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Julian Gooden

The Circadian Rhythm

The Circadian Rhythm

The circadian rhythm is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and various other physiological and behavioural processes in living organisms, including humans. The term “circadian” comes from the Latin words “circa” (meaning “around”) and “diem” (meaning “day”),… Read More »The Circadian Rhythm


Fake Honey is Everywhere: The Growing Concern of Honey Adulteration & 8 Ways Fake Honey is Presented

Honey, a beloved and versatile natural sweetener, has become the target of widespread fraud in recent years. The global honey industry is grappling with the issue of fake honey infiltrating store shelves, posing risks to consumers and threatening the livelihoods… Read More »Fake Honey is Everywhere: The Growing Concern of Honey Adulteration & 8 Ways Fake Honey is Presented


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