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Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Mental and Neurological Disorders in Ghana

Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Mental and Neurological Disorders in Ghana

Mental health conditions and neurological disorders are conditions that affect thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and relationships. These include disorders that cause a high burden of dis-ease such as depression, bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, dementia, substance use disorders, and a… Read More »Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Mental and Neurological Disorders in Ghana

Cerasee Bitter melon (Momordica charantia)


Scientific Name: Momordica charantia L. (Momordica balsamina) Other Names: FG Creole: Sorossi; Guyana: Baan-caryla, Carailli, Caryla, Coraila, Wild Caryla; Surinam Creole: Boes-sopropo, Sopropo, Wilde sopropo; Surinam Javan: Pare; Guyana Patamona: Carilla bush. Constituent: Contains anti-leukemic, estrogenic and hypoglycemic substances. Seed… Read More »Cerasee

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