This study, conducted in 2020-2021 in Güroymak (Bitlis), is the first to document the traditional medicinal plant usage in the district. Researchers interviewed 120 participants from 29 villages with strong ethnobotanical knowledge. They identified 60 plant taxa from 26 families used to treat 30 different diseases. The most commonly used plants came from the Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Rosaceae, and Polygonaceae families. Frequently used species included *Malva neglecta*, *Rosa canina*, *Crataegus* species, and *Taraxacum kurdiciforme*. Digestive problems were treated with the most plants (27 taxa), followed by respiratory and skin conditions (11 taxa each).
Table 2. List of plants used for medicinal purposes in Güroymak
Species | Local names | Part used | Medicinal uses |
Acanthus montanus | Urunhishi | Stem-twig, leaves | Syphilis,cough,emenic,urethral dischrge |
Adhatoda buchhoizii | Fruits, whole plant | Rhumatism,antiinflammatoy | |
Asysasia calyciana | Orole | Leaves | skin diseases,weak erection, |
Asysasia gangetica | lobiri,inana,ntiaturu | whole plant | snake antidote,piles,urethral discharge |
Barleria opaca | Arenikosun | leaves | jaundice,laxatives,snake bite,hemorrhoids |
Barleria maderaspatensis | ewe-asaju,ewe-isaju | whole plant | snake bite antidote |
Hygrophila auriculata | mafowa,bayingiwa | whole plant | craw-craw,bacteriostatic |
Hypostes forskalei | Ogbigbo | whole plant,roots | skin infections |
Hypostes vertillaris | Ekere | whole plant,leaves | sore,fever,antiseptic,chest pains |
Justicia flava | odian,oridun | whole plant | fungal skin diseases,malaria,stomach disorders |
Justicia insularis | isepe-akera | whole plant | measles,mallpox |
Nelsonia compestria | dandun-makiyaya | leaves,juice,twigs | yellow fever,inflammation,schistosomiasis |
Phaulopsis falcisepala | Apa-ogbe | whole plant | wounds,skin parasites,laxative |
Achyranthes spera | hakorin maciji | leaves,roots | stomach disorders,abortion,malaria |
Alternantheras repens | Dagunro | whole plant | dysentry,antimicrobial,filariasis |
Alternantheras selsilis | maikai dubu | whole plant,leaves | snake antidote,piles, astrigent, antibacterial |
Amaranthus spinosus | Nanijingasaya | whole plant | abdominal pain,ulcers,gonorrhoea |
Amaranthus viridis | leaves, roots | antihelminthics,dysentry,antipasmodic,diuretic | |
Celosia laxa | Mannafaa | leaves | antiscorbutic, purgative |
Celosia argenta | fara-layatu | leaves, seeds | skin diseases, diarrhoea,antiscorbutic,anthelmintics |
Philoxerus vermiculatus | leaves | hernia,inflammation | |
Anacardium occidentale | kasu,kanju | bark,leaf,fruits | malaria,elephantiasis,leprosy,ringworms |
Antocaryon micraster | ifa-okete,egin-agbo | leaves,fruits | general toxic,laxative |
Haematostaphis barteri | jan danya | stem,bark,root | emenic,tonic,hepatitis,sleeping sicknes |
Heeria insignis | kasheshe,hawayenzaki | leves,stem,root,bark | anthelminthics,aphoradisiac,galactagogue |
Isolana campanulata | Aghakeze | root,stem,bark | brochial infetions,skin diseases,hematuria |
Mangifera indica | Mangoro | leaves,roots,stem,bark | highblood pressure,skin lesions,insomnia |
Monodora tenuifolia | Sinin | leave,roots | Antihamorrhage,toothache,skin diseases |
Annoa squamosa | Sharp -sharp,mbugo ago | Leaves,fruit,stem | Anaemia,dysentery,ulcer,anti -tumor |
Annona sanegalensis | ` | Root,bark,leaves,seed | Cancer,cough,veneral diseases |
Anoridium manni | Ewuro –igbo | bark | Diarrhoea,cough,fever,rheumtism |
Clestopholis paterns | Apako | Leaves,bark | Respiratory diseases,turberculosis |
Enantia chlorantha | Osopupa,kakerim | Bark | Typhoid fever,hepatitis,jaundice,fever |
Greenwayo dendronsuaveolens | Agudugbu | roots,leaves,bark | Easy labour,weak erectile |
Hexalobus crispiflorus | lapawe, apara, oji ogoda | roots, whole plant | gonorrhoea, cough, malaria |
Monodora myristica | Abo-lakoshe,ehuru | seeds | constipation,lice,guinea worms |
Citrullus colocynthis | Egus bara | whole plant | Antimicrobials |
Cucumeropsis manni | Eyen | leaves | Milk laxative |
Coccinia barteri | ewe-ojo | whole plant | Veneral diseases |
Cucumis melo | Burji | leaves,root | Fungal diseases |
Cucurbita maxima | Kabewa | seeds,fruits | tape worms,taenicides |
Cucumis prophetarum | fruits,pulp | Vermifuge | |
Bryophyllum pinnatum | Abomoda | leaves,root,leaf -sap | |
Kalenchoe crenata | ejeti,onwa | whole plant | small pox,convulsion,asthma |
Brassica oleraceaecapitata | Kabeji | leaves,seed | Antimicrobial |
Celestrus indica | ponju-owiwi | root,leaves,twigs | Antimicrobial,asthma,malaria |
Celestrus senegalensis | Isepolohun | leaves,stem,root | Oedema,laxative,gonorrhea |
Dichaetalum baneri | Ngbu ewa | seeds | Cough,rheumatism |
Cochlospermum planchorii | Rawaya | roots,stem-bark | Gonorrhoea,menstrual disorder |
Cochlospermum tinctorium | Balagande | whole plant | Virginal discharge,bilhazia |
Chenopodium ambroiodes | asin,arunpale | whole plant | Anthelmintics,tumour |
Cyperus esculentus | aya aya | whole plant | to induce vomiting,menstrual discharge |
Mariscus alternifolius | Ranransa,ikeregun | stem-bases | Gonorrhoea,healing wounds |
Acanthospermum,hispidum | kashin yawo | whole plant | yellow fever,turbaculosis,cough |
Achillea millefolium | Yaro | flowers,leaves,seeds | haemostatic,wounds,piles |
Ageratum conyzoides | Urata | whole plant | wounds,ulcers,sleeping sickness,eyewash |
Ambrosia maritima | Makarfo | whole plant | syphilis,stimulant |
Aspilla africana | yunyun,kalankuwa | leaves,flower | skin rashes,cleaning sores,corneal opacities |
Bidens pilosa | abere,langanran | whole plant | anaesthetic,easy labour,abdoinnal pains |
Blumia auria | whole plant | antipyretic,gastro intestinal pains | |
Centauriea perrottetii | Danyi | whole plant | skin infections,syphilis |
Chromolaena odorata | akintola,obiarakara | leaves,stem-twigs | Antimicrobials,haemostatic,skin diseases |
Chrysanthelium indicum | Abilere,oyigi | whole plant | boils,gonorrhoea,jaundice |
Conyza canadensis | whole plant | gonorrhoea,genital diseases,antibacterials | |
Conyza sumatrensis | Olowojeja | whole plant | Antipyretic,asthma,tuberculosis |
Echinacea purpurea | rhizome | Antimicrobial agents | |
Eclpa prostrata | Abikole,arojoku | leaves | Elephatiasis,liver ailments,convulsion |
Elephantapus scaber | root,leaves | fever,cough | |
Emilia coccinea | Odundun | leaves,root,sap | ulcers,hernia,messles |
Galinsoga parviflora | leaves | wounds,analgesic | |
Laggera alata | agemo-kogun,eru-taba | leaves,root,sap | fever,pneumonia,tapeworms |
Laggera aurita | taba-ebora | whole plant | malaria,gasrointestinal pains |
Matricaria recutita | flowers | Analgesic,antispasmodic | |
Microglossa abzelii | leaves,stem | tuberculosis,respiratory infections | |
Microglossa pyrifolia | leaves,root | antipyretic,abortifolant | |
Dichappetalum toxicarium | alo,ikunmu-agbo | stem,bark,stwigs,leaves | jaundice,poisonous to animals |
Discorea dumentorum | Esuru,gussami | tuber,leaves | Analgesic,psychic trouble |
Dracaena manni | peregun,akuku | root,leaves,ruit | Antimicrobial,skin diseases |
Diospyros canaliculata | owe,oriloje | bark, leaves | Antimicrobial,leprosy |
Diospyros mespliformis | kalwa,ige | root-bark, stem-bark | Bilhazia,fertility regulation |
Acalypha fimbriata | Kandri | leaves | syphilis,asthma,antimicrobial,antifungal |
Acalypha godseffiana | Jinwinini | leaves,twigs | skin infections,antimicrobials |
Acalypha wikesiana | Jiwene | leaves,twigs | antimicrobials,constipation |
Alchornea laxiflora | Pepe, ijan | Stem, root, leaves | Veneral disease,antioxidant |
Antidesma venosum | Aroro | stem,bark | Anthelmintics |
Bridelia ferruginea | iri,kirni | leaves,stem,bark,root | insomnia,mouth wash,gonorrhea |
Croton lobatus | eru,namijin zaki,bansaa | root,bark,leaves | guinea worms,urinary disorders |
Croton zambesicus | Ajekobale | leaves,twigs | file,gonorrhea |
Drypetes florabunda | Asokara | stem | toothache,oral hygiene |
Erythrococca anomala | iyere-igbo | fruits,leaves,leave-sap | joint pains,taeniacide |
Euphorbia balsamifera | stem,latex | Dysentery | |
Euphorbia deightonii | ora agogo | leaves | women sterility |
Euphorbia heterophylla | Egele | leaves,roots | skin diseases |
Euphorbia hirta | nonon kurciya,odane | whole plant exudate | asthma,cough,shape of breasts |
Euphorbia kamerurica | oro,ukoko | latex | Aid umbilicalcord drop-off |
Euphobia laterifolia | oro were | leaves exudate | dermatosis,constipation |
Makaranga barteri | asasa,owariwa | leaves,stem,bark | dysentery,urinary disorder |
Mareya spicata | Uhosa | leaves,fruits,bark | skin infections,tape worms |
Microdesmis puberula | Aringo,ukperi | leaves,seeds,bark | eye drop,diarrhea |
Phyllanthus amarus | geron tsuntsaye | whole plants | jaundice,insomnia,antimicrobials |
Caloncoba echinata | Ntuebi | whole plant and exudate | skin infections |
Caloncoba glauca | Kakandika | seed,root,bark | leprosy,skin lesions |
Mansonia senegalensis | oil | Emmenagogue | |
Curculigo piloza | Doyar kurege | roots | Leukaemia,gonorrhea |
Hypoxis nyasica | whole plant | Uterine cancer | |
Harungana madagascariensis | Otoro,alilibarrafi | stem-bark,root-bark | piles,trypanasomiasis |
irvingia gabonensis | oro,goron biri | leaves | sleen infections |
Klainedoxa gabonensis | kanakoro,odudu | bark,seeds | measles,chicken pox,skin infections |
Cassytha filiformis | Niginigini | stem-twigs | Antimicrobial,anti-funga,anthelminthics |
Cinnamomum zeyianiam | Bark,leaves,oil | Typhoid fever,vomiting,nausea | |
Leonotis nepetifolia | Ekun | leaves,root | wound,purgative |
Leucas martinicensis | keke-owu | leaves | snake bite antidote |
Abrus precatorius | oju-ologbo,idon zakara | roots,leaves,seeds | conjuctivitis,antidote for poison,antimicrobials |
Acacia auriculiformis | kasia eleti | bark | Astringent |
Afrormosia laxiflora | shedun,makarfo | roots | intoxicant,body pains |
Afzelia africana | Apa-igbo,akpalata | leaves,roots,bark,seeds | gonorrhoea,hernia |
Albizia adiarthifolia | banabana,tsintsiyar kurmi | bark | gonorrhoea,night blindness,piles |
Albizia ferruginea | Kurmii | root,stem,bark,leaves | constipation,fish poison |
Albizia lebbeck | Igbagbo | seeds,leaves,stem,bark | river blindness,astringent |
Albizia zygia | Ayinre-weere | bark | Arthritis,sprain |
Anthonotha macrophylla | Abara | latex,bark | Gonorrhea,yellow fever |
Arachis hypogea | Epa | nuts | Antimicrobials,insomnia |
Bandeiraea simplicifolia | Kporekpo | leaves,bark | Urinary disorder,cancerous growth |
Cajanus cajan | Orela | leaves,seeds | smallpox,mouth wash |
Calliandra portoricensis | tude,oga | leaves,twigs,roots | convulsions,breas engogement |
Clitoria ternatea | roots,leaves,seeds | gonorrhoea,ulcer | |
Dalbergia lactea | Ojiji | bark,stem-dust | pimples,ease labour |
Daniellia oliveri | iya,kadaura | gum,bark | urinary tract infections |
Daniellia thurifera | Iya | stew-wood dust | Scabies |
Delorix regia | seke seke,ayin | leaves,bark,seeds,flower | diuretics,anthelmintics |
Detaruyn nucricaroyn | taura,ogbogbo | bark,leaves | wounds,ulcers |
Dialium guineense | tsamiyar kurmi | leaves,fruits,bark,twig | bronchitis,cough,diuretic |
Dioclea reflexa | Agbarin,arin | seeds | Asthma head lice,dandruff |
Glycine max | Ewa | seeds | Laxative |
Glycyrrhiza glabra | roots | Expectorant,bronchitis | |
Guibourtia coplliere | kaluk ofoun | leaves,roots,fruits,exudate | blood booster |
Indigofera arrecta | Elu aja | leaves,twigs | Diarrhoea,dysentery |
Indigofera macrophylla | aniya makomiya | leaves | piles,enlargement of spleen and liver |
Leucena leucocephala | leaves,seeds | Antimicrobials,blood tonic | |
Mepturnia oleracea | galajin ruwa | whole plants | yellow fever |
Acacia ataxacantha | ihun,ewon- adele,sarkakiya | Young leaves | Dysentry,bark pain |
Acacia nilotica | baani,gabaruwa | fruit,bark,exudate | skin diseases,fungal infections |
Acacia sieberia | siyi,farakaya | bark,stem-twigs,leaves | Anti cancer,Athsma |
Mucuna pruriens | Kakara | hairs on the pods | intestinal worms,genito-urinary disorders |
Mundulea sericera | roots | anti parasites | |
Parkia biglobosa | Dorowa,igba | whole plant | tonic,mental disorders,obesity,diabete |
Pentaclethra macrophylla | Apapa,pakala | leaves,bark,roots | Appetizer,general weakness,jaundice |
Pericopsis laxiflora | bark | hypertension,insomnia | |
Baphia nitada | majigi,aboshi | leaves,bark | cancrous growth,urinary disorders |
Baphia pubescens | Awewi | stem bark | antimicrobials,urinary infections |
Bauhinia variegata | Root,leaves,bark | skin diseases,syphilis | |
Bauhinia caesalphiniaceae | Jinga | Root | Fever,dysentry |
Berlinia grandiflora | Root,bark,stem | syphilis,skin diseases | |
Burkea africana | Apasa,orusi | Bark,twigs | Headache |
Napoleona imperialis | Mabungi | twigs | Asthma,cough |
Napoleona vogelii | ito,akbodo | whole plant | Diabetes,fever |
Lycopodium cernuum | kuje-kuje | whole plant | New born skin management |
Lawsonia inermis | Lalle | leaves,flower,bark | spermatorrhoea,jaundice,skin diseases |
Species | Local names | Part used | Medicinal uses |
Anthocleista djalonensis | shapo,kwari | bark,leaves | Purgative,rashes,eczema |
Anthocleista vogelli | Apa oro,sapo | seeds,bark | Antidote for snake bite |
Lobelia molleri | whole plant | Mental disorders,antimicrobial | |
Allium ascalonicum | Albasa maigo | Leaves, bulb | convulsion,dysentery |
Allium cepa | Albsa | bulbs, leaves | cough, diuretic, antihelminthic |
Allium sativum | Ayo, ayuu | bulb | fever,cough, asthma,antimicrobial |
Aloe vera | ahon erin | leaves juice | purgative, guineaworms, breast cancer |
Asparagus africana | aluki, sarka | whole plant | antimicrobial, kidney diseases |
Gloriosa superba | mora, ewe-aje, baurere | tubers, leaves | gonorrhoea, headlice, antipyretic |
Pancratium trianthum | alubosa-aloko, hatsin manoma | bulb | visual hallucinations, convulsions |
Abelmochus esculentus | kubewa,ila | fruits,seeds | fever,gonorrhoea,catarrhal infections |
Abutilon mauritianum | furu,kawo | leaves,roots | diarrhoea,piles,gonorrhea |
Clappertonia facifolia | Bolobolo | leaves,roots | Cough |
Hibiscus acetosella | Akese | leaves | Dysentery |
Hibiscus asper | isapa,dangiraa | leaves | cough,wounds,diuretic |
Hibiscus rosasinensis | kekeke,ireagu | leaves,stem,flower | influenza,wounds,diuretic |
Hibiscus sabdariffa | sobo,gurguzuu | leaves,flowers | Diuretics,cough,dressing wounds |
Hibiscus surattensis | Akonimara,emo | whole plant,leaves | Abdominal pain |
Flabellaria peniculata | lagbo-lagbo | leaves | wound,cuts |
Azadiracta indica | Dogon yaro,bedi | leaves,stem,bark,seeds | Malaria,jaundice,anthelmintics,syphilis |
Ekebergia senegalensis | madacin dutse,ayape | trunk,bark,root | Insomnia,root powder induce sneezing |
Chasmanthera dependens | Ato-oloriraun | root | Diuretic,management of fracture |
Cissampelos owariensis | Damargaji | whole plant | Lung diseases,diuretic,blood tonics |
Cocparnus pendulus | root | Antipyretic | |
Discoreophyllum cummisii | Inunurin | Fruits,leaves,root | Diabetes,Obesity |
Embelia guineasis | leaves,root | Anthelmintics,skin diseases | |
Embelia schimperi | Kiru | stem-bark,leaves | Antispasmodic,anthelmintic |
Gisekia pharmacicides | leaves,fruits | wounds,cut | |
Moringa oleifera | zogale,bagaruwar makka | whole plant | Inflammatory diseases,veneral diseases |
Antiaris africana | Ooro, Ayo, Farinloko | stem-bark, root bark,sap | Epilepsy, lumbago,Irritation |
Artocarpus altilis | Berefruit, Berefuruhu,Jaloke | Roots, Fruits, Wood | Fevers, Sedative |
Dorstenia prorepens | Alaifo, Aloifo | Stem, Twig, Leaves | Nephrosis,antimicrobials |
Ficus capensis | opoto, farin bauree | leaf,stem,root,fruits | Dysentery,oedema,leprosy,gonorrhoea |
Ficus elegans | Asoro | leaves | piles,constipation,craw-craw |
Ficus exasperata | Epin | leaves,bark,roots,seeds | stomach disorders,scabies,urinary ailments |
Ficus mucosa | Janbaure | bark of stem | insomnia |
Nymphaea lotus | Bado | whole plant | vomiting,anti-tumour |
Boerhaavia diffusa | Baba juji,eso | bark,leaves,fruit,flower | Blood tonic,emolient |
Neprolepsis bisserata | Iramu | whole plant | pregnancy booster |
Jussiaea linifoliio | Bini-sensen | leaves | Malaria |
Ludwigia suffruticossa | Ako ewuro odo | whole plant | Anthelmintics,purgative |
Olax subscorpioidea | gwanon rafi | whole plant | Yellow fever,veneral diseases,mental disorders |
Eulophia millosoni | Rhizome | Aphrodisiac | |
Lophira alata | Eki,uda | Root,bark,seeds,leaves | Fever,jaundice |
Ouratea flava | Nkanka | leaves,fruit | Laxative,vitaminss |
Opilia celtidifolia | Inuwar gada | Root,stem | Anthelmintics |
Oxalis corniculata | oneku,tsuku | leaves | Fever,warts,boils |
Adenia cissampeloides | arokeke,godogbo | leaves,stem,bark | hypertension,nervous disorders,antimicrobials |
Adenia venenata | dodo,yaga,arokeke | whole plant | bronchitis,syphilis |
Eichhornia crassipes | mako,omi | whole plant | Skin care |
Hilleria latifolia | Ogo,akaato | whole plant | Breast cancer,urethral discharges |
Sanguinolenta cryptolepia | root,stem | Antipyretic,antimicrobial,urinary infections | |
Pedalum murex | whole plant | Gonorrhoea,enlarged spleen | |
Antigonon leptopus | leaves | antimicrobials | |
Areca catechu | nut | urinary tract infections,anthelmintics | |
Borassus aaethiopum | Uburu | Roots,juie of nut | Respiratory disorders |
Cocos nucifera | Agbon,kwakwa | bark,roots,nut | Bronchitis,liver ailments,scabies |
Piper nigrum | Fruits | diuretic,piles,rheumatic pains | |
Piper umbellatum | eweefon,iwere | leaves,roots,fruits | Rheumatism,inflammatory tumours,diuretic |
Gouania longipetata | Laghosa | stem-twigs | Gum infections |
Amaralia bignoniflora | Unemuo | leaves,seeds | cough,rheumatic pain |
Borreria verticillata | Irawo | leaves,seeds | Gonorrhoea,anti-leprosy,antibilharziasis |
Cepphaelis manni | leaves,bark,roots | wounds,antipyretic,dysentry | |
Cinchona offinalis | bark | malaria,antibacterial | |
Coffea arabica | kofi,gahwa | kernels | stimulant,rheumatism,diuretic |
Citrus aurantifolia | Dankabuya | whole plant | jaundice,abdominal ulcer,scurvy,antimicrobial |
Citrus limon | Babban lemu | whole plant | Antipyretic,colds |
Allphylus africanus | Alarto | leaves,root,bark | piles,veneral diseases,anthelmintics |
Blighia unijugata | ako-isin | root,leaves,stem,bark | Diabetes,postanatal haemorrhage |
Blighia sapida | gwanja kusa | leaves,fruits,bark | Malaria |
Dodonaea viscosa | leaves | Sore throat | |
Brucea antidysentrica | root,bark | cancer | |
Hannoa klaineana | Takardar giwa,igigun | stem,root | Hypertension |
Buchcholzia coriaceae | Uwuro | Fruit,bark | Antimicrobials,respiratory disorders |
Cola acuminata | Oji | fruits,nuts | Fever |
Cola caricifolia | Ogugu | leaves | Eye infections,ring worm |
Cola laurifolia | Karanga | twigs,stem,bark | Toothache |
Cola milleni | obi-edun | leaves,fruit | Ringworms,scabies |
Cola nitida | Obi gbanjo | stem,bark,seeds,kernel | Diarrhoeas |
Hildegradia barteri | Kariya | bark | Epilepsy |
Butyrospermum paradoxum | kadanya,osisi | seeds | Nasal decongestion and cattarhal conditions |
Chrysophyllum albidum | osan balumo | bark,leaves | Fever |
Baccopa monnifera | whole plant | Cough,catarrh,bronchitis | |
Casearia barteri | Ukpakuzon | stem,twigs,bark | Oral hygeine |
Gnidia kraussiana | mada,sungoje,tururibi | roor,stem | Leprosy,skin diseases |
Leptogramma pillosiasaila | Rhizome | Diabetes,obesity | |
Glyphaea brevis | Atory | whole plant | Respiratory ailments |
Grewia venusta | Dargaza | leaves,stem,twigs,bark | fever,boils,ease labour |
Celtis midbraedii | uta,aziza | root | Arthritis |
Clerodendrum paniculatum | ora-ojola,adabi | root,leaves | Anthpyretic,anthelmintics |
Clerodendrum capitalum | Feregede,illiri | leaves,root | Anthelmintics,dysentry,gonorrhoea |
Clerodendrum umbellatum | leaves | Wouns,cut | |
Duranta repens | fruits | Anthelmintics | |
Lantana camara | Kimba | leaves | fever,aniseptic |
Lippia multiflora | Toromaba | whole plant | Hypertension,antipyretic |
Hybanthus enneaspermus | Abiwere | whole plant | Easy and painless child delivery |
Afrormosia granum-paraisi | oburo-wawa | roots | anthelmintics |
Aframomum scretrum | oburo-etu,oguro | seeds,leaves | Measles,small pox |
Aframomun melegueta | Citta | leaves,seeds | stimulant,anthelmintics,small pox |
Curcuma longa | Gangamu | tubers | jaundice,anti-tumour,eye wash |
Kaempfena nigerica | rhizome | Mental disorders,hallucinogenic agent | |
Balanites aegyptiaca | Aduwa,badure | root,fuits,seeds,bark | Anthelmintics,skin diseases |
Guaiacum officinale | Stem | Urinary disorders,diuretic |
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Source: Demir Ü, Demir İ, 2022. Traditional Plants Used for Medicinal Purposes in Güroymak (Bitlis/Turkey) District.
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 11(2): 609-621
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