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Herbs, Spices & their Complements

allspice, pimento

The following list includes the most common spices and herbs and, in general, the types of foods they’re compatible with:
Allspice: Apples, beets, cabbage, caramel, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, juniper, nuts, nutmeg, onions, pears, pumpkin, root vegetables, seaweeds

Anise: Apples, beets, caramel, carrots, chocolate, citrus, cinnamon, coconut, cranberry, figs, root vegetables, seaweeds, stone fruits, tea

Basil: Artichokes, coconut, eggplant, figs, garlic, leafy vegetables, mint, mushrooms, olives, oregano, parsley, peaches, raspberries, rosemary, seaweeds, thyme, tomato, vinegar


Bay: Artichokes, apples, bananas, beans, citrus, dates, figs, grains, mushrooms, nuts, potatoes, seaweeds, stone fruits, tamarind, thyme, tomatoes

Beets, cabbage, dill, fennel, garlic, nuts, mushrooms, onions, oregano, potatoes, root vegetables, seaweeds, yeast breads

Cardamom: Apples, bananas, beans, caramel, cinnamon, citrus, coconut, coffee, coriander, curry, dates, ginger, grains, grains of paradise, nuts, pepper, pumpkin, sugar, squash, yeast breads

Chervil: Artichokes, asparagus, carrots, chives, citrus, grains, green beans, leafy vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, onions, parsley, pasta, potatoes, seaweeds, tarragon, thyme, vinegar

Chives: Asparagus, beets, chervil, dill, horseradish, leafy greens, mushrooms, olives, pasta, parsley, potatoes, seaweeds, tarragon

Avocados, chiles, citrus, coconut, coriander, corn, cumin, curry, dates, fennel, figs, garlic, mint, oregano, pepper, seaweeds, tomatoes

Cinnamon: Allspice, apples, bananas, beans, caramel, cardamom, chiles, chocolate, clove, coffee, cranberry, curry, dates, figs,  ginger, grains, nutmeg, pumpkin, stone fruit, sugar, squash, tea, vanilla

Clove: Apples, beets, cinnamon, citrus,  ginger, grains of paradise, nuts, nutmeg, peaches, pineapple, pumpkin, root vegetables, stone fruit, tomatoes, vanilla

Coriander: Bananas, beans, cilantro, cumin, curry, mint, parsley, root vegetables, seaweeds, tomatoes

Cumin: Avocados, beans, cilantro, citrus, coconut, cucumber, garlic, grains, mango, mint, onion, parsley, tomatoes

Anise, beets, cabbage, caraway, carrots, chives, cucumbers, fennel, mint, oregano, parsley, potatoes, tarragon, tomatoes, yeast bread

Fennel: Artichokes, anise, apples, artichokes, basil, beans, cabbage, cilantro, dill, eggplant, figs, garlic, olives, onions, oregano, parsley, potatoes, thyme, tomato

Fenugreek: Allspice, beans, cumin, cardamom, chiles, cinnamon, curry, ginger, potatoes

Ginger: Allspice, anise, asparagus, bananas, carrots, chiles, chives, chocolate, cinnamon, citrus, cloves, coconut, coriander, cranberry, cumin, curry, dates, fennel, figs, garlic, jasmine, nutmeg, onions, pears, pepper, pumpkin, raisins, root vegetables, rose, seaweeds, stone fruits, sugar, tea, tropical fruits

Horseradish: Apples, beets, capers, chives, citrus, dill, nuts, mustard, onions, potatoes, seaweeds, root vegetables, vinegar

Juniper: Allspice, cabbage, cilantro, garlic, lavender, olives, oregano, pepper, rosemary, vinegar

Lavender: Anise, apples, berries, cranberry, fennel, figs, garlic, juniper, rose, rosemary, thyme, olives, oregano, potato, sage, stone fruit, sugar, tarragon, tea

Lemongrass: Berries, carrots, chiles, cilantro, coriander, coconut, curry, garlic, onions, pepper, parsley, seaweeds, tea, thyme, tomato

Basil, beans, carrots, chocolate, cilantro, citrus, coconut, coriander, cranberry, eggplant, fennel, figs, garlic, grains, parsley, tea, yogurt


Mustard: Anchovy, anise, asparagus, cabbage, capers, chiles, fennel, root vegetables, seaweeds, vinegar, yeast bread

Nutmeg: Allspice, asparagus, cabbage, carrots, cinnamon, clove, coffee, cranberries, cumin, ginger, green beans, pasta, peaches, pumpkin, potato, sugar, vanilla

Oregano: Artichokes, basil, beans, cinnamon, cumin, eggplant, fennel, garlic, mushrooms, nuts, parsley, pasta

Parsley: Artichokes, asparagus, basil, bay, beans, chervil, chives, dill, garlic, mushrooms, grains, onions, oregano, pasta, potatoes, seaweeds, thyme, tomatoes

Pepper: Allspice, artichokes, asparagus, cinnamon, citrus, figs, ginger, mushrooms, pineapple, seaweeds, sugar, tomatoes

Rosemary: Apples, asparagus, basil, beans, caramel, citrus, cranberry, garlic, grains, fennel, figs, mushrooms, nuts, onion, oregano, parsley, potatoes, raisins, sage, seaweeds, sugar, thyme, tomatoes

Saffron: Basil, bay, berries, chives, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cumin, curry, fennel, garlic, ginger, grains, mint, parsley, seaweed, tomatoes

Sage: Anchovy, capers, citrus, cranberry, garlic, green beans, lavender, mushrooms, nuts, parsley, plums, rosemary, seaweeds, thyme


Sesame: Bananas, beans, cinnamon, citrus, coconut, eggplant, garlic, ginger, leafy greens, nuts, mustard, onions, pasta, pepper, root vegetables, rosemary, seaweeds, stone fruits, thyme, vinegar, yeast bread

Sorrel: Chives, beans, leafy greens, oregano, parsley, thyme, seaweed, squash

Tarragon: Artichokes, carrots, chervil, citrus,  garlic, leafy greens, mushrooms, onion, oregano, parsley, potatoes, thyme, tomatoes

Thyme: Artichokes, bananas, basil, bay, beans, carrots, chervil, citrus, cranberry, dates, dill, figs, mint, mushrooms, nuts, onion, oregano, parsley, potatoes, raisins, sage, seaweed, stone fruit, tomatoes

Vanilla: Apples, bananas, caramel, chocolate, chiles, cinnamon citrus, coconut, coffee, dates, figs, lavender, nuts, stone fruit, tropical fruit

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