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Health & Wellness

Hyssopus Officinalis

Hyssopus Officinalis is Effective In Vitro Replication of Herpes Simplex Virus

Research shows that methanolic extract of the leaves of Hyssopus officinalis has exhibited remarkable activity against what they are calling ‘both wild type and resistant strains of HSV’, in vitro. The extract, also, significantly inhibited plaque formation of both of… Read More »Hyssopus Officinalis is Effective In Vitro Replication of Herpes Simplex Virus

Cortinarius caperatus - Gypsy mushroom

“Gypsy” Mushrooms Found to have Antiviral Properties (Including Herpes Simplex 1 and 2)

University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School researchers reported that the mushroom, Rozites caperata, otherwise known as “gypsy”, may provide protection against herpes, influenza A, and other viruses. In vitro test, the mushroom prevented herpes simplex 1 and 2 from growing and… Read More »“Gypsy” Mushrooms Found to have Antiviral Properties (Including Herpes Simplex 1 and 2)