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Traditional Uses of Medicinal Plants by Native People in Nawarangpur District, Odisha, India

Piper aduncum

Traditional uses of medicinal plants by native people in Nawarangpur district, Odisha, India

Sl/NoBotanical NameFamilyVernacular nameEnglish NAMEPlant part usedLocation(forest pockets)Flowering seasonFruiting seasonVoucher NumberEthno botanical usesLife form
1Dillenia Pentagyna Roxb.DILLENIACEAERai (O); Kirmilla (B).Five-carpelled SimpohBarkdeciduous forests of Umerkote forest rangeMar.-Apr.May-AugDhal & Brahmam, 9776.Bark paste is applied against backache.
2Annona squamosa L.ANNONACEAE(O); Mandal , Ata (K). Sugar AppleLeafTentulikhunti.Mar.-AprMay-Sept.Dhal & Brahmam, 9010.Leaf paste is locally used against sprains.Tree
3Euryale ferox Salisb. in Kon. & SimsNYMPHAEACEAEPrickly waterlily, fox nutleafIndravatiMar. - MayDec-JanDhal & Brahmam, 9765.Warm leaf paste is massaged gently on joints to relieve the rheumatoid inflammation and pain.Herb
4Capparis zeylanica L.CAPPARACEAEAsadua (O); Gaterna (K).Ceylon caperleafPodaguda.Feb.-MarMar.-JuneDhal & Brahmam, 9787.Leaf paste is applied locally for swellings.Climbing shrub
5Cleome gynandra L.CAPPARACEAEArakasago (O); Chamari (K).African cabbage, Spider-wispLeaf & young shootPannabera,BehedaFeb.-MayJune-SeptDhal & Brahmam, 9570. K.S.Murthy ( s.n. 2273 )Leaf juice (warm) is used as ear drops to treat earache.Herb
6Cleome viscosa L.CAPPARACEAEAnasorisho, Banosorisho (O); Hurhur (K). Asian spiderflower, Tick weedRoot & leafKapurdam.May-June.July-OctDhal & Brahmam, 9581.Crushed leaves are used against scorpion-biting.herb
7Homalium Nepalense Benth. J. Linn.FLACOURTIACEAEDhanim ri (B)leafHattigan.Mar.-AprMay-JulyDhal & Brahmam, 9790.The leaf paste is used like ointment for healing woundsTree
8Portulaca oleracea L.PORTULACACEAEBad luniya (O)PurslaneleafKodingaJuly-Sept.Oct.-JanDhal & Brahmam,9797Leaf juice is taken twice a day for throat infection.Herb
9Abelmoschus crinitus Wall.MALVACEAEUsungid (K).rootRaigharaAug.-SeptOct.-NovDhal,9304The root paste is used externally for scorpion sting.Shrub
10Thespesia lampas (Cav.)Dalz. & GibsMALVACEAEBana kappa (O); Birkatsom (K).Hibiscus lampasleafBarliAug.-Oct.Nov.-May.Dhal, 9128Leaf paste is applied externally on swolling jointsTree
11Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. Enum.TILIACEAE(O) Chitka; Chikiti (P).Diamond Burbark / Chinese BurleafIndravatiJuly-septAug.-Oct.Dhal 9829Leaf decoction (one teaspoonful, 3 times daily) is administered for bleeding piles. herb
12Oxalis corniculata L.ZYGOPHYLLACEAEAmbiliti (O); Changeri(G); Indian sorrel (E).Creeping WoodsorrelleafBijayapadar.Sept.-FebSept.-FebDhal & Brahmam, 9309.Leaf juice mixed with honey and ginger (is administer against irregular cycle.)herb
13Ailanthus excelsa Roxb.SIMAROUBACEAEMahal, Maha limba (O). Tree of HeavenleafMedna.Feb.-Mar.Apr.-July.Dhal & Brahmam, 9440.Leaf decoction (two teaspoonfuls, two times daily) is administered with honey to check rheumatic fever. tree
14Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr.J.VITACEAE (AMPELIDACEAE)(O); Nanam, Mohi (K); Doka (P). Indian Ash TreeleafPodaguda & SingisariMar.-Apr.Apr.- June.Dhal & Brahmam, 9207, 9454 Leaf paste is massaged against swolleing joints. Bark decoction after boiling is gargled against throat infectiontree
15Aeschynomene indica L.FABACEAESola (O).Indian Jointvetch / Kat solarootRaighara.July-OctJuly-OctDhal & Brahmam, 9306.Powdered root with 2 black pepper is given thrice a day for one week to relieve from gastric painherb
16Indigofera tinctoria L.FABACEAENili (O).True IndigoWhole plantNabarangpur.Aug.-SeptOct.-Jan.Dhal, 9707The plant juice (1tea spoon full) is administered before breakfast in empty stomach for 15 days against bronchitisherb
17Millettia extensa (Benth.) BakerFABACEAEGuadhuni (O); Hehel (K)rootSanatemara.Mar.-JuneJan.-Mar.Dhal, 9500.Powdered root (10gm) mixed with honey is administered once a day for 3 days against warmicidesShrub
18Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) R.Br.APOCYNACEAESuam noi, Dudhilata (O); Onol-Sing (K).Black CreeperrootSanatemaraAug.-DecOct.-MarDhal, 9508.Root decoction (5 ml) is given twice a day for one month to improve memory power Decoction of leaves is given in fever.climber
19Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov.ASCLEPIADACEAE(O); Utrani, Uturudi (G).Trellis-vineleafNandahandiJuly-Sept.Oct.-MarDhal, 9918.Leaf juice mixed with country liquor is given to male person more than 40 years to increase sexual abilityherb
20Canscora decussata (Roxb.) Schult. & Schult.GENTIANACEAESankhapushpi (O,K,P)ShankhpushpiWhole plantNabarangapurSept.-OctNov.-Dec.Dhal & Brahmam, 9352.5 ml plant juice is taken twice a day for 15 days as blood purifierherb
21Cordia obliqua WilldEHRETIACEAEGwhalo (O); Sinbrum (K).Clammy CherryleafKarmeliFeb.-AprMay-AugDhal, 9937.Leaf decoction with common salt in given twice a day for one week against cough & coldtree
22Trichodesma indicum (L.) R.BrBORAGINACEAEHetamundia (O); Kubi (K).Indian BoragerootRaighara.Aug.-FebAug.-FebDhal, 9310.Root paste is locally applied against sprainherb
23Erycibe paniculata RoxbCONVOLVULACEAEJoda koli (O); Kholi, khamar (K)Etamiriya*barkMinigan.July-AugSept.-Dec.Dhal, 9948.Bark decoction (5 ml) is given twice a 2 days against fever with day for headache.herb
24Solanum virginianum L.SOLANACEAEAnkranti (O); Rangaini janum (G).Surattense nightshade / Yellow-fruit nightshaderootSept-MaySept-MayDhal & Brahmam, 9212.Root paste is localy applied for scabies Seeds fried in oil are applied against tooth-ache. Seeds are expectorant and hence used in asthma.shrub
25Limnophila indica (L.) DruceSCROPHULARIACEAEKeralata (O).Indian MarshweedleafNov.-FebNov.-FebDhal, 9956.5 ml leaf juice is given thrice daily for 10 days for burning urinationherb
26Barleria prionitis L.ACANTHACEAEDaskeranta (O); Kanta phul (G, P).Porcupine flowerleafNabarangpur.Sept.-FebSept.-FebDhal & Brahmam, 9413.Leaf juice mixed with mustard oil is applied on scabies. Leaf decoction with honey is given to treat fever, headache and body ache. shrub
27Barleria strigosa Willd.ACANTHACEAEBanmalli (O); Saptaphena (K, P). leafSingisari.Sept.- May.Sept.- MayDhal & Brahmam, 9483.Leaf juice in coconut oil is applied externlly to cure pimples.shrub
28Justicia adhatoda L.ACANTHACEAEBasanga (O); Vasaka (K, P).Malabar nutleafJhaigan.June-FebJune-FebDhal & Brahmam, 9329.Leaf decoction 2 tsp mixed with honey is taken twice a day for 10 days against bronchial asthmashrub
29Thunbergia fragrans Roxb.ACANTHACEAEThe whiteladyleafBeheda.Oct. - DecOct. - DecK.S.Murty s.n. ( 2153 )Leaf decoction (2 spoonfull) is given twice a daily for 2 days for diarrhoeaherb
30Clerodendrum inerme (L.) Gaertn.VERBENACEAENutunga (O).Wild JasmineleafIndravati.Sept.-AprSept.-AprDhal & Brahmam, 9037.Leaf juice (warm) is prescribed as an ear drops to treat earache.shrub
31Pogostemon benghalensis (Burm.f.) KuntzeLAMIACEAEGonda-dulia, Puka sunga (O); Ishwar-jata (K). leafSingisari.Dec.-FebMar.-AprDhal, 9402.Leaf paste is massaged on shoulder and neck for 15 days against spondylosisshrub
32Mirabilis jalapa L.NYCTAGINACEAERangbano (O); Four O’clock plant (E).Marvel of Peru / Four o'clock flowerleafUmerkoteFr. Most part of the years.Fr. Most part of the years.Dhal & Brahmam, 9180.Tender leaves are eaten as green vegetable against jaundiceherb
33Amaranthus spinosus L.AMARANTHACEAEKanta khada, Kanta (O); Kanta-sago neutia (P, K). Spiny amaranthleafChandahandi and Nabarangpur.Sept.-AprSept.-AprDhal & Brahmam, 9346, 9416 Leaf juice (10 ml) is given twice a day for 10 days against menorrhagiaherb
34Polygonum barbatum L.POLYGONACEAEJoint WeedWhole plantBijayapadarDec. - May.Dec. - May.Dhal & Brahmam, 9068.Plant powder (10 gm) is taken twice a day for 2 days against pneumoniaherb
35Antidesma acidum Retz.EUPHORBIACEAENunnunia (O); Mattam (K); Matha- aark (G).RohitakaFruitsRaigharaMar.-AprMay-DecDhal, 9290.Syrup made out of fruits is administered twice a day for 7 days against blood dysenteryshrub
36Bridelia retusa (L.) SprengEUPHORBIACEAEKasi (O); Kasa (K); (B); Manga, Khooj (P). Spinous Kino TreebarkPannabera & RaigharaAug.-Jan.Aug.-Jan.Dhal & Brahmam, 9366, 9319 The bark (5 gm) is grounded with 9 black peppers is taken against urinary congestion.tree
37Euphorbia hirta L.EUPHORBIACEAEChita-kuteai(O); Pusitoa (K, P). Australian asthma weedlatexBijayapadarmost part of the yearmost part of the yearDhal, 9059.The latex is applied on eye to treat redness of eyeShrub
38Pedilanthus tithymaloides (L.) PoitEUPHORBIACEAEKhirsagar, Kharsiju (O).Zig-Zag PlantleafChandahandiJan.-MayJan.-MayDhal, 9354Leaf paste heated in Caster oil is applied to reduce the swelling and associated pain due to sprains.shrub
39Ficus racemosa L.MORACEAEDimiri (O); Taya (K); Dumbari (B,G). Cluster figWhole plantSanatemaraOct.-AprOct.-AprDhal, 9513.The milky juice of the plant(5 ml twice a day for 10 days) is given against pilestree
40Ficus religiosa L.MORACEAEAswatta, Usto (O); Pippala (K); Jari (P); Pipal Tree (E). barkBhejigudaOct.-Mar.Oct.-Mar.Dhal, 9503.Powdered bark (5 gm) is taken with water once daily for 7 days against leucorrhoea.tree
41Zingiber purpureum Rosc.ZINGIBERACEAEBana ada (O)BanglerhizomePodagudaAug.-OctOct- Nov.Dhal, 10027.Powdered rhizome is taken as an antidote to snake-biteherb
42Caryota urens L.ARECACEAE (PALMACEAE)Salapa (O); Ateka (K); Salpa (O).Jaggary palmstemKhonda.Apr.-AugOct.-Feb.Dhal & Brahmam, 9158.The juice is collected by incising the stem. A glass of fresh juice is given to nursing mothers to enhance lactationtree
43Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) Raven.ONAGRACEAEBhuikura (O); Daliju (K)Mexican primrose-willowPetioleRaigharanUmerkoteJuly-Sept.Oct.-MarDhal & Brahmam,9160,9307 Petiole juice is put in eyes against eye diseases like conjunctivitis.Herb
44Glinus lotoides L.MOLLUGINACEAEDamascisa / Lotus sweetjuiceLeafKapur damFeb.-MayFeb.-MayDhal, 9589.Leaf juice (5 ml) is given twice daily for three days against stomach pain of the childrenHerb
45Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lam.RUBIACEAEGharpodia (O).StarvioletWhole plantChikli.June-Sept.June-Sept.Dhal, 9904.Plant decoction is given 2 times a day for 15 days against dyspepsiaHerb
46Hedyotis herbacea L.RUBIACEAEGharpodia (O).Whole plantSingisariJuly-DecJuly-DecDhal, 9905.Plant decoction with common salt (2:1)is given once a day for migraineHerb
47Ixora pavetta Andr.RUBIACEAETelkuria(O); Pete(K)Torch treeRootBarli.Feb.-MarFeb.-MarDhal & Brahmam, 9124.Root paste mixed with the root paste of Satabari (Asparagus racemosus Willd.) is administered twice a day for 7 days against urinary infection.shrub
48Eclipta prostrata (L.) L.ASTERACEAEBhringaraj(O); Kamri (K)False daisy / Yerba de tagoLeafDasarathpurJuly-NovJuly-NovDhal, 9265Leaf juice is applied on head for better hair growth.4-6 leaves are made into paste with stem bark of Kochila (Strynchos nuxvomica ) and applied locally on boils for suppurationherb
49Grangea maderaspatana (L.)Poir.ASTERACEAEAgni kumari (O).Madras CarpetRootUmerkote.Jan.-AprJan.-AprDhal, 9173.About 1cm long root is chewed after meal for 15 days against dyspepsiaherb
50Ardisia solanacea Roxb.MYRSINACEAE(O); Ridika(K). Kadna, KantapenguShoebutton ardisiaRootTentulikhunti.Mar.-JuneOct.-JanDhal & Brahmam, 9034.Root bark paste mixed with dried flower powder of Kanchan and goat milk (4:3:4) is administered twice a day for 15 days against asthmatree
51Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb.EBENACEAE(K); Terel (G).Coromandel ebony / East Indian ebonyFlowerBirijadapahada.Apr-MayFeb.-Mar.Dhal & Brahmam, 9600.Flower powder (10 gm) mixed with black Pepper 3:2 is taken twice a day for 15 days against leucorrhoea tuberculosistree


Traditional uses of medicinal plants by native people in Nawarangpur district, Odisha, India by N. K. Dhal, S. S. Panda* and S. D. Muduli
Environment and Sustainability Department, CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India

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