Poor sexual performance is often caused for concern for many of us – whether the problem lies with us or our partner. Some people turn to Viagra and other pharmaceuticals to help them cope with ‘sexual deficiencies’ of various kinds. However, in nature there are many herbs that some cultures have used successfully to address these issues; some of these herbs have been scientifically tested and some are yet to be. Below is a list of herbs that have been tested to varying degree to ascertain their aphrodisiac potential.

1. Chlorophytum borivilianum
Scientific Name: Chlorophytum borivilianum
Common Names: Safed Musli
Parts Used: Tubers, Root and Rhizome
Uses: Used for Sexual weakness, low libido, low sperm count
Other Uses:Other uses include strengthening immune system, to aid with issues of pregnancy, obesity and diabetes.
Research: A randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled trial indicated a statistically high increase in semen volume, sperm count, sperm motility, and percent normal sperm morphology.
Research Link: Chlorophytum borivilianum research link

2. Mondia whitei
Scientific Name: Mondia whitei
Common Names: White’s ginger, Tonic root, Gondolosi
Parts Used: Root, Leaves
Uses: Improve libido and fertility
Other Uses: It promotes or increases the flow of a mother’s milk, improves appetite and is an antidepressant
Research link: Mondia whitei link 1 | Mondia whitei
3. Tribulus terrestris
Scientific Name: Tribulus terrestris
Common Names: Goat head, Bindii, Puncture vine, Caltrop, Yellow vine
Parts Used: Fruit, Root
Uses: Healthy libido, better sexual function and satisfaction and improved fertility.
Other Uses: It is widely used by athletes and body builders as it improves muscle building, stamina and endurance; and improve prostate health.
Research: Showed to improve libido and spermatogenesis in humans and animals.
Research link: Tribulus terrestris link
4. Turnera diffusa
Scientific Name: Turnera diffusa
Common Names: Damiana, Hierba de la pastora, Mexican damiana, Mizibcoc, Old woman’s broom
Parts Used: Aerial parts, leaves
Uses: A sexual stimulant used to treat erectile dysfunction and anorgasmia in both men and women. It oxygenates genital area and helps with sexual anxiety.
Other Uses: Increases energy, asthma, depression, impotence and menstrual problems, nervous dyspepsia, constipation, debility and lethargy.
Research: The results of research supported the use as an aphrodisiac in traditional medicine and suggest possible therapeutic properties on sexual dysfunction.
Research link: Turnera diffusa link
5. Myristica fragrans
Scientific Name: Myristica fragrans
Common Names: Nutmeg
Parts Used: Dried kernel of the seed.
Uses: Male sexual enhancement
Other Uses: Nutmeg oil has been used in dentistry for toothache relief; as a local massage to reduce muscular pain and rheumatic pain of joints. Decoction is used to nausea, gastritis, and indigestion.
Research: Study indicated a significant and sustained increase in the sexual activity of male rats, without any conspicuous adverse effects and toxicity. This suggests that nutmeg possesses clinically applicable aphrodisiac activity, and also lends support to the claims for its traditional usage as sexual function enhancing medicine.
Research link: Myristica fragrans link 1 | Myristica fragrans link 2
6. Phoenix dactylifera
Scientific Name: Phoenix dactylifera
Common Names: Date, Date palm
Parts Used: Date palm pollen, dates
Uses: Improve sperm quality
Other Uses: Traditionally used to treat respiratory diseases and intestinal disorders. Dates are natural laxatives which relieve constipation.
Research: Date palm pollen seems to improve sperm quality, enhance fertility in the male adult rat. Therefore, it may be useful to solve infertility problems.
Research link: Phoenix dactylifera link
7. Lepidium meyenii
Scientific Name: Lepidium meyenii
Common Names: Maca, Maino, Maka, Peruvian Ginseng, Peruvian Maca
Parts Used: Root (Maca generally comes in capsule or powder form)
Uses: Improve libido and fertility
Other Uses: Also used to improve endurance, menopause, depression, skin care, menstration
Research: Clinical Studies. Maca enhanced fertility in both men and women
Research Link: Lepidium meyenii link
8. Kaempferia parviflora
Scientific Name: Kaempferia parviflora
Common Names: Black ginger, Thai Ginseng
Parts Used: Root
Uses: Enhance sexual desire, sexual motivation and sexual performance
Other Uses: Antiplasmodial, antifungal and mild antimycobacterial, excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic activity, anti-allergic activity, prevent and cure Alzheimer’s disease, anti-gastric ulcer effect, antiobesity effects, anxiolytic and antidepressant effects
Research: Results indicated that alcohol extract had an aphrodisiac activity probably – increase in blood flow to the testis.
Research link: Kaempferia parviflora link
9. Eurycoma longifolia
Scientific Name: Eurycoma longifolia
Common Names: Long Jack, Ali’s walking stick, Local Ginseng, Jack, Ginseng de Malaisie
Parts Used: Root, bark
Uses: Used to improve energy, increase stamina, physical endurance, and sensual performance.
Research: Research in animals and humans suggests it might increase testosterone in the body.
Research Link: Eurycoma longifolia link
10. Satureja khuzestanica
Scientific Name: Satureja khuzestanica
Common Names: Savory
Parts Used: Aerial parts, leaves (Essential oil)
Other Uses: Commonly used as an analgesic and antiseptic.
Research: Administration of Satureja khuzestanica essential oil for 45 days to rats improved their fertility, potency, sexual drive and litter size. The essential (volatile) oil, is what provides the sexual potent effects.
Research Link: Satureja khuzestanica link 1 | Satureja khuzestanica link 2
11. Panax ginseng
Scientific Name: Panax ginseng
Common Names: Asian Ginseng, Asiatic Ginseng, Chinese Ginseng
Parts Used: Root
Research: Results indicate that taking Panax ginseng by mouth seems to improve sexual function in men with erectile dysfunction.
Research Link: Panax ginseng link
12. Pausinystalia yohimbe
Scientific Name: Pausinystalia yohimbe
Common Names: Yohimbe
Parts Used: Bark
Uses: Improve sexual health
Other Uses: Traditioanlly also used for weight loss, improved circulation, hypertension among other uses.
Research: It was concluded that yohimbine (alkaloid derived from the bark of the Pausinystalia yohimbe tree) is a useful treatment option in orgasmic dysfunction.
Research Link: Pausinystalia yohimbe link
13. Fadogia agrestis
Scientific Name: Fadogia agrestis
Common Names: Bakin gagai, Black aphrodisiac
Parts Used:
Uses: To treat ED (erectile dysfunction, impotence) and increase sex drive
Other Uses: To treat malaria; improve athletic performance, and support body building
Research: It currently lacks human studies, but appears to have both aphrodisiac and erectile properties in rats.
Research Link: Fadogia agrestis link
14. Montanoa tomentosa
Scientific Name: Montanoa tomentosa
Common Names: Zoapatle, Cihuapatli
Parts Used: Leaves, flowers
Research: During the study of the ejaculatory function in rats it was observed that crude extracts of Montanoa tomentosa facilitated ejaculation.
Research Link: Montanoa tomentosa link 1 | Montanoa tomentosa link 2 | Montanoa tomentosa link 3
15. Terminalia catappa
Scientific Name: Terminalia catappa
Common Names: Tropical almond, Sea Almond, Wild almond, Indian almond, myrobalan, Malabar almond, Singapore almond, ketapang, Huu kwang, Sea almond, kobateishi, West Indian almond
Parts Used: Leaves, Fruits, Bark, Root, Seed
Research: Terminalia catappa seeds at certain quantities, have aphrodisiac activity and may be useful in the treatment of certain forms of sexual inadequacies, such as premature ejaculation.
Research Link: Terminalia catappa link
16. Casimiroa edulis
Scientific Name: Casimiroa edulis
Common Names: Casimiroa, White sapote, and Mexican apple
Parts Used: Fruit, leaves, bark
Research: Research provided preliminary evidence that the aqueous seed extract possesses aphrodisiac effects and may be used as an alternative drug therapy to restore sexual functions probably through a neurogenic mode of action.
Research Link: Casimiroa edulis link
17. Mucuna pruriens
Scientific Name: Mucuna pruriens
Common Names: Velvet bean, Cowhage, Cowitch, Cow-Itch Plant, Dolichos Pruriens, Feijao Macaco, Atmagupta, Couhage,
Parts Used: Seeds
Uses: Mood enhancer and aphrodisiac
Other Uses: Benefits mental state and energy levels. The hairs on the Mucuna pod are used to treat several species of parasitic worms.
Research: Based on research it may be concluded that Mucuna pruriens helps in reducing psychological stress, improves semen quality and reduces lipid peroxide content.
Research Link: Mucuna pruriens link
18. Epimedium
Scientific Name: Epimedium
Common Names: Horny goat weed, Epimedium acuminatum, Epimedium brevicornum, Epimedium grandiflorum, Epimedium Grandiflorum Radix, Yin Yang Huo,
Parts Used: Leaves
Uses: Orally, epimedium is used for impotence and involuntary ejaculation.
Other Uses: Traditionally used for weak back and knees, mental and physical fatigue, memory loss, hypertension, coronary heart disease, bronchitis, chronic hepatitis, polio, chronic leukopenia and viral myocarditis and joint pain.
Research: Epimedium’s aphrodisiac effects have been verified in both animal and human research.
Research Mice treated with a horny goat weed preparation produced “apparent effects on the improvement of sexuality”. It was also shown to improve their sperm producing capability.
Research Link: Epimedium link
Some herbs will be more effective than others, to varying degree depending on one’s symptoms. There are however a number of herbs to choose from. If you buy products be aware of the manufacturer’s guidelines.
Also be mindful of taking herbs when using pharmaceuticals and observe possible contraindications.
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