Medicinal Plants of Southern Ecuador
The below table outlines traditional use of medicinal plants in Loja province, Southern Ecuador.
Two hundred fifteen plant species were collected, identified and their vernacular names and traditional uses recorded. The information was accumulated from local healers, market vendors and members of the public.
Most plant species registered are only used medicinally, and only a few species have any other use (construction, fodder, food). The highest number of species is used for the treatment of “magical” (psychosomatic) ailments (39 species), followed by respiratory disorders (34), problems of the urinary tract (28), Fever/Malaria (25), Rheumatism (23) and nervous system problems (20).
Table: Medicinal plant species of Southern Ecuador: Scientific and vernacular names, uses and preparation.
Family | Species | Indigenous name | Plant part used | Admin. | Preparation | Use | Coll. # |
ACANTHACEAE | Justicia sp. | Hierba de la Justicia | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked with sugar. | Heart, Pneumonia, Anxiety, Psychological tension, Fright / Susto, Freight in children / Espanto | Bejar148 |
ACANTHACEAE | Sanchezia oxysepala Mildbr. | Cimora Toro | Flowers and small Leaves, fresh | Oral | Put Flowers into flask with alcohol. | Against sorcery and for dreams, for good luck | Bejar76 |
ACTINIDIACEAE | Saurauia spp. | Hierba del Oso | Leaves, fresh | Topical | Applied to the affected area. | Rheumatism | Bejar152 |
ADIANTACEAE | Adiantum concinnum Wild. ex H.B.K. | Cucharillo | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked with sugar. | Diabetes | Bejar92 |
AGAVACEAE | Agave americana L. | Cabuyo, Penca de Caballo | Leaves, fresh | Topical | Parboiled. | Depression, Curse someone, Defend against sorcerers during sessions | Bejar48, 236 |
AMARANTHACEAE | Aerva lanata (L.) Jus. | Escancel | Flowers, fresh | Topical | Fresh or cooked with Flor de Malva tea and Aloe juice, rubbed. | Infection, Depression, Liver, Headache | Bejar128 |
AMARANTHACEAE | Alternanthera porrigens (Jacquin) Kuntze | Moradilla | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked with sugar, Malva Olorosa, Toronjil. | Kidneys, Lungs | Bejar200 |
AMARANTHACEAE | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Sangorache | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata with Aguardiente (Sugarcane spirit). | Headache, Fever, Gangrene, Specific female illnesses | CORD18 |
AMARANTHACEAE | Amaranthus hybridus L. | Bledo | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata, 1/2 Tsp in 1L Horchata. | General pain, Heat in the breast | CORD8 |
AMARANTHACEAE | Amaranthus retroflexus L. | Bledo Serrano, Cancel Serrano | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata, 1/2 Tbsp in 1L of water for horchata. | Flu, Headache, Fever | CORD37 |
AMARANTHACEAE | Amaranthus spinosus L. | Bledo | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Boiled and eaten as soup. | Food | Bejar44 |
AMARANTHACEAE | Amaranthus sp. | Lancetilla | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata, take 1/2 Tbsp for 1 liter of water. | Flu, Insect bites | CORD14 |
AMARANTHACEAE | Iresine diffusa H.B.K. ex Willd. | Sangrinaria | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata, 1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata. | Vaginal discharge with blood | CORD43 |
ANACARDIACEAE | Schinus molle L. | Molle | Leaves and Seeds, fresh | Topical, Oral | Rheumatism, Spice | Bejar196 | |
ANNONACEAE | Annona cherimola Miller | Cherimoya | Seeds | Oral | Boiled. | Cold, during childbirth | Bejar110 |
APIACEAE | Apium graveolens L. | Apio Negro | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Boiled, taken with sugar for 15 days. | To reduce swellings | Bejar36 |
APIACEAE | Cicuta virosa L. | Cicuta | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Boiled with Chila Chilo, Cordoncillo, as Poultice, washing of wounds. | Wounds of animals | Bejar74 |
APIACEAE | Coriandrum sativum L. | Culantro, Cilantro | Whole plant, fresh or dried | Oral | 1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata. | Sleeping aid, Spice | CORD62 |
APIACEAE | Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Pers.) Eichler | Cuminillo | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked with Malva Olorosa and sugar. | Diarrhea, Stomach | Bejar82 |
APIACEAE | Daucus montanus H. & B. ex Spreng. | Culantrillo | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata. | Stomachache, Gas | CORD45 |
APIACEAE | Eryngium foetidum L. | Culantrillo | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Boiled with Cola de Caballo, Matico (Leaves), Cadillo, Caña Agria, and Trensilla. | Kidneys | Bejar92 |
APIACEAE | Foeniculum vulgare P. Miller | Hinojo | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Boiled with sugar and Aguardiente. | Infections, Women after childbirth | Bejar164 |
APIACEAE | Petroselinum crispum (Miller) A.W. Hill | Perejil | Leaves, fresh | Oral and Topical | Parboiled with meat to eat. with salt to make a poultice. | Infections, Nose bleeds, To forget love or trauma, Spice | Bejar240 |
APIACEAE | Pimpinella anisum L. | Anis | Whole plant, fresh or dried | Oral | Cooked as tea. | Colds, Chills | Bejar34 |
APOCYNACEAE | Plumeria rubra L. | Suche | Latex | Topical | Applied to the affected area with unwashed lamb's wool. patient must not eat oils or lard. Administer for 15 days. | Hernia | Bejar278 |
APOCYNACEAE | Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) Schum. | Camalonga | Bark and seeds, fresh | Oral | Decoction of the Bark or seed. | Fever, Heart, Against Evil Eye/Mal Ojo | Bejar54 |
AQUIFOLIACEAE | Ilex guayusa Loes | Guayusa | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked, drunk with Lemon and Orange. | Sorcery, Diuretic, Anemia | Bejar144 |
ARECACEAE | Bactris spp. | Chonta | Wood | Ceremonial staffs, Construction of houses and roofs | Bejar114 | ||
ASCLEPIADACEAE | Marsdenia cundurango Rchb.f. | Condorango | Stems and Bark, fresh or dried | Oral | Soaked in Cane alcohol. | Kidneys | Bejar84 |
ASPHODELACEAE | Aloe vera (L.) Burm f. | Sábila, Savila Penca | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Take the crystals washed from 1 Leaves and mix with orange or honey in 1/2l of water. the acid is put on red inflammations. | Kidneys, Liver, Inflammation, Weight loss, Internal infections, Protecting the house | CORD33, Bejar274 |
ASTERACEAE | Achyrocline halii Hieron | Vida Vida | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cough, Heart, Nerves, Epilepsy | CORD1 | |
ASTERACEAE | Ageratum conyzoides L. | Pedromera Blanca, Pedrorera Blanca | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked, mixed with Manzanilla or Fleishmannia sp. (Asteraceae). | Gastrointestinal problems | Bejar230, 232 |
ASTERACEAE | Ambrosia peruviana Willd. | AltamÃs | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | 1 fresh Leaves on the forehead. | Headache | CORD61 |
ASTERACEAE | Artemisia absinthium L. | Ajenjo, Ajenco, Polén | Leaves, fresh | Oral, Topical | Cooked. Baths, with 3 Tbsp in 2L of hot water. | Body pain, Stomach Pain. only for critical illnesses | Bejar 25, CORD57 |
ASTERACEAE | Baccharis obtusifolia H.B.K. | Chilca Redonda | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | Cooked, taken with sugar. For hot seated baths - 3 Tbsp in 2L of hot water. | Stomach Pain, Vomiting, Bad Air / Mal Aire, Colds, Bone pain | Bejar106, CORD28 |
ASTERACEAE | Bidens pilosa L. | Huichinge | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked. | Liver, Infections, Diarrhea | Bejar168 |
ASTERACEAE | Brickellia diffusa (Vahl.) A. Gray | Monte de la Huanchaca | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Boiled with Sauco, Chin Chin, Chila Chilo, Hierba del Coche, Santa Maria, Suelda con Suelda and Aguardiente. rubbed externally. | Fright / Susto | Bejar198 |
ASTERACEAE | Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. | Margarita | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | Rubbed externally and placed in the mouth of the patient during cleansing ceremonies. | Bad Air / Mal Aire | Bejar190 |
ASTERACEAE | Chuquiraga jusieui J.F. Gmel | Chuquiragua | Branches and Leaves, fresh | Oral sugar. | 1/2 Tbsp in 1L of boiling water, taken with | Cold, Cough, Pain of the Bones, Flu, Malaria, Fever | Bejar120, CORD34 |
ASTERACEAE | Chuquiraga spinosa sp. Huamanpinta C. Ezcurra | Chuquiragua | Branches and Leaves, fresh | Oral sugar. | 1/2 Tbsp in 1L of boiling water, taken with | Cold, Cough, Pain of the Bones, Flu, Malaria, Fever | Bejar120, CORD34 |
ASTERACEAE | Conyza sp. | Saucillo | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata, 1 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L of Horchata. | Colic | CORD24 |
ASTERACEAE | Dorobea pimpinellifolia (H.B.K.) B. Nord | Borraja Serrana | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata. | Cough, Flu | CORD38 |
ASTERACEAE | Eupatorium dendroides Spreng. | Chila Chilo | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Bath prepared with Chin Cil, Hierba del Cocke, Monte de la Huanchaca. | Bad Air / Mal Aire, Fright (Children)/ Espanto | Bejar104 |
ASTERACEAE | Gnaphalium americanum Mill. | Vira Vira, Lechuguilla | Whole plant, fresh. | Oral | Cooked, 1 Tbsp in 1L boiling water. | Bad Air / Mal Aire, Impact, shock, Diarrhea in children | Bejar302, CORD46 |
ASTERACEAE | Loricaria thyrsoidea (Cuatr.) Dillon | Valeriana Fina, Trensilla | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 2 Tbsp in 1L boiling water or Aguardiente. | Cramps, Bone pain, Bad Air / Mal Aire, Kidneys | CORD50, Bejar290 |
ASTERACEAE | Matricaria frigidum (HBK) Kunth | Manzanilla | Whole plant, fresh | Oral and Topical | 1/2 Tbsp in 1L of water for horchata, with sugar, Aspirin, Caña Agria, Cola de Caballo, Cadillo and Culantrillo. with seeds and cocoa- butter for stomach ailments. | Stomach pain, Colds, Fever, Diarrhea, To wash skin | CORD23, Bejar186 |
ASTERACEAE | Onoseris odorata (D. Don) Hooker & Arnott | Lechuguilla | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked with sugar, Hierba del Perro. | Diarrhea (Children) | Bejar176 |
ASTERACEAE | Pentacalia sp. | Valeriana Fina | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 2 Tbsp in 1L boiling water or Aguardiente. | Cramps, Bone pain, Bad Air / Mal Aire, Kidneys | CORD51 |
ASTERACEAE | Picrosia longifolia D. Don | Cerraja | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Crushed and parboiled. | Liver, Amoebas | Bejar72 |
ASTERACEAE | Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cas. | Hierba Gallinazo | Whole plant, fresh | Oral and Topical | With Aguardiente or as a poultice. | Bad Air / Mal Aire, Fright / Susto | Bejar156 |
ASTERACEAE | Pseudelephantopsus spicatus (B.Jus. Ex Aubl.) Rohr | Suelda con Suelda | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Cooked with Hierba del Coche y Monte de la Huanchaca. Poultice. | Freight/ Susto (Children), Stomach Pain, Wounds | Bejar280 |
ASTERACEAE | Pseudelephantopus spiralis (Lesing) Cronquist | Chicoria | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked. | Fever, High blood presure, Shivering fits, Malaria | Bejar102 |
ASTERACEAE | Senecio sp. | Retama Serrana | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata, 1 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L of Horchata. | Yellow Fever | CORD39 |
ASTERACEAE | Siegesbeckia orientalis L. | Pacunga | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked with Pedromera, Manzanill, Cominillo. | Stomach | Bejar220 |
ASTERACEAE | Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch. Bip. | Santa Maria | Leaves, fresh | Topical | Rub externally with Aguardiente, Monte Gallinazo. | Fright / Susto, Witchcraft, Against the devil | Bejar266 |
ASTERACEAE | Tagetes minuta L. | Chin Chil | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Rubbing with Monte de Coche, Alcanfora, Chila Chilo, Aguardiente. | Skin irritation, Bad Air / Mal Aire, Fright (Children)/Espanto caused by the rainbow | Bejar108 |
ASTERACEAE | Tagetes sp. | Chinininge | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Mince and extract juice, 1 Tbsp for every chicken. | Inflamed gall bladder in chicken | CORD65 |
ASTERACEAE | Taraxacum officinale Wiggers | Diente de Leon | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked, with Aguardiente. | Liver, High blood presure | Bejar124 |
ASTERACEAE | Vernonia patens H.B.K. | Laritaco | Leaves, fresh | Oral | 1 glass a day during the evening, 1 month. | Rheumatism, Bad Wind/ Mal Viento, Boils, Freight / Espanto | Bejar174 |
ASTERACEAE | Werneria sp. | Clavel Amarillo de Sepa, Clavel Amarillo de Yuca | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata, 1/2 Tbsp in 1L of water for horchata. | Yellow Fever | CORD41 |
BASELLACEAE | Basella alba L. | Lutuyuyo | Root, fresh | Oral | Boiled with sugar, Buenas Tardes and San Agustin Lluyo. | Diarrhea | Bejar180 |
BIGNONIACEAE | Tecoma stans (L.) Jus. ex H.B.K. | Fresmo, Gualpe | Flowers, fresh or dried | Oral | 2 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L Horchata. | Yellow Fever | Bejar134, CORD71 |
BOMBACACEAE | Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urban | Balsa | Wood | As very light construction timber | Bejar40 | ||
BORAGINACEAE | Borrago officinalis L. | Borraja de jardÃn | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata, 2 Tbsp in 1L of boiling water. | Asthma, Cough, Bronchitis | CORD59 |
BORAGINACEAE | Heliotropium spp. | Yanacaspe | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Crush, apply directly on tooth. | Toothache, Broken teeth | Bejar304 |
BRASSICACEAE | Lepidium virginicum L. | La Chicera | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Fright (Children)/ Espanto (niños), Protection during childbirth, Post- partum protection | Bejar172 | |
BRASSICACEAE | Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek | Berros | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Crushed and cooked with milk. | Lungs | Bejar42 |
BROMELIACEAE | Puya eryngioides André | Achupalla Amarilla | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 1 Tbsp in 1L boiling water. | Yellow Fever | CORD53 |
BROMELIACEAE | Puya maculata L.B. Sm. | Achupalla Negra | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 1 Tbsp in 1L boiling water. | Yellow Fever | CORD52 |
BROMELIACEAE | Puya sp. | Chupaya | Stems, fresh | Oral, Topical | Cooked, drunk with sugar or applied as ointment. | Tumors, Infections | Bejar118 |
BURSERACEAE | Bursera graveolens (H.B.K.) Triana & Planchon | Palo de Santo | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | Extract juice, take with sugar. Latex rubbed or applied as a wash. | Anemia, Fragrance | Bejar226 |
CACTACEAE | Cephalocereus royeni (L.) Britten & Rose | Pitayo | Fruits and Leaves, fresh | Oral | Extract juice and drink. | Liver, Witchcraft | Bejar248 |
CACTACEAE | Echinopsis pachanoi (Britton & Rose) Friedrich & G. Rowley | San Pedro, Huachuma | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | One glass daily to prevent ulcers. | Purgative, Ulcers | Bejar166 |
CACTACEAE | Opuntia pubescens Wendland | Gorondilla | Leaves, fresh and without spines | Oral | Boiled a drink together with Eucalipto, Cola de Caballo, Culantrillo, Matico, Prenadilla, Moraja. | Removes obstructions in the urinary tract | Bejar136 |
CAMPANULACEAE | Centropogon sp. | Cholo Valiente | Whole plant, fresh | Topical bath. | Parboiled with Aguardiente as poultice and | Rheumatism, Pain of the Bones, Cold Feet, Wounds | Bejar112 |
CANNACEAE | Canna indica L. | Achira Negra | Leaves, fresh | Topical | Pinch one Leaves and put the warm oil that drips out on the belly. | Insect bites | CORD29 |
CAPRIFOLIAEAE | Sambucus peruviana HBK | Sauco Tilo | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata, 1/2 Tbsp in 1L of water for horchata. | Flu, Heart pain | CORD22 |
CARYOPHYLLACEAE | Dianthus caryophyllus L. | Clavel | Flowers, fresh | Oral | Cooked with Toronjil. | Heart, Nervous system, Nasal passages | Bejar78 |
CELASTRACEAE | Maytenus laevis Reiscek | Chuchuasi | Bark, fresh | Topical and Oral drunk. | Bark soaked for 15 days in Aguardiente, then ground and heated, applied as ointment and | Kidneys | Bejar116 |
CHENOPODIACEAE | Chenopodium ambrosioides L. | Paico | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | Extract the juice of the Leaves, put 1 Tbsp in 1/2L of fresh water. For intelligence blend with an egg. With Hierba del Perro, very gentle for children. Rubbed externally. | Parasites, Intelligence | Bejar222, CORD32 |
CYPERACEAE | Cyperus sp. | Dictamo del Campo | Root, fresh | Oral | Boiled and taken with sugar for 15 days. | Allergies | Bejar122 |
EQUISETACEAE | Equisetum bogotense (H.B.K.) Kunth | Cola de Caballo | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata, drink with Cadillo, Trensilla, Caña Agria, Culantrillo. | Kidneys, Washing of wounds | Bejar80, CORD9 |
ERICACEAE | Bejaria aestuans L. | Payama Rosada | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata - 1 Tbsp in 1L water. | Kidneys | CORD2 |
ERICACEAE | Gaultheria reticulata H.B.K. | Pajama, Uva | Whole plant, fresh, Fruits | Oral eaten. | 2 Tbsp in 1L of boiling water, Fruits and juice | Kidneys, Inflammation, Food | CORD47 |
ERICACEAE | Macleania salapa Bentham | Salapa | Whole plant, fresh, Fruits | Oral | Oralen as vegetable, Fruits, juice. | Nutritional supplement | CORD88 |
EUPHORBIACEAE | Croton draconoides Muell. Arg. | Sangre del Drago | Latex, fresh | Oral | Extract and take. | Kidneys, Infections | Bejar264 |
EUPHORBIACEAE | Croton lechleri Muell. Arg. | Sangre del Drago | Latex, fresh | Oral | Extract and take. | Kidneys, Infections | Bejar264 |
EUPHORBIACEAE | Croton wagneri Muell. Arg. | Mosqueera | Leaves, fresh | Oral | Cooked with Pico Pico. | Stomach pain, Pneumonia, Rheumatism, Tooth extraction | Bejar204 |
EUPHORBIACEAE | Jatropa curcas L. | Piñon | 1. Latex, fresh 2. Seeds | 1. Topical. 2. Oral | 1. Rubbed externally 2. 2-3 seeds. | 1. Wounds 2. Purgative, causes vomiting and diarrhea | Bejar246 |
EUPHORBIACEAE | Jatropa gosypiifolia L. | Piñon | 1. Latex, fresh 2. Seeds | 1. Topical. 2. Oral | 1. Rubbed externally 2. 2-3 seeds. | 1. Wounds 2. Purgative, causes vomiting and diarrhea | Bejar246 |
EUPHORBIACEAE | Jatropa multifida L. | Piñon | 1. Latex, fresh 2. Seeds | 1. Topical. 2. Oral | 1. Rubbed externally. 2. 2-3 seeds | 1. Wounds. 2. Purgative, causes vomiting and diarrhea | Bejar246 |
EUPHORBIACEAE | Phyllanthus niruri L. | Chanca Piedra | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 2 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L Horchata, drink with honey. | Kidney stones, Stomach ache | CORD70, Bejar100 |
EUPHORBIACEAE | Phyllanthus stipulatus (Raf.) Webster | Chanca Piedra | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 2 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L Horchata, drink with honey. | Kidney stones, Stomach ache | CORD70, Bejar100 |
EUPHORBIACEAE | Phyllanthus urinaria L. | Chanca Piedra | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 2 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L Horchata, drink with honey. | Kidney stones, Stomach ache | CORD70, Bejar100 |
EUPHORBIACEAE | Ricinus communis L. | Higuerilla | Bark, fresh | Topical | Cooked with Aguardiente, for a poultice. | Fractures, Sprains | Bejar162 |
FABACEAE | Calliandra taxifolia (Kunth) Benth | Seda Seda | Flowers, fresh | Oral | Tea, 2 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L boiling water, drink with honey. | Red vaginal discharge | CORD669 |
FABACEAE | Desmodium molliculum (H.B.K.) DC. | Vijado Blanco | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata: take 1 Tbsp of the whole plant and put in 1L of water, add honey. | Intestinal pain, White and yellow vaginal discharge | CORD15 |
FABACEAE | Desmodium triflorum (L.) DC | Pega Pega | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Cooked, with Aguardiente, as poultice. | Lesions | Bejar234 |
FABACEAE | Erythrina fusca Loureiro | Porotillo | Bark, wood and Leaves | Oral | Feed. | Fodder, Fencing | CORD86 |
FABACEAE | Erythrina velutina Willdenow | Porotillo | Bark, wood and Leaves | Oral | Feed. | Fodder, Fencing | CORD86 |
FABACEAE | Inga edulis C. Martius | Pajúl, Guato | Whole plant | Oral | Feed. | Fodder for pigs, Fencing | CORD87 |
FABACEAE | Inga feuillei DC. | Pajúl, Guato | Whole plant | Oral | Feed | Fodder for pigs, Fencing | CORD87 |
FABACEAE | Lupinus sp. | Vijado Serrano | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata, 1/2 Tbsp in 1L of water for horchata. | Inflammation, White vaginaldischarge | CORD42 |
FABACEAE | Mimosa acantholoba (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Poir | Uña de Gato | Whole plant, fresh | Oral and Topical | Crushed and boiled, applied as poultice or drunk. | Cancer | Bejar296 |
FABACEAE | Spartium junceum L. | Retama | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 2 Tbsp in 1L of Aguardiente, to clean. | Freight/ Susto | CORD30 |
GENTIANACEAE | Centaurium erythraea Rafin | Canchalagua | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked with also used sugar, Huichinge and Verbena. Comparable to Chuquiragua. | Cold, Cough, Flu | Bejar62 |
GENTIANACEAE | Halenia weddeliana Gilg. | Clavel Amarillo Seco | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata. | Yellow Fever | CORD36 |
GERANIACEAE | Geranium humboldtii Sprengel | Valeriana | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | 3 Tbsp in 1L Aguardiente, then spit at children. | Inflammation, Cramps, Evil Air / Mal Aire | CORD44 |
GERANIACEAE | Pelargonium odoratisimum (L) L' Herit ex Ait | Malva Olorosa | Whole plant, fresh | 1. Oral 2. Topical | 1. Horchata: 1 Tbsp in 1L water 2. Poultice, sap of the Leaves applied directly to affected area. | 1. Diarrhea, Stomach pain, Inflammation 2. Haemostatic Stomach pain | Bejar184, CORD19 |
GERANIACEAE | Pelargonium roseum Willd. Fresh | Malva Rosa | Whole plant, | Oral | Horchata put 1Tbsp in 1L water. | CORD7 | |
GERANIACEAE | Pelargonium zonale (L.) L'Herit. | Geranio | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 2 Tbsp in 1L of boiling water. | Cures wounds | CORD21 |
IRIDACEAE | Sisyrinchium sp. | Pimienta del Campo | Whole plant, fresh | Oral honey. | Horchata - 1 Tbsp in 1L boiling water with | Desinflammatory, Stomach pain | CORD5 |
LAMIACEAE | Melisa officinalis L. | Toronjil | Whole plant, fresh or dried | Oral | 2 Tbsp in 1L of Horchata, boil slightly. | Nerves, Nervous system, Sadness, Depression, Heart pain | CORD60, Bejar286 |
LAMIACEAE | Mentha x piperita L. | Hierba Buena | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked with sugar, Toronjil, Malva Olorosa. | Stomach ache | Bejar146 |
LAMIACEAE | Mentha spicata L. | Hierba Buena | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata, For Horchata put 1 Tbsp of the whole plant in 1L of boiling water. | Stomach ache | CORD16 |
LAMIACEAE | Mentha viridis L. | Menta | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | Boiled in waterfor worms, Boiled in milk for cold, Boiled with Aguardiente and rubbed on fro rheumatism. | Anthelmintic, Colds, Rheumatism | Bejar194 |
LAMIACEAE | Minthostachys mollis Griesebach | Poleo | Leaves, fresh | Oral, Topical, Inhalation | Crush Leaves, inhale oils or boil. | Cold, Flu | Bejar250 |
LAMIACEAE | Ocimum basilicum L. | Albaca | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cook, with Grama Dulce and Toronjil. | During childbirth | Bejar26 |
LAMIACEAE | Rosmarinus officinalis L. | Romero | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | Cooked, with Aguardiente. | Bad Air / Mal Aire, Nerves, Sore eyes | Bejar254 |
LAMIACEAE | Salvia microphylla Kunth. | Camotillo | Leaves and Flowers, fresh | Topical | With Aguardiente. | Inflammation of the arms and feet, Rheumatism | Bejar56 |
LAMIACEAE | Salvia ramicifolia H.B.K | Salvia Real | Leaves and Flowers, fresh | Topical | With Aguardiente. | Rheumatism | Bejar272 |
LAMIACEAE | Scutellaria sp. | Monte Negro | Whole plant, dried and ground | Oral and Topical body. | Grind together with Sangorache to get the extract. Put 4 tablespoons in 1/2l of lukewarm water. It should be drunk and rubbed in the | Headache, Fever | CORD17 |
LAMIACEAE | Stachys sp. | Poleo Grande | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata, For Horchata put 1 Tbsp of the whole plant in 1L of boiling water. | Stomach pain, Stomach gases, Inflammations | CORD4 |
LAURACEAE | Ocotea floribunda (Sw.) Mez. | Ishpingo | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Rubbed with Monte de Coche, Chin Cil, Chila Chilo, Aguardiente. | Bad Air / Mal Aire, Skin irritation, Fright (Children) / Espanto caused by the rainbow | Bejar170 |
LAURACEAE | Ocotea sp. | Alcanfora | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Rubbed with Monte de Coche, Chin Cil, Chila Chilo, Aguardiente. | Bad Air / Mal Aire, Skin irritation, Fright (Children) / Espanto caused by the rainbow | Bejar28 |
LAURACEAE | Persea americana Mill. | Palta | Seed, fresh | Oral | Crushed and boiled. 1. with sugar, 2. w/o sugar. | 1. Abdominal pain 2. Toothache | Bejar228 |
LILIACEAE | Allium cepa L. | Cebolla Blanca | Tuber, fresh | Oral | Expres juice and drink | Cough | Bejar70 |
LOGANIACEAE | Buddleja americana L. | Salvia | Leaves, fresh | Topical | Cooked, with Aguardiente, as rubbing or bath. | Bad Air / Mal Aire, Headache, Eye sight | Bejar258 |
LORANTHACEAE | Gaiadendron punctatum (Ruiz & Pav.) G. Don | Guajuro amarillo | Flowers, fresh | Oral | 2 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L Horchata. | Yellow Fever | CORD72 |
LYCOPODIACEAE | Huperzia brevifolia (Grev. & Hook) Holab | Agua Minga | fresh | Oral, Topical | 3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata. | Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, Colds | CORD79 |
LYCOPODIACEAE | Huperzia columnaris B. Oellg. | Agua Minga | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | 3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata. | Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, Colds | CORD84 |
LYCOPODIACEAE | Huperzia compacata (Hook.) Trevis. | Agua Minga | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | 3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata. | Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, Colds | CORD83 |
LYCOPODIACEAE | Huperzia espinosana B. Oellg. | Agua Minga | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | 3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata. | Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, Colds | CORD78 |
LYCOPODIACEAE | Huperzia hypogaea B. Oellg. | Agua Minga | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | 3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata. | Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, Colds | CORD76 |
LYCOPODIACEAE | Huperzia kuestneri (Nessel) B. Ollg. | Agua Minga | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | 3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata. | Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, Colds | CORD77, |
LYCOPODIACEAE | Huperzia magellanicum (P. Beaum) Sw. | Agua Minga | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | 3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata. | Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, Colds | CORD80 |
LYCOPODIACEAE | Lycopodium jusiaei Desv. ex Poir | Agua Minga | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | 3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata. | Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, Colds | CORD82 |
LYCOPODIACEAE | Lycopodium vestitum Desv. ex Poir. | Agua Minga | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | 3 Tbsp in 2L water for baths. 1 Tbsp for 1L Horchata. | Liver, Kidneys, Fever, Inflammation, Colds | CORD75 |
LYTHRACEAE | Cuphea carthagenensis (Jacq.) J.F. Macbr | San Antonio | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Externally as a bath or wash like sulfur to cleanse wounds. | Wounds | Bejar262 |
LYTHRACEAE | Cuphea loxensis Kunth. | Hierba del Toro | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked. | Leukorrhea | Bejar160 |
LYTHRACEAE | Cuphea racemosa (L.f.) Spreng. | Hierba del Coche | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Cooked with Chila Chilo, Chin Chil, and Monte de la Huanchaca as a poultice. | Fright / Espanto (Children) | Bejar150 |
MALVACEAE | Malva sylvestris L. | Malva Blanca | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked. | Laxative | Bejar182 |
MALVACEAE | Sida rhombifolia L. | Guintun verde | Leaves, fresh | Topical | Put the Leaves with salt and use for poultices, put on infections. | Infections | CORD31 |
MYRISTICACEAE | Myristica fragrans Hout. | Nuez Moscada | Fruits, fresh | Topical | Apply with Aguardiente, Toronjil, Huanil del Campo, Hierba Mora, Payachilla, Mus Mus. | Bad Air / Mal Aire, Sorcery, Wounds (disinfection) | Bejar210 |
MYRTACEAE | Eucalyptus globulus Labill. | Eucalipto | Leaves, fresh | Oral | Cooked with sugar Prenadilla and Orange Juice | Sore throat, Bronchitis | Bejar130 |
MYRTACEAE | Psidium guineense Sw. | Guayavilla | Yellow Fruits and Flowers, fresh | Oral | Drink juice and Flowers extract with sugar. | Diarrhea | Bejar142 |
NYCTAGINACEAE | Mirabilis jalapa L. | Buenas Tardes | Root, fresh | Oral | Cooked with San Agustin Yullo. | Purgative | Bejar46 |
ONAGRACEAE | Fuchsia loxensis H.B.K. | Pena Pena | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 1/2 Tbsp with 1L of Horchata. | Nerves | CORD10 |
ONAGRACEAE | Oenothera rosea Aiton | Shullo | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | horchata - take 1 Tbsp of the whole plant an put in 1L water, add honey. | Liver, Kidneys | CORD26 |
ORCHIDACEAE | Epidendrum acrorhodum Hagster & Dodson | Hierba del Caballero | Flowers, fresh | Oral | With cold water, sugar, Chirimoya, Orange and Lime Flowers, Toronjil, Congona, white roses and some drops of Aguardiente. | Fragrance, Good Luck | RBU/PL340 |
ORCHIDACEAE | Epidendrum cochlidium Lindl. | Flor de Christo | Flowers, fresh | Oral | With cold water, sugar, Chirimoya, Orange and Lime Flowers, Toronjil, Congona, white roses and some drops of Aguardiente. | Nerves | Bejar132 |
ORCHIDACEAE | Lycaste gigantea Lindl | Caña Caña | Flowers, fresh | Oral | Boiled with Cola de Caballo, Llanten, Matico Culantrillo and Cadillo. | Kidneys | Bejar60 |
ORCHIDACEAE | Simayuca | Fruits, fresh | Oral | Boiled with Preñadilla and Guayusa. | Male fertility | Bejar276 | |
OXALIDACEAE | Oxalis peduncularis H.B.K. | Trebol | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked with Sauco, lemon and bismocarbonato. | Diarrhea, Scurvy | Bejar288 |
PAPAVERACEAE | Argemone mexicana L. | Cardo Santo, AnÃs | Whole plant, fresh | Oral in 1L tea. | Boil to extract the juice, take with sugar, 1 Tbsp | Sore eyes, Lungs, Fright / Susto, Stomach pain, Stomach inflammation | Bejar64, CORD67 |
PAPAVERACEAE | Papaver somniferum L. | Amapola Roja, Amapola Blanca | Flowers, fresh | Oral | 1 Tbsp of Flowers in 1L of Horchata. | Purify the blood, Vaginal discharge with blood, Menstrual regulation | CORD56. Bejar30, 32 |
PASSIFLORACEAE | Pasiflora ligularis Jus. | Grenadilla | Peel of Fruits, Leaves, fresh | Topical | Cooked, applied as poultice with agua florida. | Infections, Menstrual cramps | Bejar140 |
PIPERACEAE | Peperomia alata R.&P. | Congona Serrana | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Refrigerated, Take 1 spoon of refrigerated mixture in lukewarm water. for nerves taken together with "Pega Pega" (Fuchsia loxensis). for Evil Wind and much sweating spray on body. It doesn't work as well as Congona. . | Evil wind / Mal viento, Heart, Nerves | CORD13 |
PIPERACEAE | Peperomia blanda (Jaq.) H.B.K. | Congona | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Refrigerated, Take 1 spoon of refrigerated mixture in lukewarm water. for nerves taken together with "Pega Pega" (Fuchsia loxensis). for Evil Wind and much sweating spray on body. | Evil wind / Mal viento, Heart, Nerves. It doesn't work as well as Congona | CORD12 |
PIPERACEAE | Peperomia congona Ruiz & Pav. | Congona | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked. | Nerves, Heart | Bejar86 |
PIPERACEAE | Piper aduncum L. | Cordoncillo, Matico | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | For the liver 3 Tbsp in 1L Horchata, drink with sugar, Grama Dulce, Caña agria and Cola de Caballo. for washing wounds. | Liver, Wounds | Bejar88, 192 CORD58 |
PIPERACEAE | Piper angustifolium L. | Cordoncillo, Matico | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | For the liver 3 Tbsp in 1L Horchata, drink with sugar, Grama Dulce, Caña agria and Cola de Caballo. for washing wounds. | Liver, Wounds | Bejar88, 192 CORD58 |
PLANTAGINACEAE | Plantago australis Lam. | Llantén | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked, taken with Huichinge, Cola de Caballo and Mortiño. | Liver, Kidneys | Bejar178 |
PLANTAGINACEAE | Plantago major L. | Llantén | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Horchata, 1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata. | Liver, Breast pain, AntiInflammatory | CORD64 |
POACEAE | Bromus pitensis Kunth. | Triguillo | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Cooked and rubbed externally. | Urinary infections, Woman problems | Bejar292 |
POACEAE | Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf. | Hierba Luisa, Paja Luisa | Leaves and Root, fresh | Oral | Use root for dysenteria and Leaves to make tea. | Dysenteria | CORD20 |
POACEAE | Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. | Grama Dulce | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked, taken with Toronjil, Caña Agria, Cadillo and sugar. | Kidneys | Bejar138 |
POACEAE | Holcus lanatus L. | Abrecaminos, Hierba del Perro | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked, with Malva Olorosa, Paico, Agua de Huayaddilla, and sugar. | Diarrhea occurring with a cold | Bejar154 |
POACEAE | Hordeum vulgare L. | Cebada | Seeds | Oral | 1. Seeds are cooked and pased through a strainer, taken in the afternoon. 2. Seeds (grains), no fever present toasted grains with Oregano and white onions in water. | 1. Tiredness 2. Diarrhea | Bejar68 |
POACEAE | Melinis minutiflora P.Beauv. | Yaragua | Whole plant, fresh | Oralen | Feed. | Good fodder for cows and guinea pigs, etc. | CORD27 |
POLEMONIACEAE | Cantua quercifolia Jus. | Pepiso | Leaves, fresh | Topical | Parboiled, as bath or rubbing. | Rheumatism | Bejar238 |
POLYGONACEAE | Polygonum hydropiperoides Michaux | Soliman, Solimancillo | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Put some plants in 2L boiling water and sometimes add Matico and Geranio. | Pimple, Wash wounds of livestock | CORD63 |
POLYPODIACEAE | Polypodium spp. | Calahuala | Root, fresh | Oral | Cooked, taken with Honey, Grama Dulce and . | Kidneys | Bejar52 |
PORTULACACEAE | Portulaca oleracea L. subsp. tuberculata Danin & H.G. Baker | Cutuyuyo, Verdalonga | Whole plant, fresh | Topical, Oral | Crushed and boiled, eaten fresh with salsa and oil or rice. | Fever, Liver | Bejar94, 300 |
PROTEACEAE | Oreocallis grandiflora (Lam.) R.Br. | Boldo | Flowers, Leaves, fresh | Oral | Horchata, take 1 Tbsp of Flowers and Leaves an put in 1L of boiling water. | Liver, Dizziness, Cirrhosis, Wash the blood | CORD3 |
PROTEACEAE | Roupala loxensis I.M. Johnst. | Tarro Serrano | Whole plant, fresh | Dye yarn brown, Flavor Orals | CORD85 | ||
PUNICACEAE | Punica granatum L. | Granada | Leaves, fresh | Oral | 2 Tbsp in 1L of boiling water. | Dysenteria, Diarrhea with blood | CORD55 |
ROSACEAE | Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. | Nispero | Leaves, fresh | Oral | Boiled. | Liver, Reduce Cholesterol, Diabetes | Bejar208 |
ROSACEAE | Sanguisorba officinalis L. | Pimpinella de Bejuco | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Rubbed exterenally. | Bad Air / Mal Aire | Bejar244 |
RUBIACEAE | Cinchona officinalis L. | Cascarilla | Bark, dried | Oral | Boil 1/2 Tsp in 1L water. in Aguardiente 1 Tbsp for 1/2l . | Freight/ Susto, Fever, Bone pain, Malaria, Malaria Tertiana, Weight loss, Flu or colds | CORD6, Bejar66 |
RUTACEAE | Citrus aurantium L. | Naranja Agria | Fruits, Peel, fresh | Oral | Juice of two Fruits with Guayusa as vitamin supplement for breakfast, Peel burned as incense in ceremonies. | Scurvy, Stomach ache, High blood pressure, Deodorant, Bad Air / Mal Aire | Bejar206 |
RUTACEAE | Ruta graveolens L. | Ruda | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Used as poultice under arms, heated naturally. for baths and frotations: 2 Tbsp in 1/2L of Aguardiente, 1/2 Tbsp in 1/2L of water. | Sore eyes, Bad humor, Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, Cleansing/ Limpiar | Bejar256, CORD25 |
SALICACEAE | Salix humboldtiana Willd. | Sauce | Leaves, fresh | Oral | 1. Boiled with Aguardiente 2. Chewed | 1. Fever 2. Infections | Bejar268 |
SAPINDACEAE | Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. | Chamana | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Macerated in Aguardiente, 3 times per week, every other day. | Arthritis, Bones, Cold, Muscle pain, Bone pain, Rheumatism | Bejar72, 96 |
SCROPHULARIACEAE | Scoparia dulcis L. | Tiatina | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Wash affected area and apply as a poultice. | Bruises caused by physical blows to the body | Bejar284 |
SELAGINELLACEAE | Selaginella arthritica Alston | Doradilla, Trensita, Trensilla | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked, taken with sugar, Chuquiragua, Verbena, Canchalagua. | Bones, sore bones | Bejar126 |
SOLANACEAE | Acnistus arborescens (L.) Schltdl. | Pico Pico | Leaves, fresh | Oral | Boil, give a large glass with Mosquera, Chirimoya and a lot of sugar. if patient doesn't vomit, give him another glass. | Stomach, Vomiting, Purgative, Stomach swelling | Bejar242 |
SOLANACEAE | Brugmansia candida Persoon | Floripondio, Guando | Leaves, Flowers, fresh | Oral | Freight / Susto | CORD90 | |
SOLANACEAE | Cestrum auriculatum L'Herit | Sauco Comun | Whole plant, fresh | Oral, Topical | Cook and mixed with Trebol, lemon and bismocarboanate, drink or rub externally. | Diarrhea, Scurvy | Bejar270 |
SOLANACEAE | Cestrum sp. | Sauco Verde | Leaves, fresh | Topical forehead | Put the juice of the leaves in water, put on | Against heat/fever | CORD68 |
SOLANACEAE | Datura ferox L. | Chamico | Leaves, fresh | Topical | Remove leaves and then rub affected area with them. | Asthma, Rheumatism | Bejar98 |
SOLANACEAE | Iochroma loxense (Kunth.) Miers. | Marapico | Whole plant, fresh | 1. Topical, 2.,3.Oral | 1. Applied as ointment, 2. Flowers boiled with Flor de Christo, Clavel, Pega Paga 3. Crushed and boiled with Pega de Algodon, steer haunch and Zapallo Serrano. | 1. Toothache. 2. Nerves 3. Tumors | Bejar188 |
SOLANACEAE | Nicotiana tabacum L. | Tabaco | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Rub externally. | Parasites, Fungicide, Insecticide | Bejar282 |
SOLANACEAE | Solanum americanum Mill. | Mortiño, Hierba Mora, Yerba Mora | Whole plant, fresh | 1. Oral, 2. Topical | 1. 1 Tbsp in 1L boiling water 2. Crush Leaves and apply on skin. | 1. Fatigue of drunkards, Nausea 2. Sorcery | CORD49, Bejar158 |
SOLANACEAE | Solanum albidum Dunal | Tululuche | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Rub externally. | Rheumatism | Bejar294 |
SOLANACEAE | Solanum nigrum L. | Mortiño | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked, taken with aspirin and sugar. | Kidneys, Hangover fever, Vomiting, Shame | Bejar202 |
SOLANACEAE | Streptosolen jamesonii (Benth.) Miers | Arco Iris, Flor de Quinde | Whole plant, fresh | 1. Topical 2. Oral | Poleo de Gentil, 7 Espiritús, and Timolina. | 1. Fright (Children)/ Espanto, Yellow fever 2. Heart attack, Epilepsia | Bejar38, CORD66 |
TILIACEAE | Triumfetta mollissima Lam. | Cadillo | Whole plant, fresh or dried | Oral | Crushed and cooked for Horchata, 3 Tbsp in 1L Horchata. with sugar, phospherous tablets (Aspirin), Caña Agria, Cola de Caballo, Trensilla and Culantrillo. | Kidneys, Inflammation | CORD48, Bejar50 |
URTICACEAE | Parietaria debilis G. Forst. | Palitalia | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Crushed and boiled with Aguardiente, salt and Naranja Agria, taken for nine days. | Internal bleeding caused by a blow | Bejar224 |
URTICACEAE | Pilea microphylla (L.) Lieberman | Preñadilla | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cook, mix with Simayuca, Guayusa, Aromatic Eucalyptus, and Sugar, take once daily for one month. | Fertility, Diuretic, Lungs, Venereal diseases | Bejar252 |
URTICACEAE | Urtica dioica L. | Ortiga Negra | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Rubbed externally: affected area should be rubbed with alcohol or iodine afterwards. | Muscle pain | Bejar218 |
URTICACEAE | Urtica magellanica Juss. ex Poir. | Ortiga Blanca | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Rubbed externally: affected area should be rubbed with alcohol or iodine afterwards. | Muscle pain | Bejar212 |
URTICACEAE | Urtica urens L. | Chige, Ortiga | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Cooked. | Neurological pain, Purify the blood | CORD11, Bejar50 |
URTICACEAE | Urera baccifera (L.) Gaudich ex Wedd. | Ortiga de Caballo | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Rubbed externally: affected area should be rubbed with alcohol or iodine afterwards. | Muscle pain | Bejar214 |
URTICACEAE | Urera spp. | Ortiga de Leones del Oriente | Whole plant, fresh | Topical | Rubbed externally: affected area should be rubbed with alcohol or iodine afterwards. | Muscle pain | Bejar216 |
VALERIANACEAE | Valeriana convallarioides (Schmale) B.B. Larsen | Valeriana Grande, Lirio | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 1 Tbsp in 1L boiling water. | Yellow Fever | CORD54 |
VALERIANACEAE | Valeriana decussata Ruiz & Pav. | Valeriana | Bark and Root, fresh | Oral | Soaked in Aguardiente with sugar, Toronjil, and Congona. | Heart, Nervous system, Nerves | Bejar298 |
VALERIANACEAE | Valeriana microphylla H.B.K. | Valeriana Grande Rosada | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 2 Tbssp in 1L boiling water or Aguardiente. | Bone pain, Cramps, Evil Air / Mal Aire, Kidney | CORD73 |
VALERIANACEAE | Valeriana plantaginea H.B.K. | Valeriana, Lirio pequeño | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 2 Tbssp in 1L boiling water or Aguardiente. | Bone pain, Cramps, Evil Air / Mal Aire, Kidney | CORD74 |
VALERIANACEAE | Valeriana sp. | Violeta Serrana | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | 1 Tbsp in 1L Horchata. | Cough | CORD40 |
VERBENACEAE | Lantana communis L. | San Agustin Lluyo | Root, fresh | Oral | Boiled, take with sugar and Buenas Tardes. | Purgative | Bejar260 |
ZINGIBERACEAE | Costus glabratus S.W. | Caña Agria | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Boiled with Cola de Caballo, Llanten, Matico Culantrillo and Cadillo. | Kidneys, Diabetes | Bejar58 |
INDET. | Hierba de Venado | Whole plant, fresh | Oral | Timolina. | White and yellow vaginal discharge, Inflammation | CORD35 |
Traditional medicinal plant use in Loja province, Southern Ecuador by Rainer W Bussmann, Douglas Sharon. Published: 10 October 2006. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2006, 2:44 doi:10.1186/1746-4269-2-44
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