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Coronavirus – Natural Remedies


Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

The Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a new respiratory illness that has not previously been seen in humans. At the time of publishing this article it has been reported that more than 9,000 people in China have been infected and 213 have died. There have also been reported cases in some countries including Taiwan, Germany, Vietnam, Japan, France, United States of America and United Kingdom.

What is the coronavirus

Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that are said to be caused by mammals and birds. In humans, the viruses cause respiratory infections which include the common cold but can also cause rarer, more lethal forms such as SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome).

How are these viruses contracted

Many people are wondering what is the origin of this virus, some say it was from bat meat eaten by Chinese; but even if that was the case, Chinese have been eating bat meat for a long time, this is not something new, so why would a virus suddenly appear? There have also been previous suggestions that the coronavirus may have spread by snakes, but that study has been criticised as unclear as there was no definitive evidence to suggests that snakes could be carriers of the virus.

The first cases of the coronavirus is said to have originated from people who were at the Huanan seafood market in China. However, despite this assertion there were no bats reportedly sold at the market at that time; as such, it has been suggested that another yet-to-be-identified animal must have acted as a steppingstone or intermediary for transmitting the virus to humans.

Symptoms of coronavirus

Symptoms usually identified with the coronavirus include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Tiredness
  • Fever/a high temperature
  • A cough

How is coronavirus spread between people?

Coronavius is regarded as a new illness and as such there are no clear specific information regarding the spread of the virus. However, ‘similar viruses are spread by cough droplets’.

Preventative measures for coronavirus

Below are a list of preventative measures for dealing with the coronavirus, some of which have been highlighted by the World Health Organisation (W.H.O):

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water. If hands are dirty and you’re unable to wash them use hand santisers. Hands must be washed before eating, after using the toilet, handling animals, animal waste or raw meat, and after caring for sick people.
  • Avoid consumption of undercooked or raw meat of any kind. If you are eating meat it must be thoroughly cooked before consumed and in an hygienic environment by clean hands.
  • Avoid consumption of raw milk.
  • Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze, especially in the presence of others.
  • Do not keep tissue that you cough or sneeze in, throw in a bin.
  • Avoid contact with anyone who has a cough or is dealing with a fever.
  • Avoid unprotected contact with animals in affected areas.
  • Avoid surfaces in infected areas especially where there are live animals.
  • Avoid contact with others if you are experiencing symptoms, especially if you have recently travelled to or live in the affected areas.
  • Do not chop raw meat on the same board as other foods such as fruits and vegetables unless it has been thoroughly washed, however it is better to use separate boards.
  • If you work in wet markets in China or similar affected areas, then wash clothes daily and do not take them home.
  • Avoid spitting in public.

Coronavirus and pets

Currently there is no evidence that domestic animals or pets such as cats or dogs can be infected with the new coronavirus.

Treatment for Coronavirus

The treatment generally offered for the coronavirus is to help relieve symptoms since the medical establishment have not offered specific remedies.

Video: Antiviral herbs

Dietary Recommendations

These are some dietary recommendations that generally help when we are addressing viral problems.

  • Drink plenty of fluids (water, green juice, and herbal tea).
  • Drink Elderberry juice which has antiviral activity.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables especially berries, citruses, onions, and ginger as they provide important nutrients and compounds that support immune function.

Foods to avoid

Foods to avoid include alcohol, dairy, salt, sugar and highly processed foods.

Herbs for the coronavirus

Though this is a newly labelled virus; we know that there are a number of medicinal herbs that are shown to have anti-viral viral properties. Given the information known about this virus and the associated cold and flu like symptoms, some herbs, both traditionally used or which are supported by research that are shown to be effective against influenza type viruses include:

  • Elderberry (juice)
  • Oregano (oil, leaves)
  • Mullein (herb)
  • Lobelia (herb)
  • Thyme (herb)
  • Sage (herb)
  • Lemon Balm (herb)

Please also see a list of Herbs for the lungs and respiratory system .

Infusion of Asthma Weed

This is a simple formula that aids the respiratory system since the coronavirus affects this system.

1⁄2 ounce Asthma Weed (cut)
1 pint distilled water

Bring water to boil and pour over the Herbs. Cover and allow to steep for 3 minutes. Cool and strain. Bottle, and keep in a cold place.

1 tablespoonful every 4 hours. Children, in proportion to age.

To break a fever

In the case of a fever some herbs may help.

Blue Vervain: Blue Vervain is a powerful sudorific; taken in warm infusion it will produce profuse perspiration and efficiently break a fever.
Yarrow: Place a handful of yarrows in a jug, pour a pint of boiling water over it, and allow it to stand a few minutes, drink it as warm as possible. The result was a free perspiration.
Peruvian Bark: Effective for fevers; boil to make tea or tonic.

Research paper on antiviral herbs
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It is important that you remain calm, follow preventative suggestions, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and hydrate yourself. Keep abreast of coronavirus updates.

Elementary Treatise in Herbology by Dr Edward Shook
World Health Organisation –

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