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Balm of Gilead (Commiphora gileadensis)

balm of gilead

Latin Name: Commiphora gileadensis.

Other Names: Balsam, Judaean Balsam, Balm of Mecca

Families: Commiphora

Habitat: India, W. Pakistan, Arabia, Tropical and Southern Africa.

Parts Used: Leaf bud, resin


The gum resin obtained from the stem is astringent, demulcent, diaphoretic, stomachic and vulnerary. It is used in the treatment of discharges from the genito-urinary organs. The gum is applied externally to cleanse and heal wounds, bad ulcers, sores etc. The fruit is carminative, expectorant and stimulant. The essential oil contains a bitter substance. [1]

Of the Balm of Gilead Dr. Sebi said: ‘It is one of the best herbs in the world.’

Dosage: To be added.

Biblical Balm of Gilead and tumour cells
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Medicinal properties of Commiphora gileadensis
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Other herbs called Balm of Gilead

1. Another plant that carries the name Balm Of Gilead, Populus Balsamifera, Populus spp..
2. Another plant that carries the name Balm Of Gilead is Abies balsmea or Balsam Fir, the oil is used to make cough syrups.
3. Another plant that carries the name Balm Of Gilead is Cedronella canariensis, which is used to help to relieve the stuffiness.


[1] Tropical Plants Database, Ken Fern. 2019-01-09.

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