A study of the medicinal plants used by the Marakwet Community in Kenya
Conducted by: Wilson Kipkore, Bernard Wanjohi, Hillary Rono and Gabriel Kigen
Published: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2014
Abstract Background: The medicinal plants used by herbalists in Kenya have not been well documented, despite their widespread use. The threat of complete disappearance of the knowledge on herbal medicine from factors such as deforestation, lack of proper regulation, overexploitation and sociocultural issues warrants an urgent need to document the information. The purpose of the study was to document information on medicinal plants used by herbalists in Marakwet District towards the utilization of indigenous ethnobotanical knowledge for the advancement of biomedical research and development. Methods: Semi-structured oral interviews were conducted with 112 practicing herbalists. The types of plants used were identified and the conditions treated recorded. Results: Herbal practice is still common in the district, and 111 plants were identified to have medicinal or related uses. Different herbal preparations including fruits and healing vegetables are employed in the treatment of various medical conditions. Veterinary uses and pesticides were also recorded. Conclusion: The study provides comprehensive ethnobotanical information about herbal medicine and healing methods among the Marakwet community. The identification of the active ingredients of the plants used by the herbalists may provide some useful leads for the development of new drugs.
Note: click on the green buttons to read more about each plant such as parts used and uses.
Botanical name | Voucher no. | Local name | Common name | Family | Habit | Habitat | Parts used | Method | General plant uses |
Acacia brevispica Harms | WBHG/13/081 | Korniswo | Prickly Thorn Bonsai | Mimosaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves | Crushed and rubbed on skin | Itchy skin rashes |
Acacia brevispica Harms | WBHG/13/081 | Korniswo | Prickly Thorn Bonsai | Mimosaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves | Crused and applied | Removal of ganglion |
Acacia hockii De. Willd. | WBHG/13/026 | Churur | Whistling thorn/ shittim wood | Mimosaceae | Tree | Escarpment | Bark | Boiled and administered | Abdominal (colic) pains |
Acacia hockii De. Willd. | WBHG/13/026 | Churur | Whistling thorn/ shittim wood | Mimosaceae | Tree | Escarpment | Bark | Boiled with water | Herbal “tea” |
Acacia lahai [Steud. & Hochst. ex] Benth | WBHG/13/038 | Seretetwo | Red thorn | Mimosaceae | Tree | Highland | Leaves | Pounded and mixed with other herbs | Synergistic herb |
Acacia mellifera (Vahl) Benth | WBHG/13/043 | Ngowo | Black thorn/ wait-a-bit thorn | Mimosaceae | Shrub | Lowland | Roots | Boiled and administered | Sexually transmitted diseases |
Acacia mellifera (Vahl) Benth | WBHG/13/043 | Ngowo | Black thorn/ wait-a-bit thorn | Mimosaceae | Shrub | Lowland | Higher parasites | Burnt and ashes licked | Rheumatism |
Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile | WBHG/13/068 | Ngopkwo | Thorntree/whistling thorn | Mimosaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Bark | Bark chewed when raw or boiled | Abdominal (colic) pains |
Acacia tortilis Hayne | WBHG/13/039 | Sesia | Shittim wood | Mimosaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Fruit bodies | Burnt and ash licked | Cancer |
Acalypha fruticosa Forsk. | WBHG/13/101 | Sawiyon | Birch-leaved Acalypha | Euphorbiaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves | Crushed and applied on the site | Scorpion/bee stings |
Acokanthera schimperi (A. DC.) Benth. & Hook. | WBHG/13/110 | Kelyo | Arrow-poison plant | Apocynaceae | Tree | Escarpment | Roots | Boiled and applied | Arrow poison |
Albizia spp. | WBHG/13/063 | Seet | Flea tree /frywood | Mimosaceae | Tree | Escarpment | Fruit bodies | Burnt and ash licked | Cancer |
Albizia spp. | WBHG/13/063 | Seet | Flea tree /frywood | Mimosaceae | Tree | Escarpment | Bark | Boiled and administered | Abortifacient, Contraceptive |
Albuca bracteata (Thunb.) J.C. Manning & Goldblatt | WBHG/13/049 | K’dow | Pregnant onion plant | Asparagaceae | Herb | Lowland | Bulbs | Boiled and administered | Cancer |
Aloe spp. | WBHG/13/095 | Chepkenderetwo | Burn plant | Aloaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves | Crushed and sap applied | Wounds |
Aloe spp. | WBHG/13/095 | Chepkenderetwo | Burn Plant | Aloaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves | Sap applied on the operated area | Craniotomy (surgery) |
Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. | WBHG/13/011 | Tuyunwo | Desert date | Balanitaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves, fruits | Cooked as vegetable | Healing vegetable |
Balanites rotundifolia (Tiegh.) Blatt | WBHG/13/118 | Lomion | Not found | Balanitaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Fruits | Crush the fruits, soak in water and apply | Pesticide |
Berchemia discolor (Klotsch) Hemsl | WBHG/13/076 | Muchukwo | Bird plum | Rhamnaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Roots | Boiled and administered | Erectile dysfunction |
Boscia coriacea Pax. | WBHG/13/062 | Sorukwo | Not found | Capparidaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Seeds | Boiled and administered | Obesity |
Bryophyta spp. | WBHG/13/096 | Chebumbu | Green Moss | Oxallidaceae | Herb | Highland/ escarpment | Whole plant | Burnt and ash licked | Heartburn/Teething in children |
Bryophyta spp. | WBHG/13/096 | Chebumbu | Green Moss | Oxallidaceae | Herb | Highland/ escarpment | Whole plant | Burnt and ashes rubbed on the gums | To relive pain associated with teething in children |
Calotropis procera (Aiton) W.T. Aiton | WBHG/13/079 | Kibou | Giant milkweed/ calotropis | Asclepiadaceae | Shrub | Lowland | Leaves | Burnt and ash administered | Emetic |
Capparis cartilaginea Decne. | WBHG/13/091 | Chepteretwo | Caper shrub | Capparidaceae | Shrub | Lowland | Leaves | Chewed/ burnt and ash licked | Heartburn/peptic ulcers |
Capparis cartilaginea Decne. | WBHG/13/091 | Chepteretwo | Caper shrub | Capparidaceae | Shrub | Lowland | Flowers | Dried, crushed and added to meat | Food flavour |
Caralluma acutangula | WBHG/13/031 | Mochontopokot | Caralluma | Asclepiadaceae | Herb | Lowland | Whole plant | Whole plant chewed | Chest congestion (wheezing) |
Carissa edulis (Forssk.) Vahl | WBHG/13/091 | Legetetwet | Egyptian carissa | Apocynaceae | Shrub | Highland/ escarpment/ lowland | Roots | Boiled and added to other herbs or used alone | General malaise |
Carissa edulis (Forssk.) Vahl | WBHG/13/091 | Legetetwet | Egyptian carissa | Apocynaceae | Shrub | Highland/ escarpment/ lowland | Fruits | Consumed in whole | Appetizer |
Cassia didymobotrya Fres. | WBHG/13/094 | Senetwo | Peanut- butter cassia | Caesalpiniaceae | Shrub | Highland/ escarpment | Dried bark | Pound and applied on bleeding area | Antihaemorrhagic (stops bleeding) |
Cassia didymobotrya Fres. | WBHG/13/094 | Senetwo | Peanut- butter cassia | Caesalpiniaceae | Shrub | Highland/ escarpment | Leaves/bark | Boiled and administered | Hypertension |
Cassia obtusifolia Linn or Cassia occidentalisL. | WBHG/13/070or 070a | Kipkurkuris | Senna | Caesalpiniaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves and seeds | Boiled and administered | Abortifacient |
Cirsium vulgare (Savi.) Ten | WBHG/13/013 | Tokoukowo | Spear thistle | Asteraceae | Herb | Highland/ escarpment | Leaves/twigs | Burnt and ash licked | Heartburn |
Cirsium vulgare (Savi.) Ten | WBHG/13/013 | Tokoukowo | Spear Thistle | Asteraceae | Herb | Highland/ escarpment | Leaves/Twigs | Burnt ash applied on incisions made on the skin | Talisman |
Clerodendrum myricoides (Hochst.) Vatke | WBHG/13/005 | Chebobet | Blue glory bower | Lamiaceae | Tree | Escarpment | Leaves | Burnt and ash licked | “Kipei” condition |
Clutia abyssinica Jaub & Spach | WBHG/13/089 | Kapkurelwo | Smooth-fruited lightning-bush | Euphorbiaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ riverine | Roots | Boiled and mixed with other herbs | Synergistic herb |
Clutia abyssinica Jaub & Spach | WBHG/13/089 | Kapkurelwo | Smooth-fruited lightning-bush | Euphorbiaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ riverine | Roots | Boiled and administered | Erectile dysfunction |
Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt | WBHG/13/019 | Minjilwo | Ivy ground | Cucurbitaceae | Herb | Lowland | Leaves | Boiled and used as vegetable | Treatment of heavy snoring |
Combretum apiculatum Sond. | WBHG/13/111 | Leleiya | Red bushwillow | Combretaceae | Tree | Escarpment | Fruit bodies | Burnt and ash licked | Cancer |
Commicarpus africanus (Lour.) Dandy | WBHG/13/065 | Tanagit | Comicarp (Catalan) | Nyctaginaceae | Herb | Escarpment | Leaves | Crushed leaves rubbed on the ganglion | Removal of ganglion |
Cordia sinensis Lam. | WBHG/13/007 | Adomeyon | Grey-leaved saucer berry | Boraginaceae | Tree | Lowland | Twigs | Break tender twigs for use | Toothbrush |
Crassocephalum mannii | WBHG/13/042 | Terkekwo | Thickhead | Asteraceae | Shrub | Highland/ escarpment | Roots | Boiled and administered | Arthritis |
Crotalaria incana L. | WBHG/13/060 | Kimira | Woolly Rattlepod | Fabaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves | Boiled and used as vegetable | Anaemia |
Crotalaria incana L. | WBHG/13/060 | Kimira | Woolly Rattlepod | Fabaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves | Cooked as vegetable | Healing vegetable |
Croton ciliatoglandulifer Ortega | WBHG/13/077 | Kibichan | Mexican croton | Euphorbiaceae | Liana/ climber | Lowland/ escarpment | Roots | Boiled and mixed with other herbs | Synergistic herb |
Croton ciliatoglandulifer Ortega | WBHG/13/077 | Kibichan | Mexican croton | Euphorbiaceae | Liana/ climber | Lowland/ escarpment | Roots | Chewed raw/ boiled with other herbs | Heartburn |
Croton dichogamus Pax | WBHG/13/064 | Kerelwo | Orange leavedcroton | Euphorbiaceae | Shrub | Escarpment | Higher parasites on this plant | Burnt and ash licked | “Kipei” condition (abdominal pain and oral thrush) |
Croton dichogamus Pax | WBHG/13/064 | Kerelwo | Orange leavedcroton | Euphorbiaceae | Shrub | Escarpment | Bark, roots and flowers | Boiled and administered | Chest congestion (wheezing) |
Croton megalocarpus Hutch. | WBHG/13/045 | Otonwet | Broadleaved croton | Euphorbiaceae | Tree | Escarpment | Roots | Boiled and administered | Purgative |
Cucumisdipsaceu s C. G. Ehrenb. ex Spac | WBHG/13/055 | Kisangwa | Bitter gourd | Cucurbitaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Fruits | Crushed and mixed with little water and administered to patient | Emetic |
Cyperus esculentus L. | WBHG/13/103 | Morgut | Yellow nutsedge | Cyperaceae | Herb | Lowland/ swampy areas | Tubers | Chewed | Stomachache |
Cyperus esculentus L. | WBHG/13/103 | Morgut | Yellow nutsedge | Cyperaceae | Herb | Lowland/ swampy areas | Tubers | Chewed | Abdominal (colic) pains/Talisman |
Cyperus esculentus L. | WBHG/13/103 | Morgut | Yellow nutsedge | Cyperaceae | Herb | Lowland/ swampy areas | Tubers | Chewed or boiled | Colic pain in children |
Cyperus esculentus L. | WBHG/13/103 | Morgut | Yellow nutsedge | Cyperaceae | Herb | Lowland/ swampy areas | Tubers | Chewed and applied | Talisman |
Cyphostemma serpens (Hochst. exA.Rich.) Desc | WBHG/13/021 | Kirorot | Not found | Vitaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Dried stem | Boiled and administered | Abortifacient |
Cyphostemma cyphopetalum (Fresen.) Descoings | WBHG/13/075 | Kibungwach | Not found | Vitaceae | Herb | Escarpment | Tubers | Crush and apply on the pests | Pesticide |
Dactylocteniuma egyptium L. | WBHG/13/073 | Anyinya | Egyptian crowfoot grass | Poaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves | Crushed and chewed raw | Heartburn |
Dactylocteniuma egyptium L. | WBHG/23/073 | Anyinya | Egyptian crowfoot grass | Poaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Whole plant | Cooked as vegetable | Healing vegetable |
Digeramuricata L. Healing vegetable | WBHG/13/099 | Chesugut | False Amaranth | Amaranthaceae | Herb | Lowland | Leaves | Cooked as vegetable | Healing vegetable |
Diospyros scabra (Chiov.) | WBHG/13/016 | Turetwo | Ebony tree | Ebenaceae | Tree | Escarpment | Bark | Boil and patient bathed in concoction and covered | Fever in children |
Cufod Diospyros scabra (Chiov.) | WBHG/13/016 | Turetwo | Ebony tree | Ebenaceae | Tree | Escarpment | Twigs | Break tender twigs for use | Toothbrush |
Cufod Dodonaea viscose (L.) Jacq. | WBHG/13/098 | Tebelekwo | Hopbush | Sapindaceae | Shrub | Escarpment | Twigs | Break tender twigs and use | Toothbrush |
Dolichos spp. | WBHG/13/104 | Kipchoror | Hyacinth bean | Fabaceae | Herb | Lowland | Dry leaves | Pound, mixed with water and administered | Enhance lactation in breastfeeding mothers |
Drimia indica (Roxb.) Jessop | WBHG/13/046 | Barangoya | Indian-squill | Asparagaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Bulbs | Bulb applied on the ulcers | Cancer |
Ehretia cymose var. silvatica Guerke | WBHG/13/066 | Kabonbonet or Mororion | Stamperwood | Boraginaceae | Shrub | Highland | Bark | Boiled and administered | Stomachache |
Ekebergia rueppelliana Fres | WBHG/13/045 | Kerbu | Ekebergia | Meliaceae | Tree | Lowland | Bark | Boiled and administered | Purgative |
Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) E.E. Cheesman | WBHG/13/002 | Sosurwo | False banana | Musaceae | Shrub | Highland/ escarpment | Tip end (flower) | Crushed, dried and burnt. Ash licked | Heartburn |
Erythrina abyssinica DC. | WBHG/13/029 | Korkorwo | Corpse flower | Fabaceae | Tree | Highland | Bark | Boiled and administered | Mumps |
Euclea divinorum Hiern. | WBHG/13/052 | Uswo | Magic Guarri | Ebenaceae | Shrub | Escarpment | Twigs | Break tender twigs for use | Toothbrush |
Eucleadivinorum Hiern. | WBHG/13/052 | Uswo | Magic Guarri | Ebenaceae | Shrub | Escarpment | Bark | Pound and applied on the incision made on the bitten site | Antivenom |
Faidherbia albida (Delile) A.Chev. | WBHG/13/027 | Kokocha | Apple ring, acacia | Mimosaceae | Tree | Lowland/riverine/ swampy areas | Fruit bodies | Burnt and ash licked | Cancer |
Faurea saligna Harvey | WBHG/13/018 | Sirirte | Beechwood | Proteaceae | Tree | Highland | Bark | Boiled and administered | Period pains |
Flacourtia indica (Burm.f.) Merr. | WBHG/13/072 | Tingoswo | Governor’s plum | Flacourtiaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Fruits | Dry the fruit and use | Fermentation |
Fuerstia africana T.C.E. Fries | WBHG/13/004 | Kipirirwo | Not found | Lamiaceae | Herb | Escarpment | Leaves | Crushed and sap instilled | Eye ailments |
Fuerstia africana T.C.E. Fries | WBHG/13/004 | Kipirirwo | Not found | Lamiaceae | Herb | Escarpment | Leaves | Crushed and sap applied | Toothache |
Gardenia sp | WBHG/13/044 | Mogilion/ Kobilwo | Forest gardenia | Rubiaceae | Tree | Lowland | Fruits | Crushed and administered to patient | Emetic/purgative |
Grewia villosa Willd | WBHG/13/020 | Mokurwo | Mallow raisin | Tiliaceae | Shrub | Lowland | Leaves | Cover milk gourd with it | Fermentation |
Gynandropsis gynandra (L.) Briq. | WBHG/13/025 | Sachan | African spider flower | Capparidaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves | Cooked and used as vegetable | Healing vegetable |
Heeria reticulata (Baker f.) Engl | WBHG/13/008 | Mutung’wo | Raisin bush | Anacardiaceae | Tree | Escarpment | Bark | Burnt and ash licked | Removal of retained placenta in both human and animals |
Heeria reticulata (Baker f.) Engl | WBHG/13/008 | Mutung’wo | Raisin bush | Anacardiaceae | Tree | Escarpment | Leaves | Crush, soak in water and apply | Constipation in animals |
Hoslundia opposite Valh. | WBHG/13/083 | Sumeyon | Orange bird berry | Lamiaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves, roots | Boiled and administered | Colic pain in children |
Hoslundia opposite Valh. | WBHG/13/083 | Sumeyon | Orange bird berry | Lamiaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ escarpment | Roots, leaves | Boiled and administered | Amoebiasis |
Hoslundia opposite Valh. | WBHG/13/083 | Sumeyon | Orange bird berry | Lamiaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves | Crushed, soaked in water and gargled | Oral thrush |
Hypoestes forskaolii (Vahl) Roem. & Schult. | WBHG/13/059 | Sirkonwo/ Kaberkewo | White ribbon bush | Acanthaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves , twigs | Crush, soak in water and apply | Pesticide |
Iboza spp. | WBHG/13/012 | Lonwo | Nutmeg bush | Lamiaceae | Shrub | Escarpment | leaves | Crushed and pound | Perfume |
Indigofera arrecta L. | WBHG/13/034 | Sargellat | African indigo | Fabaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Roots | Boiled and mixed with other herbs | Synergistic herb |
Indigofera arrecta L | WBHG/13/034 | Sargellat | African indigo | Fabaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Roots | Boiled and administered | Stomachache |
Indigofera arrecta L | WBHG/13/034 | Sargellat | African indigo | Fabaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Roots | Boiled & mixed with other herbs | Cancer |
Indigofera arrecta L | WBHG/13/034 | Sargellat | African indigo | Fabaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Roots | Chewed | Toothache |
Ipomoea lapidosaVatke | WBHG/13/078 | Kimugugu | Common morning glory | Convolvulaceae | Liana/ climber | Lowland/ escarpment | Stem | Boiled and administered | Sexually transmitted diseases |
Justica spp. | WBHG/13/024 | Kepkalomion | Jacobinia | Acanthaceae | Herb | Escarpment | Leaves | Boiled and administered | Abdominal (colic) pains |
Kalanchoe germanae Raym.-Hamet ex Raadts | WBHG/13/030 | Kibarbany | Air plant | Crassulaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves | Pound and rubbed on ganglion area | Removal of ganglion |
Kalanchoe germanae Raym.- Hamet ex Raadts | WBHG/13/030 | Kibarbany | Air plant | Crassulaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves | Pound and rubbed on painful area | Poultice |
Kigelia Africana (Lam.) Beneth | WBHG/13/048 | Rotion | African sausage | Bignoniaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Fruits | Split and dry | For fermentation during the brewing of traditional beer |
Lannea fulva (Engl.) Engl. | WBHG/13/056 | Lolotwo | Not found | Anacardiaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Bark | Pound and mixed with other herbs | Antivenom |
Lantana trifolia L. | WBHG/13/046 | Bekaptarit | Three- leafshrubverbena | Verbenaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves/twigs | Boiled and administered | Abdominal (colic) pains |
Lantana trifolia L. | WBHG/13/046 | Bekaptarit | Three- leafshrubverbena | Verbenaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves, twigs & fruits | Boiled and administered | Enhance lactation in breastfeeding mothers |
Leptadenia hastate (Pers.) Decne. | WBHG/13/058 | Kipchegin | Not found | Apocynaceae | Liana/ climber | Lowland/ escarpment | Tender leaves | Cooked as vegetable | Healing vegetable |
Lippia javanica (Burm. f.) Spreng | WBHG/13/053 | Chebokobil | Zinziba plant | Verbenaceae | Shrub | Highland | Leaves and twigs | Boiled and administered | Amoebiasis |
Lippia javanica (Burm. f.) Spreng | WBHG/13/053 | Chebokobil | Zinziba plant | Verbenaceae | Shrub | Highland | Leaves and twigs | Boiled together with maize, cassava, groundnuts and even tea | Food flavour |
Maesa lanceolata Forsk. | WBHG/13/087 | Mborion | False assegai | Myrsinaceae | Liana/ climber | Lowland | Whole plant | Crush , soak in water and apply | Veterinary use as antipoison |
Nuxia congesta Fres | WBHG/13/082 | Chorwa | Brittle wood | Loganiaceae | Tree | Highland | Roots | Boiled and administered | Abdominal (colic) pains /Flu |
Nuxia congesta Fres | WBHG/13/082 | Chorwa | Brittle wood | Loganiaceae | Tree | Highland | Roots | Boiled and administered | Flu |
Ocimum basilicum L. | WBHG/13/028 | Klachir | Basil | Lamiaceae | Herb | Lowland | Leaves | Crushed and sap instilled on the affected eye | Eye ailments |
Olea Africana Mill. | WBHG/13/032 | Remit | Wild olive | Oleaceae | Tree | Highland/ escarpment | Dried bark | Pound and powder applied | Eye ailments |
Olea Africana Mill. | WBHG/13/032 | Remit | Wild olive | Oleaceae | Tree | Highland/ escarpment | Bark | Boiled and administered | Itchy rashes |
Ornithogalum tenuifolium Delaroche | WBHG/13/050 | Katagwa | Sea-onion | Hyacinthaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Tubers | Crushed and applied on joints | Arthritis |
Pappea capensis Eckyl & Zeyh | WBHG/13/023 | Kibiryokwo | Jacket plum | Sapindaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Fruit bodies | Burnt and ash licked | Cancer |
Pappea capensis Eckyl & Zeyh | WBHG/13/023 | Kibiryokwo | Jacket plum | Sapindaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Higher parasites | Burnt and ashes licked | Rheumatism |
Pavetta abyssinica Fresen | WBHG/13/107 | Cheptabirbirwo | Not found | Rubiaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ escarpment | Bark | Crushed and administered | Purgative |
Pentas longiflora W.R.B. Oliv. | WBHG/13/093 | Chebirbirgorok | Not found | Rubiaceae | Shrub | Escarpment | Fruits/bark | Boiled and administered | Malaria like symptoms |
Periploca linearifolia Dill. & Rich. | WBHG/13/073 | Sinende | Not found | Apocynaceae | Liana/ climber | Highland | Fruits/Leaves | Ceremonial plant | |
Periploca linearifolia Dill. & Rich. | WBHG/13/073 | Sinende | Not found | Apocynaceae | Liana/ climber | Highland | Fruits/Leaves | Crush the fruits, soak in water and apply | Pesticide |
Podocarpus graciliar Pilger | WBHG/13/067 | Bennet | African fern tree/ bastard yellow wood | Podocarpaceae | Tree | Highland | Bark | Boiled and administered | Hypertension |
Portulaca quadrifida L. | WBHG/13/037 | Kitumerio | Small-leaved purslane | Portulacaceae | Herb | Lowland | Whole plant | Cooked as vegetable | Healing vegetable |
Portulaca oleracea L. | WBHG/13/092 | Chemorin | Asthma weed | Portulacaceae | Herb | Lowland | Whole crushed plant | Boiled with other herbs | Cancer |
Prunus africana (Hook f.) Kalkm. | WBHG/13/014 | Tendwo | African plum tree | Rosaceae | Tree | Highland | Bark | Boiled and administered | Hypertension |
Prunus Africana (Hook f.) Kalkm. | WBHG/13/014 | Tendwo | African plum tree | Rosaceae | Tree | Highland | Bark/roots | Boiled and administered | Enlarged prostate |
Psiadia arabica Jaub.et Spach | WBHG/13/047 | Konocho | Not found | Asteraceae | Shrub | Escarpment | Bark | Boiled with water | Herbal “tea” |
Ricinus communis L. | WBHG/13/017 | Menwa | Castor bean | Euphorbiaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ escarpment | Seeds | Crushed and oil applied | Treatment of hides and skins |
Rumex acetosella L. | WBHG/13/080 | Kibongbong | Sheep sorrel | Polygonaceae | Shrub | Highland/ escarpment | Tubers | Chewed or boiled and administered | Hypertension |
Rumex acetosella L | WBHG/13/080 | Kibongbong | Sheep sorrel | Polygonaceae | Shrub | Highland/ escarpment | Tubers | Chewed or boiled and administered | Diabetes |
Saba comorensis (Bojer ex A.DC.) Pichon | WBHG/13/112 | Ochon | Rubber vine | Apocynaceae | Liana/ climber | Lowland/ escarpment (riverine) | Fruits | Fruit consumed | Diagnosis of enlarged prostate |
Salvadora persica Wall. | WBHG/13/033 | Chekowo | Toothbrush tree | Salvadoraceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Twigs | Break tender twigs and use | Toothbrush |
Sansevieria intermedia | WBHG/13/009 | Sorogat | Mother-in-law tongue | Agavaceae | Herb | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves | Sap used as bait | Used to kill snakes |
Schefflera volkensii (Engl.) Harms | WBHG/13/088 | Tingwon | Schefflera | Araliaceae | Tree | Highland | Dried resin | Resin sniffed | Inhaled to clear blocked nose |
Schefflera volkensii (Engl.) Harms | WBHG/13/088 | Tingwon | Schefflera | Araliaceae | Tree | Highland | Dried resin | Smear on body | Perfume |
Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst | WBHG/13/106 | Orolwo | Amarula tree | Anacardiaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Bark | Chewed or boiled and administered | Diabetes |
Solanum incanum L. | WBHG/13/035 | Kalobotwo | Thorn Apple | Solanaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ escarpment | Roots | Boiled or chewed raw | Abdominal (colic) pains |
Solanum incanum L. | WBHG/13/035 | Kalobotwo | Thorn Apple | Solanaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ escarpment | Roots | Boiled or chewed | Colic pain in children |
Sphaeranthus ukambensis Vatke & O.Hoffm | WBHG/13/085 | Moyon | Not found | Asteraceae | Shrub | Lowland | Roots | Chewed or boiled and administered | Stomachache resulting food poisoning |
Spilanthes mauritiana (Pers.) D.C | WBHG/13/090 | Kibutkut | Not found | Asteraceae | Herb | Highland/ escarpment/ lowland | Whole plant | Crushed and applied on the affected tooth | Toothache |
Spilanthes mauritiana (Pers.) D.C | WBHG/13/090 | Kibutkut | Not found | Asteraceae | Herb | Highland/ escarpment/ lowland | Whole crushed plant | Crushed and used as mouthwash | Oral thrush |
Spilanthes mauritiana (Pers.) D.C | WBHG/13/090 | Kibutkut | Not found | Asteraceae | Herb | Highland/ escarpment/ lowland | Whole plant | Crushed and applied on the area to be operated before surgery | Craniotomy (surgery) |
Sterculia Africana (Lou.r) Fiori | WBHG/13/086 | Ililwo | African star chestnut tree | Sterculiaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Seeds | Chewed | Erectile dysfunction |
Terminalia brownie Fresen | WBHG/13/069 | Koloswo | Mbarao (in Swahili) | Combretaceae | Tree | Escarpment | Bark | Boiled or chewed raw | Abdominal (colic) pains |
Terminalia brownie Fresen | WBHG/13/069 | Koloswo | Mbarao (in Swahili) | Combretaceae | Tree | Escarpment | Bark | Chewed or boiled and administered | Jaundice |
Terminalia spinosa Engl. | WBHG/13/092 | Kitong’wo | Spiny cluster-leaf | Combretaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Bark | Boiled and administered | Malaria like symptoms |
Tragiabrevipes Pax. | WBHG/13/069 | Kimelei | Shortspikenoseburn | Euphorbiaceae | Liana/ climber | Lowland/ escarpment | Roots | Pound and mixed with other herbs | Antivenom |
Tribulusterrestris L. | WBHG/13/001 | Kilesan | Bullhead | Zygophylaceae | Herb | Lowland | Whole crushed plant | Chewed or boiled and administered | Erectile dysfunction |
Tribulusterrestris L. | WBHG/13/001 | Kilesan | Bullhead | Zygophylaceae | Herb | Lowland | Whole plant | Cooked as vegetable | Healing vegetable |
Uvariasp var. scheffleri | WBHG/13/010 | Murkuiyo | Not found | Annonaceae | Shrub/ climber | Lowland/ escarpment | Roots | Boiled and administered | Common colds/cough |
Vangueria apiculata K. Schum. | WBHG/13/003 | Tabirirwo (Komolwo ne mining) | Triangle-flowered Wild-medlar | Rubiaceae | Shrub | Highland/ escarpment | Fruits | Cooked as porridge and consumed | Food supplement |
Vangueria madagascariensis Gmel. | WBHG/13/041 | Komolwo neo | Common wild medlar | Rubiaceae | Shrub | Highland/ escarpment/ lowland | Fruits | Cooked as porridge and consumed | Food supplement |
Vernoniabrachycalyx O. Hoffm. | WBHG/13/074 | Kimagoi or Chebongony | Ironweed | Asteraceae | Herb | Lowland | Roots | Boiled and decoction administered | Emetic |
Warburgia ugandensis Sprague | WBHG/13/109 | Sokwon | East African green wood | Canellaceae | Tree | Highland/ escarpment | Leaves | Chewed or soaked in hot water and administered | Stomachache |
Warburgia ugandensis Sprague | WBHG/13/109 | Sokwon | East African green wood | Canellaceae | Tree | Highland/ escarpment | Bark | Burnt and smoked sniffed | Headache |
Warburgia ugandensis Sprague | WBHG/13/109 | Sokwon | East African green wood | Canellaceae | Tree | Highland/ escarpment | Leaves | Crush and applied | Toothache |
Warburgia ugandensis Sprague | WBHG/13/109 | Sokwon | East African green wood | Canellaceae | Tree | Highland/ escarpment | Leaves | Chewed or soaked in water and gargled | Common colds/cough/ sore throat |
Warburgia ugandensis Sprague | WBHG/13/109 | Sokwon | East African green wood | Canellaceae | Tree | Highland/ escarpment | Leaves | Soaked in water and gargled | Oral thrush |
Withaniasomnifera (L.) Dunal | WBHG/13/054 | Tarkukai | Red Cherry | Solanaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ escarpment | Roots/leaves | Boiled and administered | Amoebiasis |
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal | WBHG/13/054 | Tarkukai | Red Cherry | Solanaceae | Shrub | Lowland/ escarpment | Leaves | Crushed and applied | Chronic skin ulcers |
Ximenia Americana L. | WBHG/13/105 | Kunyotwo | Yellow plum | Olacaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Seeds | Crushed and oil applied | Wounds |
Ximenia Americana L. | WBHG/13/105 | Kunyotwo | Yellow Plum | Olacaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Seeds | Crushed and oil applied | Treatment of hides and skins |
Zanthoxylum chalybeum Engl | WBHG/13/061 | Kochon | Knob wood | Rutaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Bark/seeds | Pounded together and mixed with other herbs | Synergistic herb |
Zanthoxylum chalybeum Engl | WBHG/13/061 | Kochon | Knob wood | Rutaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Bark/seeds | Boiled or chewed | Amoebiasis |
Zanthoxylun chalybeum Engl | WBHG/13/061 | Kochon | Knob wood | Rutaceae | Lowland/ escarpment | Bark | Boiled and administered | Malaria like symptoms | |
Zanthoxylun chalybeum Engl | WBHG/13/061 | Kochon | Knob wood | Rutaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Bark | Boiled and administered | Administered to recuperating patients (after surgery) |
Zanthoxylun chalybeum Engl | WBHG/13/061 | Kochon | Knob wood | Rutaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Higher parasites | Burnt and ashes licked | Rheumatism |
Zehneria scabra (Linn f.) Sond | WBHG/13/097 | Cheserya | Not found | Cucurbitaceae | Shrub/ climber | Highland | Leaves | Crushed and administered | Common colds/cough |
Zehneria scabra (Linn f.) Sond | WBHG/13/097 | Cheserya | Not found | Cucurbitaceae | Shrub/ climber | Highland | Whole plant | Boiled with other herbs | Cancer |
Zehneria scabra (Linn f.) Sond | WBHG/13/097 | Cheserya | Not found | Cucurbitaceae | Shrub/ climber | Highland | Whole plant | Boiled and administered | Administered to recuperating patients |
Ziziphus mauritania var. spinachristi (L.) Wild. | WBHG/13/100 | Tilomwo | Christ thorn/jujube | Rhamnaceae | Tree | Lowland | Bark | Boiled with water | Herbal “tea” |
Ziziphus mauritiana var. spina Christi (L.) Willd | WBHG/13/100 | Tilomwo | Christ thorn/jujube | Rhamnaceae | Tree | Lowland/ escarpment | Bark | Chewed raw | Abdominal (colic) pains |
Unidentified | WBHG/13/015 | Mindililwo ne mining | Herb | Escarpment | Leaves | Smoked | Drug of abuse | ||
Unidentified | WBHG/13/048 | Seremwo | Tree | Escarpment | Bark | Boiled and administered | Appetizer | ||
Unidentified | WBHG/13/057 | Turesio | Tree | Highland | Bark/roots | Burnt and with other herbs | Cancer | ||
Unidentified | WBHG/13/057 | Turesio | Tree | Highland | Leaves | Burnt and ashes licked | “Kipei” condition |

Kipkore et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2014, 10:24
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