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Dr Sebi’s Herb List

This is a list of some of Dr Sebi approved herbs. This is not a complete list but rather what is in my awareness at this time. The names of the herbs largely are from product ingredients, Dr Sebi mentions in video, interview or lectures and some are also obtained from sources that support and presents Dr Sebi’s work.

Dr Sebi Approved Herbs

Herb/PlantParts Used**Notes
Anamu/Guinea Hen WeedWhole
ArnicaRoot, FlowerEva Salve, Uterine Wash
BasilLeaf, Essential OilNutritional Guide
Bay leavesLeafNutritional Guide
BladderwrackWhole HerbBromide Plus, Fucus, Green Food Plus
Blue VervainLeaf, FlowerBanju
BugleweedAerial partsBanju, Iron Plus, Maya Electra
BurdockRootBanju, Bio Ferro, Maya Electra
CatnipAerial PartsEstro*
CancansaBarkDr Sebi mentioned in lecture/video
Cannabis (Marijuana/Hemp)Flower, leaf, seed, stemDr Sebi mentioned in lecture/video
CapadulaBark, RootTesto
Cardo Santo/Blessed Thistle/Holy ThistleAerial PartChelation 1, Iron Plus
Cascara Sagrada/Sacred BarkBarkChelation 2, Lymphalin
Centaury/Star ThistleFlowering Aerial PartsMaya Electra
CeraseeLeaves, vineDr. Sebi mentioned in lecture/video
ChamomileFlower, Leaf Nerve/Stress Relief Tea
Chaparro AmargoLeaf, BranchEndocrine
ChickweedWhole HerbEndocrine
CloveUndeveloped Flower BudNutritional Guide
CocolmecaRootBio Ferro
CondurangoVine, BarkFB Group: Dr Sebi 'Who & What'
Contribo/BirthwortRoot, Aerial PartEndocrine, Iron Plus, Viento
Cordoncillo NegroBarkDr Sebi mentioned in lecture/video
CuachalalateBarkStomach Relief Herbal Tea
DandelionRoot, Leaf (Mainly root used as medicine)Dr Sebi mentioned in lecture/video
Drago/Dracaeana Draco/Dragon TreeLeaf, BarkDr Sebi mentioned in lecture/video
ElderberryBerry, FlowerBanju, Bio Ferro, Immune Support Herbal Tea
EucalyptusLeafEva Salve
EyebrightAerial PartsEye Wash
FennelSeedNutritional Guide
Feverfew/Santa MariaWhole Plant, Root, Flowering & FruitingBanju
Flor de Manita/Hand Flower TreeFlowerBlood Pressure Balance Tea
GingerRootNutritional Guide
Governadora/ChaparralLeaf/FlowerBio Ferro, Iron Plus, Testo, Viento
Hoodia Gordonii/Kalahari CactusFleshy part of the stemDr Sebi mentioned in lecture/video
Hombre Grande/Quassia/Bitter WoodBarkViento
Hortensia/HydrangeaDried Rhizome, RootEstro, Lymphalin
IbogaRoot BarkDr Sebi mentioned in lecture/video
KalawallaRhizome, Frond, LeafDr Sebi mentioned in lecture/video
Kinkeliba/Seh-HawLeaf, Root and BarkDr Sebi mentioned in lecture/video
LavenderFlower, LeavesEva Salve, Uterine Wash
Lemon VerbenaLeaves, Flowering TopEstro*
Lily of the ValleyFlowerEva Salve, Green Food Plus, L.O.V
LindenFlowerGreen Food Plus
Lirio/LilyFlower, Bulb, LeafEva Salve
Lupulo/HopsFlowerLupulo, Uterine Wash
ManzoRoot, Rhizome, LeafEva Salve
MarulaBark, Fruit, Leaf, Kernel, NutDr Sebi mentioned in lecture/video
Milk ThistleSeedSite: Group: Alkaline Vegan – For Dr Sebi Fans
Mullein/GordoloboFlower, leaf, seed, stemCough/Cold Herbal Tea
MyrrhResinTooth Powder
NopalCactusEndocrine, Eva Salve, Hair Follicle Fortifier
Oak Bark / EncinoBarkTooth Powder
Ortiga/Stinging NettleLeafBio Ferro*, Green Food Plus, Hair Follicle Fortifier, Iron Plus
Pavana/CrotonSeedDr Sebi mentioned in lecture/video
Pao PerieraBark, StemChelation 2
Palo MulatoBarkLymphalin
PeonyRoot, Root BarkEstro*
Prodigiosa/Bricklebush/Leaf of LifeLeafChelation 2, Endocrine
Prunella Vulgaris / Self-HealWhole HerbEstro*
Purslane/VerdolagaLeaf, Young Shoot, StemNutritional Guide
Red CloverFlowerLymphalin, Uterine Wash
Red RaspberryLeafNutritional Guide
RhubarbRootChelation 2
Salsify/Goatsbeard/Oyster PlantRoot, Leaves,Flower, Seed, Young StemMaya Electra
San Pedro CactusDr Sebi ‘Who&What’ Facebook Group
Santa Maria/SageLeafEva Salve, Uterine Wash
Sapo/Saponaire/Hierba del Sapo/Mexican ThistleWhole HerbViento
SarsaparillaRootBio Ferro, Estro, Maya Electra, Testo
Sea MossSeaweedBromide Plus, Estro, Hair Follicle Fortifier, Testo
Sempervivum/HouseleekLeaf, Leaf SapEstro*
Sensitiva/Shameplant/Dead and WakeDried Whole Plant, Root, Leaf, SeedTesto
Senecio/Groundsel/RagwortWhole HerbEstro*
SoursopLeafNutritional Guide
Shepherd’s PurseWhole HerbSite:
Shiny Bush Plant/Pepper ElderRoot, Aerial PartDr Sebi mentioned in lecture/video
Tila/LindenFlowerGreen Food Plus
TronadoraLeaf, StemEndocrine
Valeriana/ValerianRootBanju, Viento
Yarrow/Queen Anne’s LaceAerial Part, Essential OilDr Sebi mentioned in lecture/video
YellowdockRootBio Ferro

* Old Estro formula.
** The ‘Parts Used’ are not necessarily parts used by Dr Sebi as this information is not provided in most situation, it is rather from traditional information obtained from research.

The list will be updated as necessary.

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14 thoughts on “Dr Sebi’s Herb List”

  1. I want to THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR HELPFUL INFORMATION. INF HAVE LEARNED SO MUCH FROM THIS WEBSITE. BLESSINGS TO YOU…This information will forever change me and my family’s life…

  2. Hi There,
    It’s me again… I would like to know how to use the herbs, such as how to make decoctions and tea. I read somewhere that some herbs have to be cooked down to get all the nutrients out of them. Also, are powered form herbs only for capsules or can I make a tea with it or other things?

    1. Hi Monique,
      Usually you would use the barks and roots to make decoctions – you would cook longer to release properties from the plant. You make infusions with the leaves and flowers, which usually involves steeping for a few minutes. Maybe this video could help – You could use powdered herbs to make teas and teabags, in addition, they could be added to your smoothies, shakes and even sprinkle on foods. Also, culinary herbs do have many healing properties also, so cook with herb based seasons.
      Love and blessings 🙂

    1. Hi Monique,
      You could fast using herbs that make up the Green Food Plus – Linden, Stinging Nettles, Nopal, Bladderwrack. If you can’t get all – 2 or 3 in combination could help – as capsules or teas. Juices and water are OK. I should probably ask though, what type of fasting are you planning on and for how long?
      Love and blessings 🙂

    1. Hi Terry,
      This is one of the rare ones. You will probably have to grow your own. Usually it’s the seeds that I see being sold.
      Love and blessings 🙂

  3. I just want to be certain because I was reading through Dr Sebi’s List and I didn’t see Yerba Mate as where on this list it is….So its Alkaline? Is this really true because if so then I am extremely excited and this could definitely be a life changer!

    1. Hi Kevin, yes, based on my research. Some on the list are known ingredients in his products, some he has referred to in speech. Some I have obtained from third party sources; yerba mate is one such herb.
      Love and blessings 🙂

  4. Oh man, this site is wonderful! Can you tell me which of these herbs are use to help increase low white blood cells in children? Also Congestive Heart Failure?

    1. Hi Renee, the white blood cells are an important part of the body’s immunity so try to address this asap. You can use elderberry, cat’s claw, astralagus, ginger, pau d’ arco and also use the herbs of the Iron Plus and if possible, the Bio Ferro. Ensure that the child also is on a mucus-less diet, leafy greens, berries and citruses (for vitamin C). Also, it’s summer please ensure they get enough sun. The sun plays an IMPORTANT role in building the body’s immunity. You can do the green drinks if they don’t want to eat the greens, or blend them in smoothies and let them eat fruits. For congestive heart failure, mucus-less diet, cayenne pepper, Hawthorne berry and lily of the valley tincture.

      Love and blessings 🙂

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