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Hyssopus Officinalis is Effective In Vitro Replication of Herpes Simplex Virus

Hyssopus Officinalis

Research shows that methanolic extract of the leaves of Hyssopus officinalis has exhibited remarkable activity against what they are calling ‘both wild type and resistant strains of HSV’, in vitro. The extract, also, significantly inhibited plaque formation of both of the two strains of HSV-1 in Vero E6 cells with minimal cell cytotoxicity (CC50 = 960 μg/ml). An oral dose of the extract (125 mg/kg) significantly delayed the onset of HSV-1 infection by over 50%. It also increased the mean survival time of infected mice by 55-65% compared to the non-treated mice (p<0.05). The mortality rate for mice treated with the extract was also significantly reduced by 90% in comparison with the non-treated mice that exhibited 100% mortality (Behbahani, 2009).1.

Hyssop Preparations:2

Average dose: 2-4 grams. Thrice daily.

Tea: 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water: infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup freely in acute conditions.

Liquid Extract: 30-60 drops, in water.

Tincture: BHP (1983) 1:5 in 45 per cent alcohol; dose 2-4ml.

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1. Behbahani M. Anti-viral activity of the methanolic leaf extract of an Iranian medicinal plant “Hyssopus officinalis” against herpes simplex virus. J Med Plant Res. 2009;3:1118–1125.
2. Thomas Bartram. Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine.

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