneysBejar84
ASPHODELACEAEAloe vera (L.) Burm f.Sábila, Savila PencaWhole plant, freshOralTake the crystals washed from 1 Leaves and mix with orange or honey in 1/2l of water. the acid
is put on red inflammations.
Kidneys, Liver, Inflammation, Weight loss, Internal infections,
Protecting the house
CORD33, Bejar274
ASTERACEAEAchyrocline halii HieronVida VidaWhole plant, freshOralCough, Heart, Nerves, EpilepsyCORD1
ASTERACEAEAgeratum conyzoides L.Pedromera Blanca, Pedrorera BlancaWhole plant, freshOralCooked, mixed with Manzanilla or Fleishmannia sp. (Asteraceae).Gastrointestinal problemsBejar230, 232
ASTERACEAEAmbrosia peruviana Willd.AltamísWhole plant, freshTopical1 fresh Leaves on the forehead.HeadacheCORD61
ASTERACEAEArtemisia absinthium L.Ajenjo, Ajenco, PolénLeaves, freshOral, TopicalCooked. Baths, with 3 Tbsp in 2L of hot water.Body pain, Stomach Pain. only for critical illnessesBejar 25, CORD57
ASTERACEAEBaccharis obtusifolia H.B.K.Chilca RedondaWhole plant, freshOral, TopicalCooked, taken with sugar. For hot seated baths - 3 Tbsp in 2L of hot water.Stomach Pain, Vomiting, Bad Air / Mal Aire, Colds, Bone painBejar106, CORD28
ASTERACEAEBidens pilosa L.HuichingeWhole plant, freshOralCooked.Liver, Infections, DiarrheaBejar168
ASTERACEAEBrickellia diffusa (Vahl.) A. GrayMonte de la HuanchacaWhole plant, freshTopicalBoiled with Sauco, Chin Chin, Chila Chilo, Hierba del Coche, Santa Maria, Suelda con
Suelda and Aguardiente. rubbed externally.
Fright / SustoBejar198
ASTERACEAEChrysanthemum leucanthemum L.MargaritaWhole plant, freshOral, TopicalRubbed externally and placed in the mouth of the patient during cleansing ceremonies.Bad Air / Mal AireBejar190
ASTERACEAEChuquiraga jusieui J.F. GmelChuquiraguaBranches and Leaves, freshOral sugar.1/2 Tbsp in 1L of boiling water, taken withCold, Cough, Pain of the Bones, Flu, Malaria, FeverBejar120, CORD34
ASTERACEAEChuquiraga spinosa sp. Huamanpinta C. EzcurraChuquiraguaBranches and Leaves, freshOral sugar.1/2 Tbsp in 1L of boiling water, taken withCold, Cough, Pain of the Bones, Flu, Malaria, FeverBejar120, CORD34
ASTERACEAEConyza sp.SaucilloWhole plant, freshOralHorchata, 1 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L of Horchata.ColicCORD24
ASTERACEAEDorobea pimpinellifolia (H.B.K.) B. NordBorraja SerranaWhole plant, freshOral1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata.Cough, FluCORD38
ASTERACEAEEupatorium dendroides Spreng.Chila ChiloWhole plant, freshTopicalBath prepared with Chin Cil, Hierba del Cocke, Monte de la Huanchaca.Bad Air / Mal Aire, Fright (Children)/ EspantoBejar104
ASTERACEAEGnaphalium americanum Mill.Vira Vira, LechuguillaWhole plant, fresh.OralCooked, 1 Tbsp in 1L boiling water.Bad Air / Mal Aire, Impact, shock, Diarrhea in childrenBejar302, CORD46
ASTERACEAELoricaria thyrsoidea (Cuatr.) DillonValeriana Fina, TrensillaWhole plant, freshOral2 Tbsp in 1L boiling water or Aguardiente.Cramps, Bone pain, Bad Air / Mal Aire, KidneysCORD50, Bejar290
ASTERACEAEMatricaria frigidum (HBK) KunthManzanillaWhole plant, freshOral and Topical1/2 Tbsp in 1L of water for horchata, with sugar, Aspirin, Caña Agria, Cola de Caballo,
Cadillo and Culantrillo. with seeds and cocoa-
butter for stomach ailments.
Stomach pain, Colds, Fever, Diarrhea, To wash skinCORD23, Bejar186
ASTERACEAEOnoseris odorata (D. Don) Hooker & ArnottLechuguillaWhole plant, freshOralCooked with sugar, Hierba del Perro.Diarrhea (Children)Bejar176
ASTERACEAEPentacalia sp.Valeriana FinaWhole plant, freshOral2 Tbsp in 1L boiling water or Aguardiente.Cramps, Bone pain, Bad Air / Mal Aire, KidneysCORD51
ASTERACEAEPicrosia longifolia D. DonCerrajaWhole plant, freshOralCrushed and parboiled.Liver, AmoebasBejar72
ASTERACEAEPorophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cas.Hierba GallinazoWhole plant, freshOral and TopicalWith Aguardiente or as a poultice.Bad Air / Mal Aire, Fright / SustoBejar156
ASTERACEAEPseudelephantopsus spicatus (B.Jus. Ex Aubl.) RohrSuelda con SueldaWhole plant, freshTopicalCooked with Hierba del Coche y Monte de la Huanchaca. Poultice.Freight/ Susto (Children), Stomach Pain, WoundsBejar280
ASTERACEAEPseudelephantopus spiralis (Lesing) CronquistChicoriaWhole plant, freshOralCooked.Fever, High blood presure, Shivering fits, MalariaBejar102
ASTERACEAESenecio sp.Retama SerranaWhole plant, freshOralHorchata, 1 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L of Horchata.Yellow FeverCORD39
ASTERACEAESiegesbeckia orientalis L.PacungaWhole plant, freshOralCooked with Pedromera, Manzanill, Cominillo.StomachBejar220
ASTERACEAETanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch. Bip.Santa MariaLeaves, freshTopicalRub externally with Aguardiente, Monte Gallinazo.Fright / Susto, Witchcraft, Against the devilBejar266
ASTERACEAETagetes minuta L.Chin ChilWhole plant, freshTopicalRubbing with Monte de Coche, Alcanfora, Chila Chilo, Aguardiente.Skin irritation, Bad Air / Mal Aire, Fright (Children)/Espanto caused
by the rainbow
ASTERACEAETagetes sp.ChininingeWhole plant, freshOralMince and extract juice, 1 Tbsp for every chicken.Inflamed gall bladder in chickenCORD65
ASTERACEAETaraxacum officinale WiggersDiente de LeonWhole plant, freshOralCooked, with Aguardiente.Liver, High blood presureBejar124
ASTERACEAEVernonia patens H.B.K.LaritacoLeaves, freshOral1 glass a day during the evening, 1 month.Rheumatism, Bad Wind/ Mal Viento, Boils, Freight / EspantoBejar174
ASTERACEAEWerneria sp.Clavel Amarillo de Sepa, Clavel
Amarillo de Yuca
Whole plant, freshOralHorchata, 1/2 Tbsp in 1L of water for horchata.Yellow FeverCORD41
BASELLACEAEBasella alba L.LutuyuyoRoot, freshOralBoiled with sugar, Buenas Tardes and San Agustin Lluyo.DiarrheaBejar180
BIGNONIACEAETecoma stans (L.) Jus. ex H.B.K.Fresmo, GualpeFlowers, fresh or driedOral2 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L Horchata.Yellow FeverBejar134, CORD71
BOMBACACEAEOchroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) UrbanBalsaWoodAs very light construction timberBejar40
BORAGINACEAEBorrago officinalis L.Borraja de jardínWhole plant, freshOralHorchata, 2 Tbsp in 1L of boiling water.Asthma, Cough, BronchitisCORD59
BORAGINACEAEHeliotropium spp.YanacaspeWhole plant, freshTopicalCrush, apply directly on tooth.Toothache, Broken teethBejar304
BRASSICACEAELepidium virginicum L.La ChiceraWhole plant, freshOralFright (Children)/ Espanto (niños), Protection during childbirth, Post-
partum protection
BRASSICACEAERorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) HayekBerrosWhole plant, freshOralCrushed and cooked with milk.LungsBejar42
BROMELIACEAEPuya eryngioides AndréAchupalla AmarillaWhole plant, freshOral1 Tbsp in 1L boiling water.Yellow FeverCORD53
BROMELIACEAEPuya maculata L.B. Sm.Achupalla NegraWhole plant, freshOral1 Tbsp in 1L boiling water.Yellow FeverCORD52
BROMELIACEAEPuya sp.ChupayaStems, freshOral, TopicalCooked, drunk with sugar or applied as ointment.Tumors, InfectionsBejar118
BURSERACEAEBursera graveolens (H.B.K.) Triana & PlanchonPalo de SantoWhole plant, freshOral, TopicalExtract juice, take with sugar. Latex rubbed or applied as a wash.Anemia, FragranceBejar226
CACTACEAECephalocereus royeni (L.) Britten & RosePitayoFruits and Leaves, freshOralExtract juice and drink.Liver, WitchcraftBejar248
CACTACEAEEchinopsis pachanoi (Britton & Rose) Friedrich & G. RowleySan Pedro, HuachumaWhole plant, freshOralOne glass daily to prevent ulcers.Purgative, UlcersBejar166
CACTACEAEOpuntia pubescens WendlandGorondillaLeaves, fresh and without spinesOralBoiled a drink together with Eucalipto, Cola de Caballo, Culantrillo, Matico, Prenadilla, Moraja.Removes obstructions in the urinary tractBejar136
CAMPANULACEAECentropogon sp.Cholo ValienteWhole plant, freshTopical bath.Parboiled with Aguardiente as poultice andRheumatism, Pain of the Bones, Cold Feet, WoundsBejar112
CANNACEAECanna indica L.Achira NegraLeaves, freshTopicalPinch one Leaves and put the warm oil that drips out on the belly.Insect bitesCORD29
CAPRIFOLIAEAESambucus peruviana HBKSauco TiloWhole plant, freshOralHorchata, 1/2 Tbsp in 1L of water for horchata.Flu, Heart painCORD22
CARYOPHYLLACEAEDianthus caryophyllus L.ClavelFlowers, freshOralCooked with Toronjil.Heart, Nervous system, Nasal passagesBejar78
CELASTRACEAEMaytenus laevis ReiscekChuchuasiBark, freshTopical and Oral drunk.Bark soaked for 15 days in Aguardiente, then ground and heated, applied as ointment andKidneysBejar116
CHENOPODIACEAEChenopodium ambrosioides L.PaicoWhole plant, freshOral, TopicalExtract the juice of the Leaves, put 1 Tbsp in 1/2L of fresh water. For intelligence blend with
an egg. With Hierba del Perro, very gentle for
children. Rubbed externally.
Parasites, IntelligenceBejar222, CORD32
CYPERACEAECyperus sp.Dictamo del CampoRoot, freshOralBoiled and taken with sugar for 15 days.AllergiesBejar122
EQUISETACEAEEquisetum bogotense (H.B.K.) KunthCola de CaballoWhole plant, freshOral1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata, drink with Cadillo, Trensilla, Caña Agria, Culantrillo.Kidneys, Washing of woundsBejar80, CORD9
ERICACEAEBejaria aestuans L.Payama RosadaWhole plant, freshOralHorchata - 1 Tbsp in 1L water.KidneysCORD2
ERICACEAEGaultheria reticulata H.B.K.Pajama, UvaWhole plant, fresh, FruitsOral eaten.2 Tbsp in 1L of boiling water, Fruits and juiceKidneys, Inflammation, FoodCORD47
ERICACEAEMacleania salapa BenthamSalapaWhole plant, fresh, FruitsOralOralen as vegetable, Fruits, juice.Nutritional supplementCORD88
EUPHORBIACEAECroton draconoides Muell. Arg.Sangre del DragoLatex, freshOralExtract and take.Kidneys, InfectionsBejar264
EUPHORBIACEAECroton lechleri Muell. Arg.Sangre del DragoLatex, freshOralExtract and take.Kidneys, InfectionsBejar264
EUPHORBIACEAECroton wagneri Muell. Arg.MosqueeraLeaves, freshOralCooked with Pico Pico.Stomach pain, Pneumonia, Rheumatism, Tooth extractionBejar204
EUPHORBIACEAEJatropa curcas L.Piñon1. Latex, fresh 2. Seeds1. Topical. 2. Oral1. Rubbed externally 2. 2-3 seeds.1. Wounds 2. Purgative, causes vomiting and
EUPHORBIACEAEJatropa gosypiifolia L.Piñon1. Latex, fresh 2. Seeds1. Topical. 2. Oral1. Rubbed externally 2. 2-3 seeds.1. Wounds 2. Purgative, causes vomiting and
EUPHORBIACEAEJatropa multifida L.Piñon1. Latex, fresh 2. Seeds1. Topical. 2. Oral1. Rubbed externally. 2. 2-3 seeds1. Wounds. 2. Purgative, causes vomiting and diarrheaBejar246
EUPHORBIACEAEPhyllanthus niruri L.Chanca PiedraWhole plant, freshOral2 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L Horchata, drink with honey.Kidney stones, Stomach acheCORD70, Bejar100
EUPHORBIACEAEPhyllanthus stipulatus (Raf.) WebsterChanca PiedraWhole plant, freshOral2 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L Horchata, drink with honey.Kidney stones, Stomach acheCORD70, Bejar100
EUPHORBIACEAEPhyllanthus urinaria L.Chanca PiedraWhole plant, freshOral2 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L Horchata, drink with honey.Kidney stones, Stomach acheCORD70, Bejar100
EUPHORBIACEAERicinus communis L.HiguerillaBark, freshTopicalCooked with Aguardiente, for a poultice.Fractures, SprainsBejar162
FABACEAECalliandra taxifolia (Kunth) BenthSeda SedaFlowers, freshOralTea, 2 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L boiling water, drink with honey.Red vaginal dischargeCORD669
FABACEAEDesmodium molliculum (H.B.K.) DC.Vijado BlancoWhole plant, freshOralHorchata: take 1 Tbsp of the whole plant and put in 1L of water, add honey.Intestinal pain, White and yellow vaginal dischargeCORD15
FABACEAEDesmodium triflorum (L.) DCPega PegaWhole plant, freshTopicalCooked, with Aguardiente, as poultice.LesionsBejar234
FABACEAEErythrina fusca LoureiroPorotilloBark, wood and LeavesOralFeed.Fodder, FencingCORD86
FABACEAEErythrina velutina WilldenowPorotilloBark, wood and LeavesOralFeed.Fodder, FencingCORD86
FABACEAEInga edulis C. MartiusPajúl, GuatoWhole plantOralFeed.Fodder for pigs, FencingCORD87
FABACEAEInga feuillei DC.Pajúl, GuatoWhole plantOralFeedFodder for pigs, FencingCORD87
FABACEAELupinus sp.Vijado SerranoWhole plant, freshOralHorchata, 1/2 Tbsp in 1L of water for horchata.Inflammation, White vaginaldischargeCORD42
FABACEAEMimosa acantholoba (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) PoirUña de GatoWhole plant, freshOral and TopicalCrushed and boiled, applied as poultice or drunk.CancerBejar296
FABACEAESpartium junceum L.RetamaWhole plant, freshOral2 Tbsp in 1L of Aguardiente, to clean.Freight/ SustoCORD30
GENTIANACEAECentaurium erythraea RafinCanchalaguaWhole plant, freshOralCooked with also used sugar, Huichinge and Verbena. Comparable to Chuquiragua.Cold, Cough, FluBejar62
GENTIANACEAEHalenia weddeliana Gilg.Clavel Amarillo SecoWhole plant, freshOral1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata.Yellow FeverCORD36
GERANIACEAEGeranium humboldtii SprengelValerianaWhole plant, freshTopical3 Tbsp in 1L Aguardiente, then spit at children.Inflammation, Cramps, Evil Air / Mal AireCORD44
GERANIACEAEPelargonium odoratisimum (L) L' Herit ex AitMalva OlorosaWhole plant, fresh1. Oral 2. Topical1. Horchata: 1 Tbsp in 1L water 2. Poultice, sap of the Leaves applied directly to
affected area.
1. Diarrhea, Stomach pain, Inflammation
2. Haemostatic
Stomach pain
Bejar184, CORD19
GERANIACEAEPelargonium roseum Willd. FreshMalva RosaWhole plant,OralHorchata put 1Tbsp in 1L water.CORD7
GERANIACEAEPelargonium zonale (L.) L'Herit.GeranioWhole plant, freshOral2 Tbsp in 1L of boiling water.Cures woundsCORD21
IRIDACEAESisyrinchium sp.Pimienta del CampoWhole plant, freshOral honey.Horchata - 1 Tbsp in 1L boiling water withDesinflammatory, Stomach painCORD5
LAMIACEAEMelisa officinalis L.ToronjilWhole plant, fresh or driedOral2 Tbsp in 1L of Horchata, boil slightly.Nerves, Nervous system, Sadness, Depression, Heart painCORD60, Bejar286
LAMIACEAEMentha x piperita L.Hierba BuenaWhole plant, freshOralCooked with sugar, Toronjil, Malva Olorosa.Stomach acheBejar146
LAMIACEAEMentha spicata L.Hierba BuenaWhole plant, freshOralHorchata, For Horchata put 1 Tbsp of the whole plant in 1L of boiling water.Stomach acheCORD16
LAMIACEAEMentha viridis L.MentaWhole plant, freshOral, TopicalBoiled in waterfor worms, Boiled in milk for cold, Boiled with Aguardiente and rubbed on
fro rheumatism.
Anthelmintic, Colds, RheumatismBejar194
LAMIACEAEMinthostachys mollis GriesebachPoleoLeaves, freshOral, Topical,
Crush Leaves, inhale oils or boil.Cold, FluBejar250
LAMIACEAEOcimum basilicum L.AlbacaWhole plant, freshOralCook, with Grama Dulce and Toronjil.During childbirthBejar26
LAMIACEAERosmarinus officinalis L.RomeroWhole plant, freshOral, TopicalCooked, with Aguardiente.Bad Air / Mal Aire, Nerves, Sore eyesBejar254
LAMIACEAESalvia microphylla Kunth.CamotilloLeaves and Flowers, freshTopicalWith Aguardiente.Inflammation of the arms and feet, RheumatismBejar56
LAMIACEAESalvia ramicifolia H.B.KSalvia RealLeaves and Flowers, freshTopicalWith Aguardiente.RheumatismBejar272
LAMIACEAEScutellaria sp.Monte NegroWhole plant, dried and groundOral and Topical body.Grind together with Sangorache to get the extract. Put 4 tablespoons in 1/2l of lukewarm
water. It should be drunk and rubbed in the
Headache, FeverCORD17
LAMIACEAEStachys sp.Poleo GrandeWhole plant, freshOralHorchata, For Horchata put 1 Tbsp of the whole plant in 1L of boiling water.Stomach pain, Stomach gases, InflammationsCORD4
LAURACEAEOcotea floribunda (Sw.) Mez.IshpingoWhole plant, freshTopicalRubbed with Monte de Coche, Chin Cil, Chila Chilo, Aguardiente.Bad Air / Mal Aire, Skin irritation, Fright (Children) / Espanto caused
by the rainbow
LAURACEAEOcotea sp.AlcanforaWhole plant, freshTopicalRubbed with Monte de Coche, Chin Cil, Chila Chilo, Aguardiente.Bad Air / Mal Aire, Skin irritation, Fright (Children) / Espanto caused
by the rainbow
LAURACEAEPersea americana Mill.PaltaSeed, freshOralCrushed and boiled. 1. with sugar, 2. w/o sugar.1. Abdominal pain 2. ToothacheBejar228
LILIACEAEAllium cepa L.Cebolla BlancaTuber, freshOralExpres juice and drinkCoughBejar70
LOGANIACEAEBuddleja americana L.SalviaLeaves, freshTopicalCooked, with Aguardiente, as rubbing or bath.Bad Air / Mal Aire, Headache, Eye sightBejar258
LORANTHACEAEGaiadendron punctatum (Ruiz & Pav.) G. DonGuajuro amarilloFlowers, freshOral2 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L Horchata.Yellow FeverCORD72
LYCOPODIACEAEHuperzia brevifolia (Grev. & Hook) HolabAgua MingafreshOral, Topical3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata.Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, ColdsCORD79
LYCOPODIACEAEHuperzia columnaris B. Oellg.Agua MingaWhole plant, freshOral, Topical3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata.Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, ColdsCORD84
LYCOPODIACEAEHuperzia compacata (Hook.) Trevis.Agua MingaWhole plant, freshOral, Topical3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata.Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, ColdsCORD83
LYCOPODIACEAEHuperzia espinosana B. Oellg.Agua MingaWhole plant, freshOral, Topical3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata.Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, ColdsCORD78
LYCOPODIACEAEHuperzia hypogaea B. Oellg.Agua MingaWhole plant, freshOral, Topical3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata.Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, ColdsCORD76
LYCOPODIACEAEHuperzia kuestneri (Nessel) B. Ollg.Agua MingaWhole plant, freshOral, Topical3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata.Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, ColdsCORD77,
LYCOPODIACEAEHuperzia magellanicum (P. Beaum) Sw.Agua MingaWhole plant, freshOral, Topical3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata.Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, ColdsCORD80
LYCOPODIACEAELycopodium jusiaei Desv. ex PoirAgua MingaWhole plant, freshOral, Topical3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata.Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, ColdsCORD82
LYCOPODIACEAELycopodium vestitum Desv. ex Poir.Agua MingaWhole plant, freshOral, Topical3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata.Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, ColdsCORD75
LYTHRACEAECuphea carthagenensis (Jacq.) J.F. MacbrSan AntonioWhole plant, freshTopicalExternally as a bath or wash like sulfur to cleanse wounds.WoundsBejar262
LYTHRACEAECuphea loxensis Kunth.Hierba del ToroWhole plant, freshOralCooked.LeukorrheaBejar160
LYTHRACEAECuphea racemosa (L.f.) Spreng.Hierba del CocheWhole plant, freshTopicalCooked with Chila Chilo, Chin Chil, and Monte de la Huanchaca as a poultice.Fright / Espanto (Children)Bejar150
MALVACEAEMalva sylvestris L.Malva BlancaWhole plant, freshOralCooked.LaxativeBejar182
MALVACEAESida rhombifolia L.Guintun verdeLeaves, freshTopicalPut the Leaves with salt and use for poultices, put on infections.InfectionsCORD31
MYRISTICACEAEMyristica fragrans Hout.Nuez MoscadaFruits, freshTopicalApply with Aguardiente, Toronjil, Huanil del Campo, Hierba Mora, Payachilla, Mus Mus.Bad Air / Mal Aire, Sorcery, Wounds (disinfection)Bejar210
MYRTACEAEEucalyptus globulus Labill.EucaliptoLeaves, freshOralCooked with sugar Prenadilla and Orange JuiceSore throat, BronchitisBejar130
MYRTACEAEPsidium guineense Sw.GuayavillaYellow Fruits and Flowers, freshOralDrink juice and Flowers extract with sugar.DiarrheaBejar142
NYCTAGINACEAEMirabilis jalapa L.Buenas TardesRoot, freshOralCooked with San Agustin Yullo.PurgativeBejar46
ONAGRACEAEFuchsia loxensis H.B.K.Pena PenaWhole plant, freshOral1/2 Tbsp with 1L of Horchata.NervesCORD10
ONAGRACEAEOenothera rosea AitonShulloWhole plant, freshOralhorchata - take 1 Tbsp of the whole plant an put in 1L water, add honey.Liver, KidneysCORD26
ORCHIDACEAEEpidendrum acrorhodum Hagster & DodsonHierba del CaballeroFlowers, freshOralWith cold water, sugar, Chirimoya, Orange and Lime Flowers, Toronjil, Congona, white roses
and some drops of Aguardiente.
Fragrance, Good LuckRBU/PL340
ORCHIDACEAEEpidendrum cochlidium Lindl.Flor de ChristoFlowers, freshOralWith cold water, sugar, Chirimoya, Orange and Lime Flowers, Toronjil, Congona, white roses
and some drops of Aguardiente.
ORCHIDACEAELycaste gigantea LindlCaña CañaFlowers, freshOralBoiled with Cola de Caballo, Llanten, Matico Culantrillo and Cadillo.KidneysBejar60
ORCHIDACEAESimayucaFruits, freshOralBoiled with Preñadilla and Guayusa.Male fertilityBejar276
OXALIDACEAEOxalis peduncularis H.B.K.TrebolWhole plant, freshOralCooked with Sauco, lemon and bismocarbonato.Diarrhea, ScurvyBejar288
PAPAVERACEAEArgemone mexicana L.Cardo Santo, AnísWhole plant, freshOral in 1L tea.Boil to extract the juice, take with sugar, 1 TbspSore eyes, Lungs, Fright / Susto, Stomach pain, Stomach
Bejar64, CORD67
PAPAVERACEAEPapaver somniferum L.Amapola Roja, Amapola BlancaFlowers, freshOral1 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L of Horchata.Purify the blood, Vaginal discharge with blood, Menstrual regulationCORD56. Bejar30, 32
PASSIFLORACEAEPasiflora ligularis Jus.GrenadillaPeel of Fruits, Leaves, freshTopicalCooked, applied as poultice with agua florida.Infections, Menstrual crampsBejar140
PIPERACEAEPeperomia alata R.&P.Congona SerranaWhole plant, freshOralRefrigerated, Take 1 spoon of refrigerated mixture in lukewarm water. for nerves taken
together with "Pega Pega" (Fuchsia loxensis).
for Evil Wind and much sweating spray on
body. It doesn't work as well as Congona. .
Evil wind / Mal viento, Heart, NervesCORD13
PIPERACEAEPeperomia blanda (Jaq.) H.B.K.CongonaWhole plant, freshOralRefrigerated, Take 1 spoon of refrigerated mixture in lukewarm water. for nerves taken
together with "Pega Pega" (Fuchsia loxensis).
for Evil Wind and much sweating spray on
Evil wind / Mal viento, Heart, Nerves. It doesn't work as well as
PIPERACEAEPeperomia congona Ruiz & Pav.CongonaWhole plant, freshOralCooked.Nerves, HeartBejar86
PIPERACEAEPiper aduncum L.Cordoncillo, MaticoWhole plant, freshOral, TopicalFor the liver 3 Tbsp in 1L Horchata, drink with sugar, Grama Dulce, Caña agria and Cola de
Caballo. for washing wounds.
Liver, WoundsBejar88, 192
PIPERACEAEPiper angustifolium L.Cordoncillo, MaticoWhole plant, freshOral, TopicalFor the liver 3 Tbsp in 1L Horchata, drink with sugar, Grama Dulce, Caña agria and Cola de
Caballo. for washing wounds.
Liver, WoundsBejar88, 192
PLANTAGINACEAEPlantago australis Lam.LlanténWhole plant, freshOralCooked, taken with Huichinge, Cola de Caballo and Mortiño.Liver, KidneysBejar178
PLANTAGINACEAEPlantago major L.LlanténWhole plant, freshOralHorchata, 1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata.Liver, Breast pain, AntiInflammatoryCORD64
POACEAEBromus pitensis Kunth.TriguilloWhole plant, freshTopicalCooked and rubbed externally.Urinary infections, Woman problemsBejar292
POACEAECymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf.Hierba Luisa, Paja LuisaLeaves and Root, freshOralUse root for dysenteria and Leaves to make tea.DysenteriaCORD20
POACEAECynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.Grama DulceWhole plant, freshOralCooked, taken with Toronjil, Caña Agria, Cadillo and sugar.KidneysBejar138
POACEAEHolcus lanatus L.Abrecaminos, Hierba del PerroWhole plant, freshOralCooked, with Malva Olorosa, Paico, Agua de Huayaddilla, and sugar.Diarrhea occurring with a coldBejar154
POACEAEHordeum vulgare L.CebadaSeedsOral1. Seeds are cooked and pased through a strainer, taken in the afternoon. 2. Seeds (grains), no fever present toasted
grains with Oregano and white onions in
1. Tiredness 2. DiarrheaBejar68
POACEAEMelinis minutiflora P.Beauv.YaraguaWhole plant, freshOralenFeed.Good fodder for cows and guinea pigs, etc.CORD27
POLEMONIACEAECantua quercifolia Jus.PepisoLeaves, freshTopicalParboiled, as bath or rubbing.RheumatismBejar238
POLYGONACEAEPolygonum hydropiperoides MichauxSoliman, SolimancilloWhole plant, freshTopicalPut some plants in 2L boiling water and sometimes add Matico and Geranio.Pimple, Wash wounds of livestockCORD63
POLYPODIACEAEPolypodium spp.CalahualaRoot, freshOralCooked, taken with Honey, Grama Dulce and .KidneysBejar52
PORTULACACEAEPortulaca oleracea L. subsp. tuberculata Danin & H.G. BakerCutuyuyo, VerdalongaWhole plant, freshTopical, OralCrushed and boiled, eaten fresh with salsa and oil or rice.Fever, LiverBejar94, 300
PROTEACEAEOreocallis grandiflora (Lam.) R.Br.BoldoFlowers, Leaves, freshOralHorchata, take 1 Tbsp of Flowers and Leaves an put in 1L of boiling water.Liver, Dizziness, Cirrhosis, Wash the bloodCORD3
PROTEACEAERoupala loxensis I.M. Johnst.Tarro SerranoWhole plant, freshDye yarn brown, Flavor OralsCORD85
PUNICACEAEPunica granatum L.GranadaLeaves, freshOral2 Tbsp in 1L of boiling water.Dysenteria, Diarrhea with bloodCORD55
ROSACEAEEriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.NisperoLeaves, freshOralBoiled.Liver, Reduce Cholesterol, DiabetesBejar208
ROSACEAESanguisorba officinalis L.Pimpinella de BejucoWhole plant, freshTopicalRubbed exterenally.Bad Air / Mal AireBejar244
RUBIACEAECinchona officinalis L.CascarillaBark, driedOralBoil 1/2 Tsp in 1L water. in Aguardiente 1 Tbsp for 1/2l .Freight/ Susto, Fever, Bone pain, Malaria, Malaria Tertiana, Weight
loss, Flu or colds
CORD6, Bejar66
RUTACEAECitrus aurantium L.Naranja AgriaFruits, Peel, freshOralJuice of two Fruits with Guayusa as vitamin supplement for breakfast, Peel burned as
incense in ceremonies.
Scurvy, Stomach ache, High blood pressure, Deodorant, Bad Air / Mal
RUTACEAERuta graveolens L.RudaWhole plant, freshTopicalUsed as poultice under arms, heated naturally. for baths and frotations: 2 Tbsp in 1/2L of
Aguardiente, 1/2 Tbsp in 1/2L of water.
Sore eyes, Bad humor, Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting,
Cleansing/ Limpiar
Bejar256, CORD25
SALICACEAESalix humboldtiana Willd.SauceLeaves, freshOral1. Boiled with Aguardiente 2. Chewed1. Fever 2. InfectionsBejar268
SAPINDACEAEDodonaea viscosa Jacq.ChamanaWhole plant, freshTopicalMacerated in Aguardiente, 3 times per week, every other day.Arthritis, Bones, Cold, Muscle pain, Bone pain, RheumatismBejar72, 96
SCROPHULARIACEAEScoparia dulcis L.TiatinaWhole plant, freshTopicalWash affected area and apply as a poultice.Bruises caused by physical blows to the bodyBejar284
SELAGINELLACEAESelaginella arthritica AlstonDoradilla, Trensita, TrensillaWhole plant, freshOralCooked, taken with sugar, Chuquiragua, Verbena, Canchalagua.Bones, sore bonesBejar126
SOLANACEAEAcnistus arborescens (L.) Schltdl.Pico PicoLeaves, freshOralBoil, give a large glass with Mosquera, Chirimoya and a lot of sugar. if patient doesn't
vomit, give him another glass.
Stomach, Vomiting, Purgative, Stomach swellingBejar242
SOLANACEAEBrugmansia candida PersoonFloripondio, GuandoLeaves, Flowers, freshOralFreight / SustoCORD90
SOLANACEAECestrum auriculatum L'HeritSauco ComunWhole plant, freshOral, TopicalCook and mixed with Trebol, lemon and bismocarboanate, drink or rub externally.Diarrhea, ScurvyBejar270
SOLANACEAECestrum sp.Sauco VerdeLeaves, freshTopical foreheadPut the juice of the leaves in water, put onAgainst heat/feverCORD68
SOLANACEAEDatura ferox L.ChamicoLeaves, freshTopicalRemove leaves and then rub affected area with them.Asthma, RheumatismBejar98
SOLANACEAEIochroma loxense (Kunth.) Miers.MarapicoWhole plant, fresh1. Topical, 2.,3.Oral1. Applied as ointment, 2. Flowers boiled with Flor de Christo, Clavel, Pega Paga 3. Crushed and boiled with Pega de Algodon,
steer haunch and Zapallo Serrano.
1. Toothache. 2. Nerves
3. Tumors
SOLANACEAENicotiana tabacum L.TabacoWhole plant, freshTopicalRub externally.Parasites, Fungicide, InsecticideBejar282
SOLANACEAESolanum americanum Mill.Mortiño, Hierba Mora, Yerba MoraWhole plant, fresh1. Oral, 2. Topical1. 1 Tbsp in 1L boiling water 2. Crush Leaves and apply on skin.1. Fatigue of drunkards, Nausea 2. SorceryCORD49, Bejar158
SOLANACEAESolanum albidum DunalTululucheWhole plant, freshTopicalRub externally.RheumatismBejar294
SOLANACEAESolanum nigrum L.MortiñoWhole plant, freshOralCooked, taken with aspirin and sugar.Kidneys, Hangover fever, Vomiting, ShameBejar202
SOLANACEAEStreptosolen jamesonii (Benth.) MiersArco Iris, Flor de QuindeWhole plant, fresh1. Topical 2. OralPoleo de Gentil, 7 Espiritús, and Timolina.1. Fright (Children)/ Espanto, Yellow fever
2. Heart attack, Epilepsia
Bejar38, CORD66
TILIACEAETriumfetta mollissima Lam.CadilloWhole plant, fresh or driedOralCrushed and cooked for Horchata, 3 Tbsp in 1L Horchata. with sugar, phospherous tablets
(Aspirin), Caña Agria, Cola de Caballo,
Trensilla and Culantrillo.
Kidneys, InflammationCORD48, Bejar50
URTICACEAEParietaria debilis G. Forst.PalitaliaWhole plant, freshOralCrushed and boiled with Aguardiente, salt and Naranja Agria, taken for nine days.Internal bleeding caused by a blowBejar224
URTICACEAEPilea microphylla (L.) LiebermanPreñadillaWhole plant, freshOralCook, mix with Simayuca, Guayusa, Aromatic Eucalyptus, and Sugar, take once daily for one
Fertility, Diuretic, Lungs, Venereal diseasesBejar252
URTICACEAEUrtica dioica L.Ortiga NegraWhole plant, freshTopicalRubbed externally: affected area should be rubbed with alcohol or iodine afterwards.Muscle painBejar218
URTICACEAEUrtica magellanica Juss. ex Poir.Ortiga BlancaWhole plant, freshTopicalRubbed externally: affected area should be rubbed with alcohol or iodine afterwards.Muscle painBejar212
URTICACEAEUrtica urens L.Chige, OrtigaWhole plant, freshOralCooked.Neurological pain, Purify the bloodCORD11, Bejar50
URTICACEAEUrera baccifera (L.) Gaudich ex Wedd.Ortiga de CaballoWhole plant, freshTopicalRubbed externally: affected area should be rubbed with alcohol or iodine afterwards.Muscle painBejar214
URTICACEAEUrera spp.Ortiga de Leones del OrienteWhole plant, freshTopicalRubbed externally: affected area should be rubbed with alcohol or iodine afterwards.Muscle painBejar216
VALERIANACEAEValeriana convallarioides (Schmale) B.B. LarsenValeriana Grande, LirioWhole plant, freshOral1 Tbsp in 1L boiling water.Yellow FeverCORD54
VALERIANACEAEValeriana decussata Ruiz & Pav.ValerianaBark and Root, freshOralSoaked in Aguardiente with sugar, Toronjil, and Congona.Heart, Nervous system, NervesBejar298
VALERIANACEAEValeriana microphylla H.B.K.Valeriana Grande RosadaWhole plant, freshOral2 Tbssp in 1L boiling water or Aguardiente.Bone pain, Cramps, Evil Air / Mal Aire, KidneyCORD73
VALERIANACEAEValeriana plantaginea H.B.K.Valeriana, Lirio pequeñoWhole plant, freshOral2 Tbssp in 1L boiling water or Aguardiente.Bone pain, Cramps, Evil Air / Mal Aire, KidneyCORD74
VALERIANACEAEValeriana sp.Violeta SerranaWhole plant, freshOral1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata.CoughCORD40
VERBENACEAELantana communis L.San Agustin LluyoRoot, freshOralBoiled, take with sugar and Buenas Tardes.PurgativeBejar260
ZINGIBERACEAECostus glabratus S.W.Caña AgriaWhole plant, freshOralBoiled with Cola de Caballo, Llanten, Matico Culantrillo and Cadillo.Kidneys, DiabetesBejar58
INDET.Hierba de VenadoWhole plant, freshOralTimolina.White and yellow vaginal discharge, InflammationCORD35
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Traditional medicinal plant use in Loja province, Southern Ecuador by Rainer W Bussmann, Douglas Sharon. Published: 10 October 2006. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2006, 2:44 doi:10.1186/1746-4269-2-44

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