Menorrhagia (Heavy Menstrual Bleeding)
Menorrhagia is menstrual periods with abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding. [1] It could be as a result of uterine fibroids, hormonal imbalance, uterine cancer, ovary dysfunction, intrauterine device (IUD), medication or a number of other conditions that resulted in deficiency and or dysfunction in the body.
Some herbs that have been traditionally used for menorrhagia include:
Shepherd’s Purse
Nettle Leaves
Red Clover Flowers
Marshmallow Herb
Plantain Herb
Black Cohosh
Blue Cohosh
Yarrow Herb
Red Raspberry Leaves
Herbal Remedies for Menorrhagia
Raspberry leaves – A gentle astringent tea for mild cases.
Chaste Tree / Agnus Castus – Heavy bleeding between periods.
Formula: Tea – Equal parts: Lady’s Mantle, Raspberry leaves, Shepherd’s Purse. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup freely.
Formula: Powders – Black Haw 3; Bayberry bark 3; Cinnamon 1. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) 3-4 times daily.
For the severe case. Formula. Bur-marigold 2; Lady’s Mantle 2; Beth root 1. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 1-2 teaspoons; Tinctures: 2-3 teaspoons; every 2 hours.
Prophylactic: Mistletoe, taken at least 14 days before period.
Diet: Vitamin K foods (leafy green vegetables), iron-rich foods, prunes, kelp, sea moss.
Sitz bath: Has a toning effect upon the pelvic organs, arresting high blood loss.
Dr. Sebi’s Estro Formula
Many women have reported success with Dr. Sebi’s Estro herbal formula for females – in reducing or eliminating symptoms associated with the period, including heavy bleeding. The main ingredients of the Estro are Hydrangea, Damiana, Sarsaparilla and Irish Seamoss.
Using Shepherd’s Purse
Shepherd’s Purse (Capsulla Bursa-Pastoris) [3]
WHOLE PLANT. Tincture: (Fresh Plant, 1:2, recent Dry Plant, 1:5, 50% alcohol]
20-60 drops.
Tea: 2 large cups of freshly boiled water (approximately 1 litre) to 3-4 heaped tsp of Shepherd’s Purse dried herb. [4]
Cover and allow the tea to steep for 15-20 minutes. Allow to cool and strain before drinking.
[2] Bartram Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, 1995, Thomas Bartram
[3] Principles and Practice of Constitutional Physiology for herbalists, Michael Moore
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