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Natural Herbal Remedies for Candida


Natural Herbal Remedies for Candida

Candida, (Candida albicans) is a fungal infection. Candida species can infect the mouth, skin and mucus membranes.

Symptoms: Vulva itching, soreness, white discharge of watery to cheesy consistency. Urination painful, recurring cystitis, irritability, premenstrual and menstrual problems, anxiety, heartburn, and dyspepsia.

Below are some natural herbal remedies for candida and also dietary requirements.

Dr. Sebi’s Uterine Wash & Oil

Red Clover

* The content of the oil is not stated.

Oil suggestions: If you aim to make your own, an oil suggestion is coconut oil. Coconut’s anti-parasitic properties help purge pathogenic organisms by robbing them of their protective coating. A natural anti-yeast treatment, coconut oil has been known for many centuries to prevent yeast infections in women in the Pacific islands. During scientific tests, both capric and lauric acid (found in coconut oil in very large amounts) were found to be absolutely lethal to all major strains of Candida albicans. (Mortiz, p. 382)

Tea tree, Rosemary, Oregano oils are also effective. These oils may also be added to herbal infusions and decoctions for douches.

Dr. Morse’s Heal All Tea

White Oak Bark
Plantain Leaf
Black Walnut Hull
Chaparral Herb
Burdock Root
Marshmallow Root
Comfrey Root & Leaf
Heal All Herb

Caution during pregnancy, especially early pregnancy (first 5 months).

Take internally as tea and topically use to douche.

Pericarpium Granati

Pericarpium Granati consists of the dried pericarp of Punica granatum L. (Lythraceae). Exhibited antimicrobial, antiparasitic and antiviral activity. An aqueous, butanol, or 95% ethanol extract of the crude drug had in vitro activity against Proteus mirabilis, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans at a concentration of 60.0 μg/ml. (WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants 2009 VOLUME 4 pg.121)

Sweet Water Lily (Nymphaea odorata)

Astringent, demulcent, anodyne, antiscrofulous and vulnerary.

Infusion of water lily root
1 oz. water lily root (cut)
11⁄4 pints distilled water

Boil the water and pour over the root; cover and keep in a hot place for 30 minutes. Stir occasionally. Strain.

DOSE: 2 to 4 tablespoonfuls 3 or 4 times between meals.

Willow Herb (Epilobium species)

Tincture and the liquid extract showed anti-microbial effect against Candida albicans, Staphylococcus albus and Staphylococcus aureus. (PDR pg. 818)

Bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica) and Oregon Grape Root (Mahonia aquifolium)

Bayberry is reputed to positively influence the uterus and all the female functions. Bayberry and Oregon Grape Root contain berberine which is lethal to candida. A douche with these will help control candida and vaginal discharge.

Common Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) and Henna (Lawsonia inermis)

Extracts from P. oleracea and L. inermis successfully inhibited the action, growth, and development of C. albicans. In a test, the extracts from the two herbs also killed the bacteria and showed no signs of cytotoxicity. The researchers concluded that extracts from, P. oleracea and L. inermis had potent anti-Candida and antibacterial properties and that they were safe for human use. (nih .gov)

Other Herbal Remedies & Dosages

Teas: Agnus Castus, Balm, Barberry bark, Chamomile, Guaco, La Pacho (Pau d’arco), Oak Bark, Plantain, Red Raspberry, Sage, Thyme.

Tablets/capsules: Agnus Castus, Pulsatilla, Poke root, Thuja, La Pacho.

Tincture: Thuja. 15-30 drops in water, once daily.

Topical: Douche with Dr. Sebi’s Uterine Wash, Heal All tea or individual or combinations of herbs noted above.

1-2 drops Eucalyptus oil well-shaken in 4oz (120ml) Distilled Extract Witch Hazel. Reputed to kill colonies of candida albicans and allay irritation.

La Pacho (Pau d’arco): Decoction. 15-20g bark to 500ml (1 pint) water, gently simmered 20 minutes. 1 cup thrice daily.

For acute discomfort, itching, inflammation: Combine in equal parts Chamomile, Marshmallow and Ladies Mantle. Use 1oz to 2 pints boiling water; infuse, inject (vaginal) warm.

Avoid surgical spirit antiseptics. A smear of Olive oil allay irritation.

Lifestyle and Habits

Frequent washing, hot baths and use of soap at first soothe, but later exacerbate. Use water only. When washing, wipe from front to back to avoid spreading spores from bowel.

No smoking.


Gluten-free, low fat, high fibre.

“If you are infected with Candida (yeast), you can starve them by depriving them of the toxins and foods that cause them to multiply. As long as the liver has gallstones, re-infection is almost guaranteed. A series of liver cleanses that releases all stones is one of the most thorough ways to deal with them. Fasting with only water for 3-5 days has also been shown to pacify Candida overgrowth. Once the food source (toxic waste) is reduced, the yeast bacteria will soon begin to withdraw to their original sites and diminish.” (Mortiz, p. 382)

Accept: Berries, grapes and especially high water content fruits. A large mixed salad once daily. Cooked vegetables, Vitamin A foods. Replace salt with Kelp powders. Replace alcohol with fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Reject: Dairy products (butter, cheese, milk). Brewer’s yeast. Foods and drinks with which yeast has been associated: bread, beer, homemade wines. Dried fruit, mushrooms, monosodium glutamate, pickles and preserves, smoked fish and meats, allergic foods, sugar, syrup, sweeteners, chocolate, puddings, pastry, white flour products. Avoid all sweeteners except stevia.

Why Anti-biotics Do Not Work

“One of the most common side effects of using antibiotics against infection is the overgrowth of Candida albicans—a natural and even necessary yeast inhabitant of our gut. A popular misconception is that Candida albicans is a prime enemy of the body and therefore should be eradicated by all means. But nothing could be further from the truth. Candida albicans is one of the essential microorganisms in the body that are termed “saprophytic,” meaning they decompose dead, potentially toxic tissue. Candida only proliferates to help the body prevent a major toxicity crisis. Candida albicans is not out to harm the body. Candida overgrowth problems tend to gradually lessen as the body detoxifies itself. Candida albicans also helps to break down sugar. When carbohydrate digestion is incomplete or impaired, you can expect a drastic increase of these microbes. Under normal circumstances, Candida bacteria, which reside in most mucus membranes, are kept in check by beneficial, so-called “probiotic” bacteria, such as lactobacillus acidophilus and bifido. We have many of these beneficial bacteria in our body, and one third of our eliminated fecal matter consists of these tiny helpers. We actually could not survive without them. When excessive amounts of undigested carbohydrates (sugars), harmful waste matter and damaged or dead cells are present in the gut, the need for the destructive type of bacteria (versus probiotic bacteria) increases. Hence, the proliferation of Candida.” (Mortiz, p.381)

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Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation by Andreas Mortiz
PDR for Herbal Medicines (2000). Published by Medical Economics Company, Inc.
WHO Monographs on selected Medicinal Plants VOLUME 4 (2009)
Uterine Wash & Oil

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