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Medicinal Plants Used in Traditional Treatment of Malaria in Cameroon

Acacia nilotica

This is from a research paper from the Cameroon looking at local herbs used for as malaria remedy.

Researchers: Focho, D. A.1, Ndam, W. T.1 and Fonge, B. A.2
1. Department of Plant Biology, University of Dschang, P. O. Box 67, Dschang, Cameroon.
2. Department of Plant and Animal Sciences, University of Buea, Cameroon

Abstract: Ethnobotanical investigations were conducted in Aguambu – Bamumbu Village in Wabane Subdivision (Lebialem Division), Southwest Province of Cameroon to identify the different medicinal plants used in the traditional pharmacopoeia for the treatment of diseases affecting the human body. Ethnobotanical information was collected through questionnaires and personal interviews during field trips. A total of 248 respondents were interviewed and 133 medicinal plants belonging to 59 families identified and documented. Among these plants, 55 were used to treat ailments of the digestive system, 49 for ailments of the urinary – genital system, 25 for ailments of the nervous system, 11 for ailments of the respiratory system and 3 for ailments of the cardiovascular system. The modes of herbal drugs preparation were concoctions, decoctions, macerations and infusions. The most frequently used plant parts were the leaves.

Documentation of Ethnomedicines, Treatment and Plant Uses by the Aguambu and Bamumbu People

Family namesScientifics namesFrench vernacularLocal namesFrequency of Respondents (%)Parts users
CaesalpiniaceaeTamarindus indicaTamarinierDjabbé (fulfulde )81Fruits and leaves
CaesalpiniaceaeCassia occidentalisFaux kinkékibaKaccu -kaccunga (fulfulde )62Leaves
CaesalpiniaceaeSenna toraTasba (fulfulde )4Seeds
CaesalpiniaceaeCassia italicaWabderehi (fulfulde )2Leaves
CaesalpiniaceaePiliostigma thonningiiBarkedji (ful )2Barks
PoaceaeCymbopogon citratusCitronelleTii (fulfulde )16Leaves
PoaceaePennisetum glaucumMilGawri (fulfulde )6Roots and seeds
PoaceaeZea maysMaisMasardji (fulfulde )4Flowers
PoaceaeSorghum bicolorSorghoMuskuwari (fulfulde )2Roots
MusaceaeMusa sinensisBananierBanan (fulfulde )14Leaves and roots
MimosaceaeAcacia niloticaGonakiéGabdé (fulfulde )12Barks and seeds
MimosaceaeAcacia albidaTsaski (fulfulde )4Barks
MimosaceaeParkia biglobosaNéréNaredje (fulfulde )2Roots
LiliaceaeAllium cepaOignonTigneree (fulfulde )16Bulb
LiliaceaeAloe veraAloes verra2Leaves
LiliaceaeAllium sativumAilAngalajé (fulfulde )2Bulb
AsteraceaeChrysanthellum americanumGuité pola (fulfulde )6Whole plant
AsteraceaeVernonia amygdalinaNdoléChouwaka (haoussa )6Leaves
AsteraceaeAcanthospermum hispidumMazaivri (guiziga )2Roots and leaves
FabaceaeArachis hypogeaArachideBiriji (fulfulde )2Seeds
FabaceaeVoandzei subterraneaPois de terreGaladji (fulfulde )2Seeds
FabaceaePterocarpus erinaceusBanohi (fulfulde )2Roots
AnacardiaceaeMangifera indicaManguierMongoro (fulfulde )58Leaves and barks
AnacardiaceaeSclerocarya birreaEedi (fulfulde )2Barks
AnacardiaceaeHaemastotaphis barteriTursujee (ful )6Ripe fruits
MeliaceaeAzadirachta indicaNeemGagné (fulfulde )104Fruits ,leaves and barks
MeliaceaeKhaya senegalensisCaïlcedratDalehi (fulfulde )26Leaves ,fruits and root
Rutaceae MyrtaceaeCitrus limonumCitronierLemou (fulfulde )80Fruits and leaves
Rutaceae MyrtaceaePsidium guajavaGoyavierGoyof (fulfulde )65Leaves and barks
MoraceaeFicus politaLitahi (fulfulde )8Leaves and barks
MoraceaeFicus platyphyllaDundehi (fulfulde )4Leaves and barks
MalvaceaeHibiscus cannabinusGabbaydji (ful )4Leaves
MalvaceaeHibiscus sabdariffaFolere (fulfulde )2Flowers
LamiaceaeOcimum basilicumBasilicJambal johi (fulfulde )2Leaves
LamiaceaeHyptis spicigeraFenfouré (toupouri )2Whole plant
CaricaceaeCarica papayaPapayerDukudjee (fulfulde )80Leaves ,fruits and roots
MyrtaceaeEucalyptus sp .Gommier42Leaves and barks
BurseraceaeBoswellia dalzieliiAndakedje (fulfulde )14Barks
SolanaceaeCapsicum frutescensPetit pimentTchitta (fulfulde )10Fruits
BromeliaceaeAnanas comosusAnanas6Barks
AnnonaceaeAnnona senegalensisPapayer de brousseDukuhi Laddee (fulfulde )6Leaves
PolygalaceaeSecurida longepedonculataAlali (fulfulde )6Roots
AsclepiadaceaeLeptadenia hastataZaraji (fulfulde )6Roots
LauraceaePersea americanaAvocatier4Leaves
BalanitaceaeBalanites aegyptiacaSavonnierTanni (fulfulde )4Barks
TiliaceaeCorchorus olitoriusLalo (fulfulde )2Seeds
ThymelaeaceaeGnidia kraussianaMadam mada (fulfulde )2Leaves
RhamnaceaeZiziphus mauritianaJujubierLivi (daba )2Roots
CombretaceaeAnogeissus leiocarpusZignet (mousgousm )2Leaves and barks

View the full paper below:

Focho et al - Medicinal Plants Used in Traditional Treatment of Malaria in Cameroon

Source: African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Vol. 3(1). pp. 001-013, January, 2009. Available online ISSN 1996-0816 © 2008 Academic Journals

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