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Damiana herb

Unlocking 7 Benefits of Damiana: Nature’s Herbal Remedy (Aphrodisiac and Mood Enhancer)

Damiana (Turnera diffusa) is a remarkable shrub native to Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. This plant has been treasured for centuries for its diverse therapeutic properties, making it a go-to remedy in traditional medicine. Let’s explore some of the… Read More »Unlocking 7 Benefits of Damiana: Nature’s Herbal Remedy (Aphrodisiac and Mood Enhancer)

Acanthus montanus (Mountain thistle)

Traditional Plants Used for Medicinal Purposes in Güroymak (Bitlis/Turkey) District

This study, conducted in 2020-2021 in Güroymak (Bitlis), is the first to document the traditional medicinal plant usage in the district. Researchers interviewed 120 participants from 29 villages with strong ethnobotanical knowledge. They identified 60 plant taxa from 26 families… Read More »Traditional Plants Used for Medicinal Purposes in Güroymak (Bitlis/Turkey) District



Scientific name: Azadirachta indica Other names: Margosa tree, Indian lilac, Nimtree Family: Meliaceae Habitat: Neem is said to be native to the Indian subcontinent, specifically India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. It is also cultivated in many tropical and… Read More »Neem


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