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Herb Dosage List (How Much Herb To Use)

Burdock (Arctium lappa)

A brief outline of major medicinal plants, giving preferred media, strengths, and common dosage ranges compiled by Michael Moore.

ABIES (Tsuga canadensis, Canada Balsam, Hemlock Spruce)
BARK. EXTERNAL: Weak Decoction. INTERNAL: Weak Decoction, 1-3 fluid ounces. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 5-20 drops. Essential Oil, 2-5 drops

ACACIA GREGGII (Catclaw Acacia)
PODS/LEAVES. Standard Infusion, 2-4 fluid ounces

One tablespoon dissolved in 4 oz. water, flavored with vanilla, cinnamon, etc.
Gum Arabic Mucilage, 1-2 teaspoons as needed.

ACHILLEA (Yarrow, Milfoil, Plumajillo)
WHOLE FLOWERING PLANT.Tincture [FRESH 1:2, DRY 1:5, 50% alcohol]
10 to 40 drops. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces.
ROOT. Fresh Root Tincture, topical to gums as needed.

*ACONITUM COLUMBIANUM (Aconite, Western Monkshood)
FLOWERING HERB. Fresh Herb Tincture, 1:4, topical in moderation, internal 1-5 drops to 4X a day. DANGEROUS IN LARGER DOSES.
DRIED ROOT. Tincture [1:10, 70% alcohol] FOR TOPICAL USE ONLY.

CURED CHINESE ROOT-SLICES. 1/4 to 1 slice, eaten or boiled, to 2X a day.

ACORUS CALAMUS (Calamus, Sweet Flag)
RHIZOME/ROOT. Tincture [FRESH 1:2,DRY 1:5,60% alcohol], 15-45 drops, to 4X a day. The dried leaves make a tasty simple tea.

*ACTEA RUBRA (A. arguta, Baneberry)
ROOT. Dry Root Tincture, [1:5, 80% alcohol] 10-20 drops to 3X a day.

ADIANTUM (Maidenhair Fern)
DRIED HERB. Standard Infusion, 1-3 fluid ounces; 8 ounces as hair rinse.

*AESCULUS CALIFORNICA (California Buckeye)
BARK and FRUIT. Same as Aesculus glabra.

BARK and FRUIT. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 5-15 drops.USE WITH CARE.

BARK and FRUIT. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 3-10 drops. USE WITH CARE.

Powdered or flaked refined mucilage from several seaweeds.
Infusion, 1/2 to 2 tablespoons in water or fruit juice.

AGAVE (Century Plant, Maguey, American or False Aloe, Lechuguillla)
Tincture [Fresh Leaf, 1:2, Dried Root, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 30-60 drops, to 4X a day.
The fresh leaf can induce a rash in some folks; test on arm first.

AGRIMONIA (Agrimony)
HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol, or Fresh
Plant, 1:2], 1/4 to 1 teaspoon as needed

AGROPYRON REPENS (Triticum repens, Couchgrass)
RHIZOME/STEMS. Cold Infusion, 2-4 fl. oz. Tincture [ 1:5, 50% alcohol] 30-60
drops to 5X a day. Fluidextract [1:1, 50% alcohol] 10-30 drops to 5X a day

BARK, FRUIT. Cold Infusion, 1-2 ounces, to 5X a day.

ALCHEMILLA (Ladies Mantle)
WHOLE PLANT. Standard Infusion, as needed

ALETRIS FARINOSA (Star Grass. “True”(properly “False”) Unicorn Root)
RHIZOME. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 30-60 drops to 3X a day. Cold Infusion, 1-3 ounces.

BULB. Fresh Juice, 1/4 to 1 teaspoon. Fresh Tincture [1:2] 15-40 drops.

BARK, fresh or recent only. Strong Decoction, 1/2 to 2 tablespoons. Weak Decoction for external use.

*ALOE (Aloes Socrotine, etc.)
DRIED JUICE. Capsules, a single #0 or #00. Tincture [ 1:10, 50% alcohol] 15-60
drops. Use with antispasmodic such as Acorus or Angelica.

ALTHEA (Marshmallow or Hollyhock)
ROOT. Cold Infusion or Fresh Tincture [1:2] as needed
HERB. Cold Infusion as needed, or moistened for poultice.

AMARANTHUS (Pigweed, Alegria)
WHOLE PLANT. Standard Infusion as needed.

AMBROSIA (Ragweed, Bursage, Yerba del Sapo)
HERB. Standard Infusion, 1-2 ounces. Fresh Tincture [1:2] 20-40 drops, both to 4X a day.

FRESH TWIGS. Cold Infusion, 1-2 oz. Tincture [1:2
], 30-90 drops, both ad lib.

ANAGALLIS (Scarlet Pimpernel)
HERB. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2] 5-15 drops. Not for extended use.

FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion, as needed.Rubbed leaves mixed with hot water for poultice.

*ANEMONE HIRSUTISSIMA (Pulsatilla ludoviciana, Pasque Flower)
FRESH PLANT. Tincture [1:2] 3-10 drops, to 4X a day. Use with care.

*ANEMONE TUBEROSA (Desert Anemone, Desert Pasque Flower)
Same as previous.

ANEMOPSIS (Yerba Mansa, Lizard Tail)
ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 20-60 drops to 5X
a day. Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces similarly.
HERB. Standard or Cold Infusion as needed.

ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 65% alcohol) 30-60 drops, to 4X
a day. Strong Decoction, 1-2 ounces similarly.
SEED: Tincture (as previous), 10-30 drops, or several seeds chewed.

*ANGELICA SINENSIS (Dong Quai, Tang Kwei)
CURED CHINESE OR KOREAN ROOT. Large slices, 1/16 to 1/8 a day, chewed
and swallowed.Tincture [1:5, 70% alcohol] 5-20 drops Capsules, #0, 1 to 3 a day.

ANISUM (Anise Seed)
SEED. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces. Spirit of Anise, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon, Oil
of Anise, 1-5 drops, all as needed

ANTENNARIA (Cat’s Paw, Pussy Toes, Mountain Everlasting)
WHOLE PLANT. Standard Infusion, 3-6 ounces to 4X a day.

ANTHEMIS NOBILIS (Roman Chamomile)
FLOWERING HERB. Cold Infusion (bitter tonic), Standard Infusion (diaphor-etic), both 2-4 ounces.

APIUM (Celery)
SEED. Simple Infusion, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of seeds in cup of hot water.

APOCYNUM CANNABINUM (Dogbane, Canada Hemp)
ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 5-20 drops, to 3X a day. USE CAREFULLY!

ARALIA HISPIDA or SPINOSA (Dwarf Elder, Hercules Club, Devil’s Walkingstick)
ROOT or BARK. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 5-25 drops, to 3X a day.

ARALIA NUDICAULIS (“American Sarsaprilla”)
ROOT. Cold Infusion 2-4 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 60% alc.] 15-30 drops, both up to 3X a day.

ARALIA RACEMOSA [including A. californica] (Spikenard, California Spikenard)
ROOT.Tincture [Fresh Root,1:2, Recent Dry Root,1:5, 50% alcohol] 10-30 drops.
Strong Decoction or Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces.

ARBUTUS (Madrone)
LEAVES. Same as Arctostaphylos spp.

ARCTIUM (Burdock)
ROOT Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces. Fluidextract [1:1, 60% alcohol] 15-30 drops.
Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-90 drops, all 3X a day.
SEED. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 10-25 drops.

ARCTOSTAPHYLOS (Uva Ursi, Manzanita, Bearberry)
LEAVES. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 30-60 drops in 8 oz. of water, to 3X a day.
Standard Infusion 3-4 ounces to 3X a day. For sitz bath, 8-12 ounces Standard
Infusion in warm water; sit in it morning and evening.

ARGEMONE (Prickly Poppy, Cardo Santo)
HERB. Cold Infusion, 2-3 ounces, to 3X a day. For short duration of use only.

ARISAEMA (Jack-in-the-Pulpit)
CORM. Tincture [Fresh Corm, slightly wilted, 1:2, 50% alcohol] 2-10 drops.

*ARISTOLOCHIA CALIFORNICA (California Snakeroot, Cal. Dutchman’s Pipe)
WHOLE PLANT. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2] 5-20 drops to 3X a day.

*ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA (Virginia Snakeroot, Serpentaria)
ROOT and HERB. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 70% alc.) 5-20 drops
to 3X a day. For extended use, use only low doses, and within a formula.

*ARISTOLOCHIA WATSONII (Indian Root, Raiz del Indio)
Same as previous, but safer for extended use, as is A. californica.

*ARNICA (A. montana, A. cordifolia, A. latiflora, etc.
WHOLE PLANT. Fresh plant, flower or root tincture [1:2], dry flowers or herb
tincture, [1:5, 50% alcohol] and dry root tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol]. EXTERNAL
is diluted with one or two parts of water, applied as needed. INTERNAL use 3-10 drops. TAKE INTERNALLY WITH CARE

HERB. Cold Infusion, 1-3 ounces.

HERB. Cold Infusion, 1-2 ounces.

*ARTEMISIA VULGARIS (Mugwort, California Mugwort)
HERB. Tincture [1:5, 50% alc.] 10-25 drops. Acetum Tincture [1:5, in vinegar]
as needed externally. Standard Infusion (drunk hot) for diaphoretic, Cold Infusion as tonic.

ASAFETIDA (Ferula asafetida,Devil’s Dung, Stinkasant)
GUM. Tincture [1:5, 85% alcohol] 5-20 drops.

ASARUM (Wild Ginger, Canada Snakeroot)
ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 20-50 drops in hotwater. HERB. Standard Infusion or simple tea as needed.

*ASCLEPIAS ASPERULA (Inmortal, Antelope Horns, Spider Milkweed)
ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 5-30 drops, Capsules, #00, 1-2, to 3X a day.

*ASCLEPIAS CORNUTA (Common Milkweed)
ROOT. Same as above.

ROOT. Same as above.

ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 10-20 drops in hot water, to 3X a day.

ROOT. Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 30-90 drops.
Capsules, #00, 1-3, all to 3X a day.

ROOT.Tincture [Fresh, 1:2, Dry, 1:5, 50% alcohol],30-60 drops in water,3X a day.

*ASPIDIUM (Dryopteris filix-mas, Male Fern)
OLEORESIN,ROOT.Oleoresin in capsules, 2 grams; powdered root in capsules
10-15 grams. Prepare with epsom salt purgative in the evening, take capsules in morning, have a light lunch, and another purgative in evening.
WARNING: Consume no oils, fats or alcohol the day the capsules are taken, and the light lunch should contain NO fatty foods. USE WITH CARE.

ASPIDOSPERMA (Quebrache Bark)
BARK. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 15-30 drops, to 3X a day.

SLICED ROOT. Cold Infusion, 2-3 ounces to 3X a day. Fluidextract [1:1, 55% alcohol] 10-15 drops to 3X a day.Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-60 drops, 4X a day.

AVENA (A. sativa, A. fatua, Oats, Wild Oats.)
UNRIPE FRESH SEED, w/”Milky” center. Fresh Tincture [1:2], 10-20 drops,
to 4X a day. STRAW (dry stems). Standard Infusion, 4-8 ounces.

BALSAM OF PERU (Myroxylum pereirae, Peruvian Balsam)
RESIN (Dark Brown, syrupy).EXTERNAL: Mix one part balsam with two parts of lanolin or lard. INTERNAL: 5-10 drops in capsule, taken with a little food.

BALSAM OF TOLU (Myroxylum toluiferum)
RESIN. (Light Brown, syrupy, aromatic).TINCTURE: One part resin in five of ethanol; take in 15-30 drop doses or add to boiling water for steam inhalation.

ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 65% alcohol], 20-50 drops in hot water, to 4X a day. LEAVES. Powdered, with water as poultice.

BAPTISIA (Wild Indigo Root)
ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 65% alcohol], WHOLE PLANT. Fresh Tincture [1:2], both taken 10-25 drops, to 3X a day.USE WITH CARE; better long term in formulas

BAROSMA (Agothasma, Buchu)
LEAVES. Cold Infusion (rewarmed) 1-3 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 80% alcohol], 30-60 drops in water. Both forms to 4X a day.

ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 10-60 drops. Cold Infusion, 1-3 ounces.
Capsules, #00, 1-3. All to 3X a day. See MAHONIA (Oregon Grape) as well.

BETULA (Birch)
BARK. Strong Decoction, 1-2 ounces, to 4X a day. External wash.
LEAVES. Standard Infusion as bath or wash, as needed.

BIDENS (Tickseed, Spanish Needles, Te de Coral)
HERB. Cold or Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces.Tincture [Fresh,1:2, Dry, 1:5, 50%alcohol] 45-90 drops.

BRICKELLIA (Prodigiosa, Hamula)
HERB Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces, to 2X a day. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol], 30-60 drops to 3X a day. Use the infusion for Type II diabetes, tincture as tonic.

*BRYONIA (Bryony)
ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, recent Dry Root, 1:5, 50% alcohol], 2-10 drops to 3X a day. USE WITH CARE; better in small, frequent doses.

BURSERA MICROPHYLLA (Elephant Tree, Torote)
GUM. Tincture [1:5, 80% alcohol], 5-20 drops, and diluted for mouth wash.
TWIGS/LEAVES. Fresh plant tincture [1:2], 10-30 drops.

*CACALIA DECOMPOSITA (Odontotrichum decompositum, Maturin, Maturique)
ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 70% alcohol), 15-30 drops.
Usually for acute hyperglycemic episodes; I wouldn’t advise extended use.

ROASTED BEANS. Black, freshly brewed or cold infusion, 4-12 ounces.

FLOWERS. Tincture [Fresh Flowers, 1:2, Dry Flowers, 1:5, 70% alcohol] 5-30 drops, to 4X a day. Dilute with several parts of water for topical use.

CAMPSIS RADICANS (Trumpet Creeper)
HERB. Cold or Standard Infusion as needed externally, 1-3 ounces internally.

CANNABIS SATIVA (Marijuana, Hemp)
FLOWERING TOPS.Tincture [Fresh Herb, 1:2, Dry Herb, 1:5, 95% alcohol] 5-30 drops. Smokers need higher dose. ILLEGAL TO POSSESS AT PRESENT.

WHOLE PLANT. Tincture (Fresh Plant, 1:2, recent Dry Plant, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 20-60 drops.

CAPSICUM (Cayenne, African Bird Peppers)
FRUIT. Tincture [1:5, 95% alcohol] 5-15 drops. Capsules, #0, 1-2

CARDAMOMUM (Cardamom Seeds)
SEEDS. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 5-10 drops…or chew a couple seeds, already.

CARTHAMUS TINCTORIA (Safflower, American, Mexican or Bastard “Saffron”)
FLOWERS. Standard Infusion 4-8 ounces.

CARUM (Caraway Seed)
SEED. Spirit of Caraway (1 part essential oil, 10 parts ethanol) 10-20 drops in water, or some chewed seeds or simple tea for indigestion.

UNRIPE BUDS. Essential Oil: 1:4 drops in capsule, taken with food. A piece of oil-moistened cotton on or in a tooth, avoiding gums if possible.

LEAVES. Standard Infusion, 3/4 Senna, 1/4 Coriander Seed (antispasmodic), 4-8 ounces. Take in evening for morning effect.

CASTANEA (Chestnut)
LEAVES. Standard Infusion, 1-4 ounces.

CASTELA EMORYI (Holacantha emoryi, Chaparro Amargosa)
“HERB”. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Dry Plant, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 20-50 drops (as anti-microbial), 5-10 drops (as bitter tonic).

RHIZOME / ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 5-20 drops, usually in formula context.

CEANOTHUS (Red Root, New Jersey Tea)
ROOT.Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 50%alcohol] 30-90 drops, to 4X a day.

CENTAURIUM (Erythraea, Centaury)
WHOLE PLANT. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2] 10-20 drops before meals. Cold Infusion 1-2 ounces, also before meals.

CENTELLA ASIATICA (Hydrocotyle asiatica, Gotu Kola, Brahmi)
HERB. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2], 15-30 drops to 3X a day. Standard Infusion, 1-2 ounces. Dry Herb Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 20-40 drops, to 4X a day.

BARK and TWIGS. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Dry Plant, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 10-30 drops, to 3X a day. Best for short term use.

CERCOCARPUS (Mountain Mahogany, Ponil)
TWIGS and STEMS. Strong Decoction, 2-3 ounces to 3X a day.

CEREUS GRANDIFLORUS (Selenicereus, Peniocereus, Night-Blooming Cereus)
FRESH STEMS. Fresh Tincture [1:2], 5-15 drops (Selenicereus spp.) ; 10-25
drops, (Peniocereus greggii). Either one to 4X a day.

CHAMAELIRIUM (Helonias, Unicorn Root )
RHIZOME and ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 10-40 drops. Best in lower doses in a formula context.

CHELIDONIUM (Greater Celandine)
WHOLE PLANT. Fresh Plant Tincture, [1:2] 10-25 drops. Alone, for short term use; safe for extended use as a low dose formula constituent.

CHELONE (Balmony, Turtlehead)
HERB. Tincture [fresh plant, 1:2], 10-20 drops to 3X a day. Cold Infusion, 1-3 ounces, to 3X a day. Dry Plant Tincture [ 1:5, 50% alcohol], 30-60 drops, to 4X a day.

*CHENOPODIUM (Epazote, Wormseed)
SEEDS. As Vermifuge: take laxative in evening, fast twelve hours the following day, take 2 grams of seeds [3 or 4 #00 capsules] with a soothing tea, such as Althea or Ulmus, wait 2 hours, follow with a full dose of Castor Oil.
HERB: As Emmenagogue: Standard Infusion, 2-3 ounces. USE BOTH SEEDS and HERB WITH CARE. The herb, used to spice beans, is perfectly safe.

CHILOPSIS LINEARIS (Desert Willow, Mimbre)
BARK and TWIGS. Strong Decoction or Cold Infusion, 3-6 ounces to 3X a day,
WHOLE PLANT. The powder for topical application.

CHIMAPHILA (Pipsissewa, Prince’s Pine)
HERB. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Dry plant, 1:5, 50% alcohol), 20-50 drops, to 4X a day. Standard Infusion 4-8 ounces.

CHIONANTHUS (Fringetree)
BARK. Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces. Tincture [Fresh Bark, 1:2, Dry Bark, 1:5, 65% alcohol] 30-60 drops. LEAF. Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces.

FRESH BULB. Grate 2-4 tablespoons in cheesecloth, rub into a froth in a cup, of water, and wash or shampoo.

CHLOROPHYLLIN (Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin, Chlorophyl “JJ”)
1 scant teaspoon in a gallon of water, 2-6 ounces to 3X a day. WARNING: this will color feces a festive green.

CHRYSANTHEMUM PARTHENIUM (Tanacetum , Pyrethrum, Feverfew)
HERB. Cold Infusion 2-4 ounces. Tincture [Fresh plant, 1:2, Dry herb, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 30-60 drops, to 4X a day.

ROOT. Strong Decoction, 3-6 ounces, up to 4X a day.*CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA (Macrotys, Black Cohosh)
RHIZOME and ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 80% alcohol], 10-25 drops. Capsules, #00, 1-2, both to 3X a day.

*CINCHONA (Peruvian Bark, Quinine Bark)
BARK. Cold Infusion, 2-3 ounces, to 3X a day. USE WITH CARE.

CINERARIA (Senecio cineraria, Dusty Miller)
Sterile Juice, as a pharmaceutical preparation, either from a homeopathic supplier or as a prescription preparation from Walker Pharmacals, St. Louis, MO.

CINNAMOMUM (Cinnamon, Canela)
BARK. Standard Infusion 2-4 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol, 5% glycerin]
20-50 drops, both to 4X a day. ESSENTIAL OIL. 2-5 drops in capsule.

CISTUS (Helianthemum, Rock Rose)
FLOWERING HERB. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] diluted for topical use with two to four parts of water.

CLEMATIS (Virgin’s Bower)
RECENT HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-6 ounces, to 2X a day. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 10-40 drops, to 3X a day.

CNICUS BENEDICTUS (Blessed or Holy Thistle)
FLOWERING HERB. Cold Infusion, 4-6 ounces. Tincture [Fresh Herb, 1:2, Dry Herb, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 20-40 drops in hot water, both to 3X a day.

SEED. Strong Decoction, 2-6 ounces, to 4X a day.

COLLINSONIA (Stone Root, Horse Balm)
ROOT and HERB. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2] 20-40 drops to 3X a day. Tincture
[Dry Root, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 45-60 drops to 4X a day (inferior).

RESIN. Tincture [ 1:5, 95% alcohol] 5-20 drops. Capsules, #0, 1-2, both to 3X a day. Topically, dilute tincture with water as needed.

CONDALIA (Lotebush, Tecomblate)
ROOT AND BARK. Strong Decoction, 2-4 ounces to 4X a day, as needed when used topically

*CONVALLARIA (Lily of the Valley)
ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, recent Dry Root, 1:5, 65% alcohol] 5-20 drops.

ESSENTIAL OIL. 5-10 drops in capsule, taken with food. Topically, dilute with three parts of ethanol before applying.

COPTIS (Gold Thread)
ROOT and HERB. Tincture [Fresh plant, 1:2, Dry root, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 30-60 drops, to 3X a day. Topically as needed, either diluted, or Strong Decoction.

CORALLORHIZA (Coral Root, Crawley)
ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-90 drops in hot water. Cold Infusion 3-6 ounces, reheated.

CORIANDRUM (Coriander, Cilantro)
SEED. Tincture [1:5, 65% alcohol] 10-20 drops. Seeds chewed as needed.

CORNUS (Dogwood, Red Osier, Bunchberry)
ROOT, STEM, BARK. Cold or Standard Infusion, 3-6 ounces, to 3X a day.

HERB. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 10-40 drops; small, frequent doses are best.

*CORYNANTHE (Pausinystalia Johimbe, Yohimbe)
BARK. Tincture [1:5, 65% alcohol] 5-30 drops. USE WITH CARE.CRATAEGUS (Hawthorn)
BERRIES, FLOWERING BRANCHES. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Dry Berries, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 10-30 drops, to 3X a day. Cold Infusion (berries) 1-2 ounces, to 2X a day.

*CROCUS (True Saffron)
STIGMAS. Tincture [1:5, 95% alcohol] 5-20 drops.

CUBEBA (Piper cubeba, Cubeb Berries)
UNRIPE FRUIT. Tincture [1:5, 80% alcohol] 10-30 drops. Capsules, #00, 1-3.
To 3X a day, for up to a week.

GREEN FOLIAGE. EXTERNAL: Tincture [Fresh Herb, 1:2] straight, or diluted with two parts water. INTERNAL: Standard Infusion [lightly roasted twigs], 2-4 ounces.

CURCUMA (Turmeric)
ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol], 10-30 drops. 1 teaspoon of powder suspended in water. Colors mouth a disturbing yellow.

*CUSCUTA (Dodder)
HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces, for short duration use.

HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces. SEEDS chewed as needed.

CYNARA (Artichoke)
HERB IN FLOWER. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol]
30-90 drops, either to 3X a day.

HERB (in summer) ROOT (in fall). Standard Infusion,1-3 ounces, to 3X a day.
For short-term use; may irritate liver if used excessively.

CYPRIPEDIUM (Lady Slipper Orchid)
ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 20-90 drops, to 3X a day. PLANT IS RARE
IN MOST AREAS (and things are not getting any better). Use other medicines whenever possible, such as Epipactis or Valeriana.

*DATURA (Jimson Weed, Stramonium, Thorn Apple)
LEAVES. Tincture [1:10, 60% alcohol] 3-10 drops to 3X a day. Leaf w/Tussilago and smoked. DANGEROUS IN MODERATE DOSES.

*DAUCUS CAROTA (Carrot, Wild Carrot)
SEED. Standard Infusion, 2-6 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 20-60 drops, both to 2X a day.

DELPHINIUM (Larkspur, Delphinium, Stavesacre)
RIPE SEEDS. Tincture [1:2, 95% alcohol], diluted in two or three parts of water for topical use.

CORM. Cold Infusion 1-4 ounces, to 3X a day. Best used in formulas.

ROOT. Fresh Root Tincture [1:2], 10-20 drops or applied topically. Dry Root
Tincture, [1:5, 50% alcohol] 15-30 drops. HERB. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol, 25-50 drops, all to 3X a day.

ROOT. Tincture [Fresh ROOT, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 60% alcohol) 30-100 drops, to
4X a day. Fluidextract [1:1, 55% alcohol] 10-25 drops. Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces to 4X a day.

HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces to 4X a day.DRACONTIUM (Symplocarpus, Skunk Cabbage)
RHIZOME AND ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 50% alcohol], 20-60 drops.

DROSERA (Sundew)
HERB. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2], 5-15 drops to 4X a day.

ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA, E.PALLIDA (Kansas Snakeroot, Purple Coneflower)
ROOT and FLOWERS. Tincture [Fresh Plant 1:2, Dry Plant, 1:5, 70% alcohol], 30-100 drops as needed. Cold Infusion 2-6 ounces, all to 5X a day. Fluidextract [1:1, 65% alcohol] 10-30 drops.

ECHINACEA PURPUREA (Missouri Snakeroot, Purple Coneflower)
ROOT and FLOWERS. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2] 30-100 drops. Dry Plant Tincture 1-2 teaspoons to 5X a day.

ELEUTHEROCOCCUS (Acanthopanax, Siberian Ginseng)
ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 20-60 drops. Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces, both to 3X a day.

ENCELIA FARINOSA (Incienso, Brittlebush)
LEAVES AND STEMS. Strong Decoction, 2-3 ounces, to 3X a day.

EPHEDRA VIRIDIS (Mormon Tea, American Ephedra, Canutillo)
HERB. Standard Infusion, as needed.

EPHEDRA VULGARIS (Ma Huang, Chinese Ephedra)
HERB. Standard Infusion, 1-4 ounces, to 2X a day. Unlike the previous, this type contains the alkaloid Ephedrine and should be used in moderation.

EPIGEA (Trailing Arbutus)
LEAVES. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces to 4X a day.

EPIPACTIS GIGANTEA (Stream Orchid, “Helleborine”)
WHOLE PLANT. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-90 drops. An equivalent to the far rarer Cypripedium.

EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM (Fireweed, Giant Willow-Herb)
HERB IN FLOWER. Standard Infusion as needed.

HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces, topically as hair rinse. Use only herbs gathered upstream…inorganic fertilizer runoff alters the chemistry.

HERB. Standard Infusion for external use.]

ESSENTIAL OIL. 5-10 drops in capsule, to 3X a day.

EREMOCARPUS (Turkey Mullein)
HERB. Standard Infusion, 1-3 ounces, or 8 ounces in bathwater.

ERIGERON CANADENSE (Conyza canadensis, Canadian Fleabane)
RECENT FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion 2-4 ounces, to 4X a day.

LEAVES (from current year’s growth). Tincture [Fresh Herb, 1:2, Dry Herb, 1:5, 75% alcohol] 20-30 drops, to 5X a day. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces as needed.

ERIOGONUM (Buckwheat Bush)
FLOWERING TOPS. Standard Infusion, 2-8 ounces.

ERODIUM (Storksbill, Alfilerillo)
HERB. Standard Infusion as needed.

ERYNGIUM YUCCAFOLIUM (Eryngo, Rattlesnake Master, Button Snakeroot)
WHOLE PLANT. Fresh Plant Tincture, 1:2, 15-30 drops in warm water.
ROOT. Weak Decoction, 4-8 ounces. Dry Root Tincture, [1:5, 60% alcohol], 20-40 drops, in cup of water. All forms to 4X a day.ESCHSCHOLTZIA

CALIFORNICA (California Poppy)
FLOWERING PLANT. Fresh Plant Tincture, [1:2] 15-25 drops, to 3X a day. Dry herb, Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces.

LEAVES.Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces, to 4X a day.ESSENTIAL OIL, 1-5 drops in capsule.

*EUONYMUS (Wahoo, Burning Bush)
BARK. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 10-30 drops. Cold Infusion, 1-2 ounces, both to 2X a day. Avoid prolonged use; Euonymus can irritate the biliary functions.

FLOWERING HERB. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2], 20-40 drops in hot water. Dry herb, Cold Infusion (tonic), Standard Infusion (diaphoretic), 2-6 ounces, to 3X a day.

EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM (Gravel Root, Queen of the Meadow)
ROOT. Strong Decoction, 2-4 ounces, to 4X a day. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-90 drops in cup of warm water.

EUPHRASIA (Eyebright)
HERB. Strong Decoction, 2-4 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 30-90 drops, both to 4X a day.

FOENICULUM (Fennel Seed)
SEED. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-60 drops in warm water as needed.
Standard Infusion as needed.

FRESH BARK. Tincture, [1:2] 10-30 drops, to 4X a day.

FRAGARIA (Strawberry)
HERB. Standard Infusion as needed.

*FRANGULA (Rhamnus frangula, Buckthorn)
Capsules, #00, 1-3, taken with warm water at night.

FREMONTIA CALIFORNICA (Fremontodendron, California Slippery Elm)
BARK AND LEAVES. Cold or Standard Infusion as needed.

BARK. Cold or Standard infusion 2-4 ounces to 3X a day.

FUCUS (Bladderwrack, seawrack)
WHOLE PLANT. Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces. Capsules, #00, 1-2, both to 2X a day.

*GALEGA (Goat’s Rue)
DRIED HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces.

GALIUM APARINE (Cleavers, Bedstraw)
WHOLE PLANT. Cold or Standard Infusion, as needed. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2] 1-2 teaspoons. Fresh plant juice, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon, all to 4X a day.

GARRYA (Silk Tassel, Cuauchichic, Quinine Bush)
LEAF. Tincture [Fresh leaf, 1:2, Dry Leaf, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 45-60 drops to 5X a day. ROOT BARK [Tincture, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 10-20 drops to 5X a day.
Leaf, Cold Infusion, 2-3 ounces, to 4X a day. Use moderately.

GAULTHERIA (Wintergreen)
ESSENTIAL OIL, INTERNALLY: 2-5 drops in capsule. EXTERNALLY, diluted with four parts vegetable oil for liniment. RECENT HERB. Standard Infusion
in frequent 2-4 ounce doses.

*GELSEMIUM (Yellow Jasmine)
ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root 1:2, Dry Root, 1:10, 65% alcohol] 2-10 drops.
ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 5-20 drops before each meal.

GERANIUM (Cranesbill, Alum Root)
ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol, 10% glycerin] in 1/2 to 1 teaspoon doses.
Strong Decoction, 1-4 ounces, both to 4X a day.

GEUM (Avens)
WHOLE PLANT IN FLOWER. Standard Infusion, as needed.

GINKGO BILOBA (Maidenhair Tree)
LEAVES.Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-60 drops to 3X a day.

ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 3-60 drops. Strong Decoction, 1-3 ounces, either to 3X a day. Can occasion sodium retention.

ROOT. Strong Decoction, 1-3 ounces, to 3X a day. Topically, the decoction as an antimicrobial.

GNAPHALIUM (Cudweed, Everlasting)
FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion, 3-6 ounces to 3X a day. Topically, as needed.

ROOT BARK. Fresh Bark Tincture, [1:2], 30-60 drops, to 3X a day. Recent Dry Bark Tincture, [1:5, 50% alcohol] 1-2 teaspoons, to 4X a day.

GRANATUM (Punica granatum, Pomegranate)
ROOT BARK. Cold Infusion, 1-3 ounces, to 3X a day. For tapeworms, alkaloid or prescription treatment is the only rational approach. The bark will shrink membranes and inhibits tapeworms, but does NOT kill them.

GRINDELIA (Gumweed, Yerba del Buey)
FLOWERING TOPS. Tincture (Fresh Herb, 1:2, Dry Herb, 1:5, 70% alcohol], 15-40 drops to 5X a day.

BARK AND WOOD. Fresh Tincture [1:2] 10-25 drops in water, frequently. As a gargle, one part tincture in four parts hot water.

GUAIACUM OFFICINALE (Lignum Vitae, Guaiac Wood)
BARK OR WOOD. Tincture [1:5, 95% alcohol] 5-15 drops in water, frequently.
As a gargle, the same as above.

GUTIERREZIA (Escoba de la Vibora)
FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion, 8-12 ounces in bathwater.

HAEMATOXYLON (Logwood, Brazil)
HEARTWOOD. Cold Infusion, 2-6 ounces.

HAMAMELIS (Witch Hazel)
TWIGS AND LEAVES. Tincture [Fresh Herb, 1:2] 10-60 drops as needed, and diluted for topical use. BARK. Servicable as Standard Decoction topically.

TUBERS. Capsules, #0, 2-4 in evenings. Cold Infusion 4-6 ounces similarly.
Strong Tincture [1:2, 60% alcohol], 1/2 to 1 teaspoons. Some recommend that two weeks on and two weeks off is the best approach to Devil’s Claw. I have found a month of continuous use is the best way to begin.

*HEDEOMA (American Pennyroyal, Poleo Chino)
HERB.Tincture [Fresh Plant,1:2,Dry Plant (recent) 1:5,50% alcohol] 20-60 drops
drops in hot water. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces, to 5X a day. ESSENTIAL OIL. diluted with vegetable oil or grain alcohol as an insect repellent.

HELENIUM HOOPESII (Dugaldia, Yerba del Lobo, Orange Sneezeweed)
WHOLE PLANT. Tincture [Fresh plant, 1:2, Dry Plant, 1:5, 60% alcohol] as a counterirritant liniment.

HELIANTHEMUM (Cistus, Rock Rose, Frostwort)
FLOWERING TOPS. Tincture [Fresh Plant 1:2, Dry Plant, 1:5, 60% alcohol], 30-90 drops. Cold Infusion as gargle, douche, topical poultice.

HELIOPSIS LONGIPES (Raiz del Oro, Chilcuan)
ROOT. Piece of root chewed for gingivitis and periodontal disease. Chronic overuse can cause intestinal irritation.

HEPATICA (Anemone hepatica, Liverwort)
HERB. Standard Infusion, as needed.

HERACLEUM (Cow Parsnip, Yerba del Oso)
ROOT. Fresh Root Tincture [1:2] applied topically as nerve irritant/stimulant.
SEED. Fresh Seed Tincture [1:2] applied topically to teeth/gums as anesthetic and antimicrobial

HETEROTHECA (Camphor Weed, Mexican Arnica)
FLOWERING HERB. Tincture [Fresh Herb 1:2, Dry Herb, 1:5, 60% alcohol) as liniment, topically as antifungal. Standard Infusion as topical application, or 2-4 ounces to 3X a day.

HEUCHERA (American Alum Root)
ROOT AND LEAF. Tincture [Fresh Whole Plant, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 50% alc., 10% glycerin] 30-90 drops. Cold Infusion (root, leaves, or both) 1-3 ounces to 4X a day, or 4 ounces in 8 ounces warm water for douche or enema.

STROBILE. Tincture [Fresh strobiles, 1:2, Dry strobiles 1:5, 65% alcohol] 30-90 drops. Cold Infusion 2-4 ounces, Standard Infusion 3-6 ounces, to 3X a day.
HERB. Cold or Standard Infusion for topical use, powder for poultice.

HYDRANGEA (Seven Barks)
ROOT. Cold Infusion or Strong Decoction, 3-6 ounces, frequently. Tincture,
[Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 1/2 to 1 teaspoon in water, up to 4X a day.

*HYDRASTIS (Golden Seal)
ROOT and LEAF. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2], 15-30 drops. Dry Root Tincture,
[1:5, 70% alcohol] 20-50 drops. Dry Herb Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-75 drops all the above to 4X a day. Dry Root capsules #00, 2-4, to 3X a day. Standard Infusion of leaf 1-3 ounces, to 4X a day.The root is only partially soluble in water and should not be wasted in tea; this old friend is disappearing in the wild.

FLOWERING TOP. Tincture {Fresh Herb, 1:2, Dry Herb, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 3-10 drops to 3X a day. USE WITH CARE. Standard Infusion topically for pain.

HYPERICUM (St. Johns Wort)
FLOWERING TOPS. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2] 20-30 drops to 3X a day. The dry plant is far less active, but a Standard Infusion can be taken, 3-6 ounces.

HYPTIS (Desert Lavender)
FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-6 ounces as needed.

FLOWERING HERB. Cold Infusion, 2-3 ounces, or topically for bruises.

ILLICIUM (Star Anise)
SEEDS. Same as Cardamom. For a tea, Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces, ad lib.

IMPATIENS (Jewel Weed, Touch-Me-Not)
FRESH PLANT. Fresh juice for topical use, Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2], both as needed.

INULA (Elecampane)
ROOT. Tincture [Fresh root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 60% alcohol], 10-30 drops to 4X a day. Strong Decoction 2-6 ounces, to 3X a day.

RHIZOME. Tincture [1:5, 80% alcohol], 5-20 drops to 3X a day. USE WITH CARE.

ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 65% alcohol], 20-30 drops before meals. Cold Infusion, 1-2 ounces.

JATROPHA CINERIA (J. cardiaca, Sangre de Drago, Limberbush)
ROOT. Strong Decoction or Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces, topically applied, or as a mouthwash.

JEFFERSONIA (Twin Leaf, Rheumatism Root)
RHIZOME. Cold Infusion, 2-6 ounces, to 3X a day.

JUGLANS CINERIA (Butternut Bark)
BARK. Weak Decoction, 2-4 ounces, to 3X a day.

JUGLANS MAJOR (Black Walnut)
LEAVES. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Dry Plant, 1:5, 50% alcohol], 30-90 drops to
3X a day. Standard Infusion 2-4 ounces.

BERRIES. Tincture [1:5, 75% alcohol], 20-40 drops. Standard Infusion, 2-3 oz., to 3X a day. LEAVES: Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces, or boiled for inhalation.
For short-term use; may irritate the kidneys eventually.

*KALMIA (Mountain Laurel)
LEAVES. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2], 3-10 drops. Dry Plant Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 5-20 drops, both to 4X a day. USE WITH CARE.

KINO (Pterocarpus, Gum Kino)
GUM. Tincture [1:5, 65% alcohol, 15% glycerin],30 50 drops in water as needed.

KRAMERIA (Rhatany)
WHOLE PLANT. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 50% alcohol, 10% glycerin], 20-50 drops. Strong Decoction, 1-3 ounces, or used topically.

LACTUCA (Wild Lettuce)
HERB. Standard Infusion as needed. LATEX (Lactucarium), Tincture [1:2, 95% alcohol], 1/2 to 1 teaspoon.

LARREA (Chaparral, Gobernadora, Creosote Bush)
LEAFING BRANCHES. Tincture [1:5, 75% alcohol], 20-60 drops. Capsules,#00, 2-4 a day. Strong Decoction for topical use.

LAVANDULA (Lavender)
FLOWERS. Standard Infusion, 2-3 ounces to 4X a day. ESSENTIAL OIL. 5-10 drops in capsule, with food.

LEDUM (Labrador Tea)
LEAVES. Standard Infusion for tea. Fresh Leaf Tincture [1:2] is diluted for topical use.

FLOWERING HERB. Tincture [Fresh Plant 1:2, Recent Dry Plant, 1:5, 60% alc.] 30-60 drops, to 4X a day. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces.

LEPTANDRA (Veronicastrum, Culver’s Root)
ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 65% alcohol], 10-30 drops,to 3X a day. An herb better used in formulas than by itself. USE WITH CARE.

LEUCANTHEMUM (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, Oxe-Eye Daisy)
FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion, 4-8 ounces to 4X a day.

LEUCOPHYLLUM (Cenizo, Purple Sage, Texas Ranger)
FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-6 ounces

LIATRIS (Button Snakeroot, Cachana, Gayfeather)
ROOT. Strong Decoction, 2-4 ounces frequently.

LIGUSTICUM PORTERI (Osha, Chuchupate, Mountain Lovage)
ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 70% alcohol], 20-60 drops up to 5X a day. Cold Infusion, 2-6 ounces, as needed.

BARK AND LEAVES. Strong Decoction, as needed.

WHOLE BLOOMING PLANT. Tincture [Fresh plant, 1:2], 5-20 drops, up to 3X a day. USE IN MODERATION.

LINARIA (Toadflax, Butter-and-Eggs)
FLOWERING HERB. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol], 20-40 drops. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces. Capsules, #00, 1-2, all to 3X a day. For short term use in full doses, long term use in low dosage formula format.

LINUM (Flaxseed)
SEEDS. Whole seeds, 1-2 teaspoons in cup of warm water, Ground seeds for a poultice. Only use whole seeds internally; grinding results in changes to the oils, creating irritating lipids.

LIQUIDAMBER (Sweet Gum Tree)
BALSAM. Tincture [1:5, 95% alcohol], 10-30 drops as needed. Strong Decoction of Bark is serviceable as well.

WHOLE PLANT. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2], 10-40 drops up to 5X a day.

LOBELIA INFLATA (Lobelia, Indian Tobacco)
FLOWERING PLANT. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:4] 5-20 drops up to 4X a day.
Dry Plant Tincture (inferior) is best as an Acetum Tincture [Dry Herb 1:5 in vinegar] 10-20 drops, or used for local application.
SEED. Tincture [1:5, 65% alcohol), 3-10 drops.

LOMATIUM DISSECTUM (Leptotaenia, Biscuit Root)
ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 70% alcohol], 10-30 drops up to 4X a day. Cold Infusion, 2-3 ounces also to 4X a day.

*LOPHOPHORA (Peyote, Mescal Buttons)
FRESH PLANT. Tincture [1:2], 20-40 drops to 4X a day. ILLEGAL TO POSSESS AT PRESENT.

HERB. Fresh Plant Tincture, [1:2], 15-40 drops. Standard Infusion, 2-3 ounces both up to 4X a day. Best for short-term use.

LYCOPUS (Bugleweed, Water Horehound)
HERB. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2] 15-40 drops, to 3X a day. Standard Infusion of recent plant, 2-3 ounces, also to 3X a day.

SAME as Dracontium.

MAHONIA (Oregon Grape, Algerita)
SAME as Berberis.

MALVA NEGLECTA (Mallow, Malvas, Cheeseplant)
HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-6 ounces, as needed.

MARRUBIUM (Horehound)
FLOWERING HERB. Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Dry Plant, 1:5, 50% alcohol], 30-90 drops, both to 4X a day.

MATRICARIA (Chamomile, Manzanilla)
FLOWERS. Standard or Cold Infusion, 2-6 ounces as needed.

FLOWERING PLANT. Standard Infusion as needed.

*MELILOTUS (Sweet Clover)
FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces; the tea for topical use.
Not for extended consumption as a tea, due to its coumarin content.

FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion as needed.

MENISPERMUM (Yellow Parilla, Moonseed)
ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 70% alcohol], 10-40 drops, or 5-10 drops as a bitter tonic, taken just before meals.

*MENTHA ARVENSIS (Brook Mint, Poleo)
HERB IN FLOWER. Standard Infusion as needed. Although less than found in Hedeoma or Mentha pulegium, the pulegone content in this plant makes
it inappropriate in pregnancy.

HERB. Corld or Standard Infusion as needed. ESSENTIAL OIL. 10-20 drops in capsules (in a binder), to 3X a day.

*MENTHA PULEGIUM (European Pennyroyal)

MENTHA SPICATA (Spearmint, Yerba Buena)
HERB. Standard Infusion, or any way you want, as needed.
ESSENTIAL OIL. 10-20 drops in capsules (in a binder), to 3X a day.

MENYANTHES (Buckbean, Bogbean)
WHOLE PLANT. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Dry Plant, 1:5, 50% alcohol], 10-30drops, to 3X a day. Cold Infusion, 1-2 ounces, also to 3X a day.

MIRABILIS MULTIFLORUM (Wild Four-O’Clock, Maravilla)
ROOT. Fresh Root Tincture [1:2], 30-60 drops. Strong Decoction, 2-4 ounces, either form taken 1/2 hour before meals.

HERB. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Dry Plant, 1:5, 50% alcohol],1/2 to 1 teaspoon to 3X a day. Standard Infusion, 2-8 ounces to 4X a day.

MONARDA (Bee Balm, Oswego Tea, Wild Bergamot, Wild Oregano)
FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion, 1-4 ounces, to 3X a day or as gargle.

MYRICA (Bayberry)
BARK and ROOTBARK. Tincture [Fresh Bark, 1:2, Dry Bark, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 20-60 drops. Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces, both to 3X a day. The diluted tincture or the infusion for topical use or as a gargle.

MYRISTICA (Nutmeg, Mace)
SEED. Tincture [1:5, 75% alcohol] 5-10 drops.

FLOWERING HERB. Tincture [Fresh Herb 1:2, Recent Dry Herb 1:5, 50% alc.],
1/4 to 1 teaspoon Standard Infusion, 2-6 ounces, all to 4X a day.

HERB. Standard Infusion topically.

*NUPHAR (Yellow Pond Lily)
ROOT/RHIZOME. Fresh Root Tincture, [1:2], 10-20 drops. Weak Decoction
2-4 ounces, both to 3X a day.

OENOTHERA (Evening Primrose)
FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces. The seeds contain high levels of GLA and tryptophan.

*OPLOPANAX HORRIDUM (Echinopanax, Devil’s Club)
ROOT and ROOTBARK. Tincture [Fresh Root 1:2, Dry Rootbark, 1:5, 60% alc.] 10-40 drops. Cold Infusion, 1-3 ounces, all forms to 3X a day.

OPUNTIA (Prickly Pear)
FRESH JUICE, 2-4 ounces to 2X a day. DRIED FLOWERS, two or three as an infusion (strain VERY well).

WHOLE PLANT. Standard Infusion 2-4 ounces; applied topically as needed.

OSMORHIZA OCCIDENTALIS (Sweet Root, Western Sweet Cicely)
ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 65% alcohol] 45-60 drops to 3X a day. Strong Decoction, 2-3 ounces to 3X a day.

LEAVES. Strong Decoction, 2-4 ounces to 4X a day.

*PAEONIA (Peony)
ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 10-25 drops up to 4X a day. Cold Infusion, 1-2 ounces. Capsules, #00, 2-3 at a time.

*PANAX GINSENG (Asian Ginseng)
ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 70% alcohol].
KIRIN (dark red Chinese cured root) 5-20 drops. SHIU-CHIU (light red Chinese cured) 10-30 drops.
KOREAN RED, 5-15 drops. WHITE (Chinese or Korean uncured) 20-40 drops, all to 3X a day. Capsules, “Red Ginseng” (Kirin or Korean Red) to 4 a day. “White”, to 6 a day. Chewing root pieces is more reliable than loosely identified roots found in capsules. With the cost of Ginseng, tinctures are the most bioavailable form.

ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 70% alcohol]. WILD ROOTS (morally objectionable), 5-10 drops. WOODSGROWN ROOTS. 10-20 drops. CULTIVATED ROOTS. 20-40
drops. CULTIVATED RED ROOTS (Michigan and Wisconsin cured roots), 15- 30 drops. Any other “American Red Ginseng” is a blatant fake. LEAVES. 30-60 drops, Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces. All above forms to 3X a day.

PASSIFLORAM (Passion Flower)
WHOLE HERB. Tincture [Fresh Plant 1:2, Dry Herb, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 1/2 to 1 1/2 teapoon. Fluidextract [1:1, 45% alcohol], 30-60 drops. Standard Infusion of recent herb, 2-6 ounces, all forms to 4X a day.

SEEDS and ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 10-30 drops, to 3X a day.
LEAVES. Standard Infusion for topical use.

SEED. Capsule, #00, 2-4. Fluidextract [1:1, 50% alcohol, 10% glycerin], 20-60 drops. Tincture [1:5, 65% alcohol], 1/4 to 1 teaspoon.

PEDICULARIS (Betony, Lousewort, Elephant Head, Parrot’s Beak, Indian Warrior)
HERB in FLOWER. Standard Infusion, 4-8 ounces. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Dry Plant, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 1-2 teaspoons, all to 3X a day.

PETASITES (Western Coltsfoot)
HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces, to 4X a day. Fresh Tincture [1:2], 30-60 drops. ROOT. Strong Decoction, 2-3 ounces to 3X a day.

ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol, 30-60 drops in warm water, to 3X a day.

ROOT and BERRIES. Fresh Tincture, (Root or Berries), [1:2], 2-10 drops. Dry
Root Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 5-15 drops. USE WITH CARE.

PICRAENA (Picrasma, Quassia)
WOOD. Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 30-60 drops, to 3X a day. Cold Infusion, 4-8 ounces, as a retained enema, once a week for 4-6 weeks for pinworms/threadworms.

*PILOCARPUS (Jaborandi)
LEAVES. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 15-30 drops in warm water. Standard Infusion, 2-3 ounces as a hair rinse.

PIMENTA (Allspice)
SEED. The tea as a simple infusion.

PINUS (Pine)
NEEDLES. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces, to 3X a day. PITCH. Pea-sized piece chewed and swallowed as expectorant.

LEAVES. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol], 1/2 to 1 teaspoon in cup of warm water, to 4X a day.

ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root 1:2, Recent Dry Root 1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-90 drops to 4X a day. Fluidextract [1:1, 55% alcohol] 10-30 drops. Cold Infusion, 2-6 oz. all to 4X a day.

PIPER NIGRUM (Black Pepper)
PEPPERCORNS. Tincture [1:5, 65% alcohol] 5-15 drops.

PISCIDIA (Jamaica Dogwood, Jabin)
TREE and ROOT BARK. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 10-90 drops. USE WITH CARE. Response is highly individual, so start with a low dose.

FRESH LEAF. Fresh or frozen juice, 1-2 tablespoons to 4X a day.

PLANTAGO OVATA (Psyllium Seed)
SEED. Whole seeds, 2-3 tablespoons in 12 ounces warm water or fruit juice.
HUSKS. 1-2 tablespoons in same, both to 3X a day, usually only once.

PLUCHEA CAMPHORATA (P. purpurascens, Marsh Fleabane, Camphorweed)
FLOWERING TOPS.Standard Infusion 2-4 ounces.Brewed with isotonic water for use as eyewash. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-90 drops.

*PODOPHYLLUM (American Mandrake)
ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 95% alcohol] 10-20 drops. Use carefully, and never with overt disease or in physical depression.

*POLYGALA SENEGA (Senega Snakeroot, Milkwort)
ROOT and HERB. Tincture [Fresh Plant 1:2, Dry Root 1:5, 65% alcohol], 10-45 drops, to 4X a day. Small frequent doses are best.

POLYGONATUM (Solomon’s Seal)
ROOT. Strong Decoction 1-4 ounces to 3X a day.

ROOT, Strong Decoction 1-4 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol, 10% glycerin] 30-90 drops, both to 3X a day. The decoction and the diluted tincture as needed for topical use, mouthwash or gargle.

POLYGONUM HYDROPIPER (Smartweed, Water Pepper)
HERB. Standard Infusion 2-4 ounces as needed.

*POLYMNIA UVEDALIA (Bearsfoot, Leafcup)
STEM and ROOT. Tincture [Fresh plant 1:2, Dry Root 1:5, 75% alcohol] 10-50 drops, to 3X a day. Small, frequent doses are preferable.

ROOT/RHIZOME. Strong Decoction, 2-4 ounces, to 3X a day.

POPULUS CANDICANS and BALSAMIFERA (Balsam Poplar, Balm of Gilead)
EARLY SPRING LEAF BUDS. Tincture [Fresh, 1:2, Dry, 1:5, 75% alcohol] 15-30 drops. Infused oil [1 part buds to 10 parts oil] for topical use.

BARK. Strong Decoction, 2-4 ounces, up to 4X a day when condition is acute.

POTENTILLA (Cinquefoil, Silverweed)
HERB. Any infusion as needed.

PRINOS (Ilex verticillatus, Black Alder)
RECENT BARK and BERRIES. Strong Decoction, 3-4 ounces to 3X a day. Tincture [1:5, 65% alcohol] 10-30 drops.

PROPOLIS (Hive scrapings, gathered from trees)
Tincture [1:5, 95% alcohol] 5-15 drops in a little honey for internal use, mixed with water or a little oil for external use.THOSE WITH BEE ALLERGIES MAY NOT BE ABLE TO USE PROPOLIS.

PRUNELLA (Self Heal, Heal All)
FRESH PLANT. Poultice as needed. Fresh Plant Tincture, [1:2], as needed,

PRUNUS (Wild Cherry, Choke Cherry)
SUMMER or FALL BARK. Cold Infusion 2-6 ounces, to 3X a day. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol, 10% glycerin] 30-90 drops, to 4X a day.

PTELEA (Wafer Ash, Hop Tree)
BARK, SEEDS and LEAVES. Tincture [1:5, 65% alcohol] 10-30 drops. Strong Decoction (Seeds and Bark), 1-3 ounces, both up to 3X a day.

*PTYCHOPETALUM (Liriosma, Muirapuama, Potency Wood, Raiz del Macho)
BARK,RESINOUS BARK. Tincture [1:5, 70% alcohol] 30-60 drops. Cold Infusion, 3-4 ounces, preferably in morning.

PYROLA (Shinleaf)
Same as Chimaphila

Same as Geranium

RHAMNUS CALIFORNICA (California Buckthorn, Coffeeberry)
AGED BARK. Cold Infusion 2-6 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol], 1-2 teaspoons. Fluidextract, [1:1, 50% alcohol] 1/2 to 1 teaspoon.

See Frangula

AGED BARK. Same as Rhamnus californica

RHEUM (Rhubarb, Chinese or Turkey Rhubarb)
ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol, 10% glycerin] 15-30 drops, to 4X a day. Too much too frequently can induce rebound constipation.

BARK,ROOTBARK. Cold Infusion, 1-2 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol,10% glycerin] 20-40 drops, both to 4X a day.

RHUS GLABRA (Smooth Sumach)
LEAVES, FRUIT. Same as previous. Powdered leaves for topical use.

ROSA (Rose Buds, Rose Petals)
FLOWERS. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces. Make w/isotonic water for eyes.

LEAVES. Standard Infusion 2-4 ounces, to 14X a day or for a topical wash.
ESSENTIAL OIL. Capsule, 3-6 drops in a binder, with water.

RUBUS IDAEUS (Raspberry)
LEAVES. Infusion as needed.

ROOT BARK. Strong Decoction, 2-4 ounces, to 4X a day.

ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 50% alcohol], 30-75 drops, to 3X a day. Capsules, #00, 1-2 to 2X a day. Use with moderation in pregnancy. In all cases it works best in sublaxative doses.

ROOT. Strong Decoction or powder for external use, 1-2 ounces for mouthwash. LEAVES. Fresh Tincture [1:2] for topical anti-inflammatory use.

HERB. Tincture [1:5, 65% alcohol] 5-20 drops. A poultice with the powdered leaves for a counterirritant poultice.

SALIX (Willow)
BARK. Strong Decoction, 2-4 ounces to 4X a day.

FLOWERING HERB. Tincture [Fresh, 1:2, Dry, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 30-60 drops, in hot water (diaphoretic)or cold water (tonic).Cold Infusion or Strong Decoction 2-4 ounces.

FLOWERS, LEAVES. Flowers, Standard Infusion 2-4 ounces. Leaves, Cold Infusion 1-2 ounces, both to 3X a day.

*SANGUINARIA (Bloodroot)
ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 10-15 drops. Dilute with 2X water for tinea application.

SANTALUM (Santal, White Sandalwood)
WOOD, OIL. Wood Tincture [1:5, 80% alcohol] 25-50 drops. The oil in capsule 5-10 drops, with food, to 2X a day.

LEAVES and STEMS. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces to 3X a day.
BERRIES.Crushed or pureed for soap.

BARK OF ROOT. Strong Decoction, as needed. LEAVES. Standard Infusion, as needed. ESSENTIAL OIL. Diluted with alcohol and applied to fresh Poison
Ivy contact.

SATUREJA DOUGLASII (California Yerba Buena)
LEAVES. The tea as needed.

*SCOPARIUS (Cytisus scoparius, Broom Tops)
FLOWERING BRANCHES.Standard Infusion 1-2 ounces to 3X a day. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 20-40 drops to 4X a day.

HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces, to 3X a day.

HERB. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Recent Dry Plant, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 20-60 drops. Standard Infusion of recent herb, 2-6 ounces, all to 3X a day.

*SENECIO AUREUS (Life Root, Squaw Weed)
HERB. Standard Infusion, 1-4 ounces. Tincture [1:5, 50% alc.], 30-90 drops,

*SENNA (Cassia angustifolia, Egyptian Senna, etc. )
LEAVES. Strong Decoction, 2-4 ounces. PODS. 10-20, steeped for an hour in a cup of water. Take both in evening. See also Cassia marilandica.

SERENOA (Saw Palmetto, Sabal)
BERRIES. Tincture [Fresh Berry, 1:2, Dry Berries, 1:5, 80% alcohol] 30-90 drops.
Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces, all forms to 3X a day.

SEEDS. Capsules, #00, 2 at a time, to 3X a day. Fluidextract [1:1, 60% alcohol], 20-40 drops to 5X a day. Strong Tincture [1:3, 70% alcohol], 1/2 to 1 teaspoon, to 4X a day.

SIMMONDSIA (Jojoba, Goatnut)
LEAVES. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces as needed. OIL. Applied topically or mixed with Castor Oil.

SINAPIS (Mustard)
SEED. PLASTER: mix 1 part powdered seed and one part flour, add enough water to form a spreadable paste, place between two layers of gauze and apply to the desired area until skin turns pink…NOT RED (by then it will blister).
Remove plaster and wash skin.

SMILACINA RACEMOSA (False Solomon’s Seal)
ROOT. Steep a teaspoon of ground root in cup of hot water. Mix with some hot water for a poultice. The fresh root can be used as a poultice.

SMILAX (Sarsaparilla)
ROOT and RHIZOME. Cold Infusion or Strong Decoction, 1-4 ounces, to 3X a day. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-90 drops to 3X a day.

SOLANUM CAROLINENSE (Horse Nettle, Bull Nettle)
ROOT. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 10-40 drops, for occasional use.

*SOLANUM DULCAMARA (Bittersweet Twigs)
STEMS. Tincture [Fresh Stems 1:2, Dry Stems, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 10-20 drops.
This is best used in formulas. USE WITH MODERATION.

SPHAERALCEA (Scarlet Globemallow, Yerba de la Negrita)
FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion as needed. Powdered herb, mixed with hot water for poultice. The tea is a widely used hair rinse.

*SPIGELIA (Pink Root)
ROOT. Strong Decoction 2-4 ounces morning and evening for three or four days, followed by Senna Pods or a moderate saline purgative.

STACHYS (Hedge Nettle, Woundwort)
FLOWERING HERB. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2, Dry Plant, 1:5, 50% alcohol],
1/2 to 1 teaspoon, to 4X a day. Standard Infusion, as needed, and topically as a poultice.

HERB. Fresh plant juice or bruised whole plant as a poultice. Tincture [Fresh Herb, 1:2, Recent Dry Herb 1:5, 50% alcohol] as needed.

STICTA (Lobaria pulmonaria, Lungwort Moss)
LICHEN.Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol], 20-30 drops, to 4X a day. Standard or Cold Infusion, 1-4 ounces, to 3X a day.

ROOT.Tincture [Fresh root,1:2, Recent Dry Root, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 10-30 drops, preferably in small frequent doses.

SUMBUL (Ferula sumbul, Musk Root, Jatamansi)
ROOT.Tincture [1:5, 95% alcohol] 5-20 drops. Cold Infusion, 1-4 oz., to 3X a day

SWERTIA RADIATA (Green Gentian, Cebadilla, American Columbo)
ROOT. Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 5-20 drops, taken just before meals.SYMPHYTUM (Comfrey)
LEAF and ROOT. Leaf, Standard Infusion 2-6 ounces. Root, Cold Infusion, 1-4 ounces, both to 3X a day,for short term use. Constant use can irritate the liver.

TABEBUIA (Lapacho, Pau D’Arco, Ipe Roxo, Amapa)
TREE BARK. Cold Infusion, 2-4 ounce to 3X a day. Fluidextract [1:1, 50% alc.] 15-30 drops to 5X a day.Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 1/2 to 1 teaspoon to 4X a day.

FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion 1-4 ounce. For short term use only.

TARAXACUM (Dandelion)
ROOT or LEAF. Root Fluidextract [1:1, 45% alcohol] 30-60 drops up to 4X a day.
Tincture [Fresh Root, 1:2] 1/2 to 1 teaspoon. Strong Decoction, 2-4 ounces, to 4X a day. Leaf as Standard Infusion, 3-6 ounces as needed.

TECOMA STANS (Tronadora, Trumpet Flower)
WHOLE PLANT. Standard Infusion, 3-4 ounces. Capsules, #00, 6-10 a day. The Rootbark and stem is used the same as its relative Tabebuia.

THALICTRUM (Meadow Rue, Ruda de la Sierra)
HERB. Standard Infusion 2-3 ounces.

THELESPERMA (Cota, Navajo Tea)
FLOWERING HERB. A simple tea, as needed.

*THUJA (Arbor Vitae, Flat, Red or Yellow Cedar)
HERB. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2] for topical use; 5-15 drops in water, to 4X a day. Cold Infusion, 2-3 ounces, to 3X a day.

THYMUS (Thyme)
HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces, to 4X a day; the tea topically as needed.
ESSENTIAL OIL. Diluted with 2 parts vegetable oil as a topical antimicrobial.

*TRIBULUS (Puncture Vine, Goat’s Head)
HERB and SEEDS. 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of the powdered plant in tea, to 2X a day.
Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-40 drops, 2X a day.

FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion or Strong Decoction, 4-6 ounces to 3X a day.

TRILLIUM (Beth Root)
WHOLE PLANT. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2] 15-25 drops to 3X a day.

FLOWERING HERB. Fresh Plant Tincture [1:2] 20-30 drops. Standard Infusion 2-4 ounces. Dry Plant Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-60 drops, all to 3X a day.

TUSSILAGO (Coltsfoot)
HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-6 ounces, sipped slowly. Unlike its antispasmodic relative, Petasites, which can irritate the liver when used excessively, this is a simple and safe cough therapy.

ULMUS FULVA (Slippery Elm)
BARK. Cold Infusion of bark or shredded pieces, as needed. The powdered bark is used for making poultices.

UMBELLULARIA (California Bay, Pepperwood, Oregon Myrtle)
LEAF. Tincture [Fresh Leaf, 1:2, Recent Dry Leaf, 1:5, 65% alcohol] 10-20 drops to 3X a day, or inhaled from a saturated cotton ball.

URTICA (Nettles)
WHOLE HERB. Cold or Standard infusion, as needed.

USNEA<> (Hair Moss, Old Man’s Beard)
LICHEN. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 30-60 drops to 4X a day. Moisten the herb with a little alcohol and make a Strong Decoction, 2-6 ounces, to 3X a day, oruse the tea for topical application.

*USTILAGO (Corn Smut)
FUNGUS. Fresh Fungus Tincture [1:5] 10-40 drops to 3X a day.

VACCINIUM (Blueberry, Huckleberry, Bilberry, Whortleberry, etc.)
LEAVES. Standard Infusion of recent herb, 3-4 ounces, to 3X a day.

VALERIANA (Valerian)
PLANT. Tincture [Fresh Whole Plant 1:2, Dry Root, 1:5, 70% alcohol], 30-90 drops, to 3X a day. Capsules (root), #00, 2-3. Constant use of the dry root can induce mental agitation.

*VERATRUM (Green, False or American Hellebore)
ROOT. Tincture [1:10, 95% alcohol] 3-10 drops to 3X a day.

LEAVES. Standard Infusion, 2-4 ounces. FLOWERS. Tincture [Fresh Flowers, 1:2, Dry Flowers, 1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-90 drops, ROOT. Strong Decoction, 2-3 ounces. All forms to 4X a day.

VERBENA (Blue Vervain)
FLOWERING HERB. Standard Infusion, 2-5 ounces, to 3X a day. Tincture [1:5, 60% alcohol] 30-90 drops, to 4X a day.

VIBURNUM (V. opulus, V. prunifolium, Cramp Bark, Black Haw)
ROOTBARK and BARK. Cold Infusion or Strong Decoction, 3-4 ounces to 4X a day. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 30-90 drops to 4X a day.

*VINCA MAJOR (Periwinkle)
HERB. Tincture [Fresh Herb 1:2, Dry Herb, 1:5, 50% alcohol] 20-40 drops, to 2X a day.

HERB. Standard Infusion 2-5 ounces to 3X a day. Tincture [Fresh Plant, 1:2]
1-2 teaspoons to 2X a day.

*VISCUM ALBUM (European Mistletoe)
HERB. Tincture [1:5, 50% alcohol] 15-30 drops. Standard infusion, 2-3 ounces both to 3X a day. Use in moderation.

*VITEX AGNUS-CASTUS (Chaste Tree Berries, Monk Peppers)
SEEDS. Tincture [1:5, 65% alcohol] 30-60 drops. Ground Berries, 1/2 to 1 tspn. in tea, both once in the morning. As it strengthens the progesterone phase of the estrus cycle, it usually works best the two weeks before menses.

XANTHIUM (Cocklebur)
PODS. 2-3 pods as infusion. HERB. Strong Infusion 2-3 ounces, to 2X a day.

BARK/BERRIES. Tincture [1:5, 65% alcohol] 10-30 drops, before meals.

YUCCA (Amole, Spanish Bayonet)
ROOT. Capsules, #00, 2-3 , morning and evenings.

ZEA MAYS (Corn Silk)
STIGMAS. Standard Infusion, 4-6 ounces to 3X a day. Fresh Silk Tincture, [1:2], 1/2 to 1 1/2 teaspoons in 8 ounces water.

ZINGIBER (Ginger Root)
ROOT. Fresh Root Tincture [1:2] 10-20 drops in warm water. Strong Decoction
1-2 ounces, both as needed.

* These plants are not appropriate in pregnancy, either because of their effect on the uterus, their effects on the hypothalamus/pituitary axis, their toxic potential, or my own conservative attitude about herbs in pregnancy. Several plants, such as Podophyllum, may actually cause birth defects.

DOSAGE: These are all given for ADULTS; give kids simple stuff. Be conservative with older folks, the chronically ill, and nursing mothers. Always honor the basic premise of using herbal medicines; they work best on acute self-limiting problems and subacute or sub-clinical disease. I have also been free with warnings, contraindications and observations.


Principles and Practice of Constitutional Physiology for Herbalists by Michael Moore

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